X-ray/LE/UE Flashcards
Distal Femur Fx
AP & Lateral views
exam: pain/swelling/deformity at distal thigh
posterior leg splint, non-weight bearing
Femoral shaft fx
AP & Lateral Views
fx begin 5cm distal to lesser trochanter and 6-8cm proximal to adductor tubercle
Mechanism: MVC or penetrating trauma, falls elderly, nonaccidental children
-immediate reduction, traction splint unless concurrent fx/dislocation of ipsilateral hip, knee, or ankle
Hip Dislocation Posterior
AP & lateral x-ray views, CT for occult fx
Displacement of femoral head from acetabulum
Simple: w/o associated proximal femur or acetabular fx
complex: with associated proximal femur or acetabular x
exam: leg held in AD-duction, IR
reduction w/in 6 hours and immobilization knee, protected weight bearing
Hip Dislocation Anterior
AP & lateral x-ray views, CT for occult fx
Displacement of femoral head from acetabulum
Simple: w/o associated proximal femur or acetabular fx
complex: with associated proximal femur or acetabular x
exam: leg held in AB-duction and ER
reduction w/in 6 hours and immobilization knee, protected weight bearing
Hip Fracture
AP view of hip/pelvis MRI occult fx (more sensitive than CT) -Any fx proximal within 5cm of lesser trochanter mechanism: fall or direct trauma -immobilization, non-weight bearing
Fibula Fx
AP & Lateral views of lower leg
Mechanism: direct trauma over lateral aspect of leg
Pain worsens with eversion
immobilization in posterior short leg splint (for comfort)
-weight bearing as tolerated with crutches
Collateral Ligmament Injury: MCL
AP and lateral views to evaluate bony injury
-MCL - valgus and external rotation stress to flexed knee
MCL: joint laxity without stress test
immobilization in knee immobilizer if significant ligamentous laxity
AP and lateral views to evaluate bony injury
-LCL - varus and internal rotation
LCL: joint laxity with varus stress test
immobilization in knee immobilizer if significant ligamentous laxity
Cruciate Ligament Injury
AP and Lateral views
ACL: positive anterior draw sign
PCL: positive posterior draw sign
knee immobilizer
Meniscus injury
AP and Lateral Views
injury medial/lateral meniscus
mechanism: rotational of flexed knee on planted foot
+ McMurrays, Apley’s compression/distraction test
knee immobilization
Patella Dislocation
AP and Lateral Views; consider sunrise view
displacment of patella from patellofemoral groove
-forceful contraction of quads with flexed and rotated knee or direct trauma to flexed knee
pain worse with knee movement, deformity
immobilization of knee or posterior leg spint
Patella Fracture
AP and lateral views; sunrise
Direct trauma to anterior kneee
hemarthrosis, palpable deformity, inability to straighten leg
immobilization of knee or posterior leg splint
Tibial Plateau Fx
AP and lateral views
CT for occult fx, especially if unexplained knee effusion
mechanism: valgus/varus forced combined with axial loading
associated injury of popliteal a, and ligaments (Lateral> medial) compartment syndrome
Pain worse with varus/valgus testing
-immobilization posterior leg splint, non-weight bearing
Anterior Ankle dislocation
AP, lateral, mortise view
foot dorsiflexe and displaced anteriorly
mechanical obstruction of dorsalis pedis artery
reduction and immobilization in posterior short leg with sitrrup splint, non-weight bearing
Lateral Ankle Dislocation
Foot displaced laterally
associated: malleolar (medial/and or lateral) and distal fibula fx, deltoid ligament injury
reduction and immobilization in posterior short leg with sitrrup splint, non-weight bearing