X-Ray Flashcards
used for large objects have a short exposure time increase penumbra (blurrred margins)
Large filaments
used for small objects
have a longer exposure time
produce a sharper image
decrease penumbra
Small filaments
is negatively charged and contains a focusing cup
is positively charged, made of tungsten, and is the target plate
makes 85-90% of the x-ray beam and creates the image
Bremsstrahlung radiation (braking radiation or soft x-rays)
makes 10-15% of the x-ray beam and does not contribute to the formation of the image
Characteristic radiation (hard x-rays)
complete absorption of x-ray which does not affect the image
photoelectric effect
two types of radiographic noise
artifact and mottle
three types of mottle
quantum, structure, and film graininess
variation of density of a uniformly exposed film that results from random spatial distribution of x-ray quanta absorbed in the screen
quantum mottle
factors that affect scatter radiation
beam size, field size, and patient size
4 ways to reduce scatter radiation
reduce beam size
increase beam energy or increase Kvp
decrease field size w/ grid or collimator
air gap technique
purpose of the grid
to prevent scatter radiation and allow useful x-rays through
refers to the distance between the object and the film
air gap technique
what happens when you reduce the OFD
reduce scatter
image magnification
produces 99% heat and 1% x-rays
reduces amount of radiation exposure to the patient
port filters and collimator
increasing the mAs incorporates the use of which filament
large filament
what is the best grid ratio that also has the greatest effect in reducing scatter radiation
what type of crystals does the film consist of
silver halide crystals
directly proportional to the Kvp and Ma and contributes to the overall darkness of the fil
refers to the differences in the shades of gray of an image and is indirectly related to the Kvp
contrast recommended for soft tissue
low contrast (high Kvp)
contrast recommended for bone
high contrast (low Kvp)
increasing the OFD results in
image magnification
exposes patient to less radiation, reduces penumbra, decreases magnification, and increases detail
FFD 72 inches (FFD of 40 inches does opposite)
blurred margins
sharp margins
50% decrease in mAs is equivalent to a 15% increase in Kvp
50/15 rule
when decreasing the kvp by 16%, you have to double the mAs or it will halve the film distance
when increasing the kvp by 20% you have to decrease the mAs by half or you will double the film density
16:20% rule
the anode heel effect is stronger on the cathode or anode
the cathode should be placed closer to the fatter part of the object in the anode heel effect
increases film exposure, scatter radiation, and fog and decreases contrast
increasing the kvp
increases film exposure and darkens the film
increasing mAs
radio sensitivity of tissue is directly proportional to the rate at which the tissue multiplies (the more rapid a tissue grows, the more susceptible it is to damage)
bergonie-tribondeau law
radio resistant tissues
brain, spinal cord, thyroid, and muscle
radiosensitive tissues
gonads, bone marrow, lymphoid tissue, colon, and lungs
when taking x-rays in a female, within how many days should the procedure be performed
within 10 days of her LMP
in regards to density, which factors have a direct relationship
Kvp, mAs, collimator
in regard to density, which factors have an inverse relationship
FFD, OFD, grid
in regards to contrast, which factors have a direct relationship
OFD and grid
in regards to contrast, which factors have an inverse relationship
Kvp, mA, collimator
in regards to size distortion, which factor has a direct relationship
in regards to size distortion, which has an inverse relationship
in regards to detail, which has a direct relationship
in regards to detail, which has an inverse relationship
in regards to exposure time, which factors have a direct relationship
kvp, mAs, OFD
in regards to exposure time, which factors have a inverse relationship
FFD and collimator
all radiographic views have a FFD of 40 inches except the following which are at 72 inches
chest films
lateral sternum films
full spine films
Non-AP cervical films (lateral, oblique, flexion, extension)
all views are AP projections except the following which are PA projections
skull mandible chest wrist tunnel patella
all oblique films are midway between a PA and a lateral position (usually at 45 degrees) except
thoracic spine
SI joint
all views are taken on suspended on expiration except the following which are performed on full inspiration
PA and lateral chest
AP full spine
AP and lateral thoracic
gonadal shielding should be used on children and adults within what range
2 inches
grids should be used on
all body parts measuring >12cm to reduce scatter radiation and use 70kvp to penetrate the grid
all tube tilts are cephalic except the following which are caudal
cervical anterior oblique
lateral lumbar
AP coccyx
CT is measured in what units
Caldwell view shows what
Frontal sinus
Towne view shows
Foramen magnum
Water view shows
Maxillary sinus
Lateral skull shows
