x86 Flashcards
The Accumulator Register - It’s called the accumulator register because it’s the primary register used for common calculations (such as ADD and SUB). While other registers can be used for calculations, EAX has been given preferential status by assigning it more efficient, one-byte opcodes. Such efficiency can be important when it comes to writing exploit shellcode for a limited available buffer space (more on that in future tutorials!). In addition to its use in calculations, EAX is also used to store the return value of a function.
This general purpose register can be referenced in whole or in part as follows: EAX refers to the 32-bit register in its entirety. AX refers to the least significant 16 bits which can be further broken down into AH (the 8 most significant bits of AX) and AL (the 8 least significant bits).
The Base Register - In 32-bit architecture, EBX doesn’t really have a special purpose so just think of it as a catch-all for available storage. Like EAX, it can be referenced in whole (EBX) or in part (BX, BH, BL).
The Counter Register - As its name implies, the counter (or count) register is frequently used as a loop and function repetition counter, though it can also be used to store any data. Like EAX, it can be referenced in whole (ECX) or in part (CX, CH, CL).
The Data Register - EDX is kind of like a partner register to EAX. It’s often used in mathematical operations like division and multiplication to deal with overflow where the most significant bits would be stored in EDX and the least significant in EAX. It is also commonly used for storing function variables. Like EAX, it can be referenced in whole (EDX) or in part (DX, DH, DL).
The Source Index - The counterpart to EDI, ESI is often used to store the pointer to a read location. For example, if a function is designed to read a string, ESI would hold the pointer to the location of that string.
The Destination Index - Though it can be (and is) used for general data storage, EDI was primarily designed to store the storage pointers of functions, such as the write address of a string operation.
The Base Pointer - EBP is used to keep track of the base/bottom of the stack. It is often used to reference variables located on the stack by using an offset to the current value of EBP, though if parameters are only referenced by register, you may choose to use EBP for general use purposes.
The Stack Pointer - ESP is used to track the top of the stack. As items are moved to and from the stack ESP increments/decrements accordingly. Of all of the general purpose registers, ESP is rarely/never used for anything other than it’s intended purpose.
Not a general purpose register, but fitting to cover here, EIP points to the memory address of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU. As you’ll see in the coming tutorials, control the value of EIP and you can control the execution flow of the application (to execute code of your choosing).
x86 Intel Syntax
ADD/SUB op1, op2
add or subtract two operands, storing the result in the first operand. These can be registers, memory locations (limit of one) or constants. For example, ADD EAX, 10 means add 10 to the value of EAX and store the result in EAX
Performing an ‘exclusive or’ of a register with itself sets its value to zero; an easy way of clearing the contents of a register
increment or decrement the value of the operand by one
CMP op1, op2
compare the value of two operands (register/memory address/constant) and set the appropriate EFLAGS value.
Jump (JMP) and conditional jump (je, jz, etc)
as the name implies these instructions allow you to jump to another location in the execution flow/instruction set. The JMP instruction simply jumps to a location whereas the conditional jumps (je, jz, etc) are taken only if certain criteria are met (using the EFLAGS register values mentioned earlier). For example, you might compare the values of two registers and jump to a location if they are both equal (uses je instruction and zero flag (zf) = 1).
Windows Memory Layout
0x00000000 - 0xFFFFFFFFF
Kernel Land
This portion of memory is reserved by the OS for device drivers, system cache, paged/non-paged pool, HAL, etc. There is no user access to this portion of memory. Note: for a thorough explanation of Windows memory management you should check out the Windows Internals books (currently two volumes).
When you run a program/application, an instance of that executable known as a process is run. Each process provides the resources necessary to run an instance of that program. Every Windows process has an executive process (EPROCESS) structure that contains process attributes and pointers to related data structures. While most of these EPROCESS structures reside in Kernel Land, the Process Environment Block (PEB) resides in user-accessible memory. The PEB contains various user-mode parameters about a running process. The PEB includes information such as the base address of the image (executable), the location of the heap, the loaded modules (DLLs), and Environment variables (Operating system, relevant paths, etc).
A program, or process, can have one or more threads which serve as the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time. Each process begins with a single thread (primary thread) but can create additional threads as needed. All of the threads share the same virtual address space and system resources allocated to the parent process. Each thread also has its own resources including exception handlers, priorities, local storage, etc. Just like each program/process has a PEB, each thread has a Thread Environment Block (TEB). The TEB stores context information for the image loader and various Windows DLLs, as well as the location for the exception handler list (which we’ll cover in detail in a later post). Like the PEB, the TEB resides in the process address space since user-mode components require writable access.
Windows programs take advantage of shared code libraries called Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) which allows for efficient code reuse and memory allocation. These DLLs (also known as modules or executable modules) occupy a portion of the memory space. As shown in the Memory Map screenshot, you can view them in Immunity in the Memory view (Alt+M) or if you want to only view the DLLs you can select the Executable Module view (Alt+E). There are OS/system modules (ntdll, user32, etc) as well as application-specific modules and the latter are often useful in crafting overflow exploits (covered in future posts).
Program Image
The Program Image portion of memory is where the executable resides. This includes the .text section (containing the executable code/CPU instructions) the .data section (containing the program’s global data) and the .rsrc section (contains non-executable resources, including icons, images, and strings).
The heap is the dynamically allocated (e.g. malloc( )) portion of memory a program uses to store global variables. Unlike the stack, heap memory allocation must be managed by the application. In other words, that memory will remain allocated until it is freed by the program or the program itself terminates. You can think of the heap as a shared pool of memory whereas the stack, which we’ll cover next, is more organized and compartmentalized. I won’t go too much deeper to the heap just yet but plan to cover it in a later post on heap overflows.
The Stack
Unlike the heap, where memory allocation for global variables is relative arbitrary and persistent, the stack is used to allocate short-term storage for local (function/method) variables in an ordered manner and that memory is subsequently freed at the termination of the given function. Recall how a given process can have multiple threads. Each thread/function is allocated its own stack frame. The size of that stack frame is fixed after creation and the stack frame is deleted at the conclusion of the function.