X-Ray Analysis Flashcards
4 films
base posterior
lines on lateral film
occipital condylar line
atlas plane line
listing line
atlas plane line on lateral film goes though
dot on thin part of posterior arch of atlas
dot on anterior tubercle - close to anterior arch
-draw line through these 2 dots
LL on lateral film
parallel to OCL down to dot on posterior arch
finding on lateral film
AS or AI
- measured by angle btwn APL and LL; if APL> LL than 4 degrees, AS
if APL > LL by MORE than 4 degrees
subtract 4 from measured angle
if APL > LL by LESS than 4 degrees
4- measured angle
add 4 degrees to measured angle
if APL and listing line are the same, it is
lines on nasium film
ocular orbital line
superior basic line
inferior basic line
vertical median line
superior basic line is drawn on nasium film by
- dot both medial-inferior tips of condyles
- parallel to OOL down to first condyle; draw line
inferior basic line on nasium view
line through the lateral inferior tips of atlas lateral mass
+ sign on nasium view
horizontal part- draw line btwn 2 condyle tips
set compass to width of condyle tips, draw arc above and below
vertical part- connect 2 arch
vertical median line on nasium view
perpendicular to OOL, draw line through center of + sign
finding on nasium view
atlas laterality
bigger # = side of anteriority
70% rule for nasium view
side of convergence btwn SBL and IBL is side of laterality
lines on base posterior
atlas plane line
perpendicular skull line
atlas plane line on base posterior
through traverse processes
perpendicular skull line on base posterior
- dot middle of nasal septum
- dot like points on ocular orbital; parallel down to basilar process and make 2 dots – draw horizontal line for + sign
- arch set to width of basilar process; make arch about and below
- draw line connecting arches for vertical line of + sign
finding on base posterior film
if angle > 90degrees, side of posterior rotation
if angle > 90 degrees, side of anterior rotation
lines on APOM
ocular orbital line
superior basic line
inferior basic line
vertical median line
superior basic line on APOM
dot on jugular process on both sides, draw line through these
(will NOT be perpendicular to OOL)
inferior basic line on APOM
dots on lateral-inferior tips of atlas lateral mass; draw line through
vertical median line
construct + sign using condylar tips
line perpendicular to OOL and straight line through center
2 reference points on APOM film
center of odontoid process - BASE
spinous prcess
finding on APOM
axis listing
ex. spinous left body pivot, entire segment left
for axis listing for spinous component
compare spinous process dot to base of odontoid dot –> gives spinous right/left body pivot
entire segment component
compare top dot to VML
*major component
compare spinous dot - odontoid dot and odontoid dot - VML dot and see which is more significant
assumed atlas listing is found on ____ and is done by:
measure laterality along IBL with VML to get side of laterality; then look for convergence btwn SBL and IBL to get rotation
constant is when
atlas and axis have same rotation
variable is when
atlas and axis are rotated in opposite directions
atlas listings
axis listings
lateral film AKA
nasium film AKA
base posterior film AKA
of simple listings for axis
of listings without rotation for axis
of listings without rotation for atlas