Sella turcica
APOM shows
C1 fractures
AP cervical shows
Luschka joints
Cervical oblique shows
Intervertebral foramina
Apical lordotic shows
Pancoast tumor
Swimmers shows what
C7 spinous process
Frog leg shows
Femoral head in abduction and external rotation
Tunnel shows
Intercondylar fossa in knee
Sunrise shows
Apical view of patella and the intercondylar groove
Lumbar oblique shows
Pars interarticularis
Lumbar lateral shows
MRI contraindications
cochlear implant
intracranial aneurysm
implanted neurostimulators
MRI is useful in demonstrating what
spinal cord and brain pathology disc lesions solid organ pathology metasteses in bone demyelinating CNS disorders musculotendinous disorders
Which type pf imaging has contrast resolution that is 10x better for soft tissue pathology
MRI 10x better than CT
CT and bone scan contraindications
CT is useful in demonstrating
intraspinal and intracranial masses intracranial bleeding spinal canal stenosis abdominal masses bony structures LUNG pathology (best in CT than in MRI) disc (spiral CT)
which form of advanced imaging produces reconstructed axial images in any plane of the body
has a contrast resolution that is 95 times better than conventional radiography
uses a gamma camera to create images
radionuclide bone imaging (bone scan or bone scintigraphy)
what are some common radioactive pharmaceuticals used in a bone scan
technetium 99 and indium 111
what are normal areas of increased uptake on bone scans
SI joint SC joint AC joint kidney tips of scapula costochondral joints frontal parasagittal regions of the skull
bone scans are useful in determining what
primary bone tumors except multiple myeloma blastic metastases osteomyelitis occult or stress Fx avascular necrosis of bone pulmonary embolism
what form of imaging is helpful in the investigation of suspected vascular diseases
diagnostic ultrasound
what form of imaging is excellent in determining the size of tumors or abdominal aneurysms
diagnostic ultrasound
what imaging form uses high frequency sound waves
diagnostic ultrasound
diagnostic ultrasound uses
abdominal aortic aneursym carotid artery disease vertebral artery disease pregnancy ovarian disease cholelithiasis
What form of imaging is used to measure brain activity and changes in blood oxygenation
Which form of imaging measures regional cerebral blood flow using radioactive labeled tracer glucose molecules
PET scan
tumors preferentially use the glycolytic pathway for energy therefore, there is a greater concentration of of radioactive glucose in malignant tissues
Warburg Effect (PET SCAN)
what form of imaging uses an injection of radionuclide into the bloodstream
mammograms use a ___ Kvp and a ___ mA
lower; higher
is used for blood flow in arteries or veins with ultrasound
is used to visualize the esophagus
barium swallow
is used to visualize filling defects in the stomach or hiatal hernias
barium meal
is used to visualize filling defects in the small intestines
barium follow through
is used to visualize filling defects in the large intestine
barium enema
is used to visualize narrowing or clots in arterial blood vessels by injecting a radio contrast agent into an artery
uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to visualize arteries int he body
What does ALARA stand for
As low as reasonably achievable
what is the screen made from
phosphorus crystals
X-RAY guidelines
pain or limitation of motion spinal trauma malignancy congenital anomalies previously detected spinal abnormality scoliosis and kyphosis shoulder or arm pain from suspected cervical radiculopathy occipital headache pain radiating around the chest wall pain radiating into hip, buttock, hip or groin compression Fx
radiographs needed if any of the following are present after trauma
high risk factors such as older than 65, work with dangerous mechanisms paresthesia in the extremities
presence of midline cervical spine tenderness or delayed onset neck pain
unable to actively rotate the neck beyond 45 degrees
Canadian C spine rules
no radiographs are needed if all of the following are present in a patient with a history of injury to the neck no posterior cervical spine tenderness no evidence of intoxication normal level of alertness no focal neurological damage no painful distracting injury
NEXUS (national emergency x-ray utilization study)
ottawa knee rules
X-rays recommended if there is a history of trauma to the knee and if any of the following are present
age 55 or over
isolated tenderness of the patella (no bone tenderness of the knee other than the patella)
tenderness at the head of the fibula
inability to flex to 90 degrees
inability to take more than 4 consecutive weight bearing steps both immediately and in the office
ottawa ankle rules
X-rays are recommended if there is a history of trauma to the ankle and any of the following:
age over 55
unable to take more than 4 successive weight bearing steps shortly after the injury and in the office
localized tenderness along posterior aspect or crest of either malleolus
localized tenderness over any of the following:
5th metatarsal
champagne glass pelvis, splayed cupped metaphysics, small skull base
large sella turcica, arrowhead phalanges, heel pad >23mm
soap bubble appearance, metaphysical lytic lesion, filled with blood, balloting of the cortex
Aneurysmal bone cyst
shiny corners, romans lesions, dagger sign, bamboo spine
wedged shape dense *medial upper end of tibia, overweight and black kids
AVN of the *head of the femur, patchy sclerosis and lucency, crescent sign
totally disorganized joint with destruction, debris, and distension
Charcot’s joint
stones in the upper right quadrant and +Murphys sign
dense sclerotic well circumscribed lesion rarely >2 cm in the skull or spine
lucent lesion <2cm surrounded by a rim of dense bone, long bone or spine
osteoid osteoma
metaphysical Fxs at different healing stages and pencil thin cortices
osteogenesis imperfecta
broad based bone outgrowth cauliflower or coat hanger look
AVN, *medial femoral epicondyle, ankle, hip, and elbow, arc like cleft, fragment
ostechondritis dessicans
eccentric, lytic lesion located in the diaphysis or metaphysis or neural arch
subluxation of the proximal radio-ulnar joint
nursemaids elbow
triangular sclerosis of the lower ilium near the SI joint, bilateral, and symmetrical
osteitis condensans ilii
solitary oval radiolucent defect, thin cortex, bunch of grapes appearance
non-ossifying fibroma
dystrophic calcification in muscle (brachial, quadriceps, thigh adductors)
myositis ossificans
ivory vertebra, punched out lytic lesions, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
lymphoma in bone
small femoral head, mushroom deformity, epiphyseal sclerosis, fragmentation *head of femur in a child
legg calves perthes disease
thick tranverse radio dense metaphysis bands
lead posioning
AVN, partial fragmentation, sclerosis, and collapse of the *navicular bone
blocked vertebrae, occipitilization of C1, platybasia, wasp-waist sign
Klippel feil syndrome
AVN, dense sclerotic *lunate bone with partial fragmentation and collapse
salt and pepper skull, acro-osteolysis, bone cysts, rugger jersey spine
articular irregularity, wide intercondylar femoral groove, soft tissue swelling
beak like spurs on radial sides of metacarpal heads, joint space narrowing
osteolytic lesion, corduroy cloth, striated vertebrae, picture frame like
periarticular calcification around the shoulder joint, may affect hip and spine
soft tissue swelling, periarticular bone erosion, overhanging margin sign
eccentric metaphysical lesion crosses epiphyseal line, soap bubble appearance
giant cell tumor
AVN, sclerosis, fragmentation and deformation of the *2nd metatarsal head
lytic metaphysical lesion extending into diaphysis, soft tissue involved
circumscribed lytic lesion, ground glass appearance, soap bubble, shepherds crook
fibrous dysplasia
diaphysial permeative, onion skin appearance with cortical saucerization
Ewings sarcoma
geographic lesion medullary region, destructive moth eaten pattern
eosinophilic granuloma
numerous intramedullary lesions in long bones, phlebolith calcifications
geographic central expansile lesion with stippled calcification, hand or feet
ADI >5mm in a child, hypo plastic atlas, genesis of the dens
down’s syndrome
generalized osteoporosis, compression fractures, cod fish vertebrae
Cushing’s syndrome
small femoral epiphysis, lateral femoral displacement, shallow acetabulum
congenital hip dysplasia
absent clavicles, numerous wormian bones, pear shape skull
cleidocranial dystosis
intramedullary lytic soap bubble lesion, speckled calcification in the tibia
round or elongated lesion eccentrically located, thins the cortex
chondromyxoid fibroma
oval epiphyseal lytic lesion in lower or upper tibia, fluffy cotton wool
eccentric lucent lesion in metaphysis with cortical depression
linear intra articular calcification in the knee, elbow, shoulder, or wrist
CPPD (pseudo gout)
slipping sideways injury through growth plate
Grade 1 (Slipping)
Fx of the edge of the metaphysis and growth plate
Grade 2 (Metaphysis)
fracture through the growth plate and articular surface
Grade 3 (articular)
fracture through the metaphysis and epiphysis into the articular surface
Grade 4 (complete)
compression of growth plate
Grade 5 (Krush)
pseudo fractures in long bones, decreased bone density, coarsened trabeculae
soft tissue swelling, periosteal elevation, brodies abscess, involocrum
plastic metaphysical permeative lesion, conman triangle, sunburst appearance
cotton wool skull, mixed plastic/lytic lesion pelvic brim and candle flame sign
ossification of medial knee collateral ligament, traumatic
pelligrini stieda disease
AVN, sclerosis and fragmentation of the proximal pole of the *scaphoid
cup and pencil deformity of DIP joints, mouse ears, sausage digits
psoriatic arthritis
soft tissue swelling, intra-articular erosions, ulnar deviation of MCP joint
widened growth plate, metaphysical cupping, paint brush appearance in a child
anterior wedging, schmorls nodes, decreased disc height in 3+ vertebrae
Scheurmanns disease
ice cream sliding off the cone sign, disrupted kleins line and shentons lines
soft tissue retraction, calcinosis cutis and aero-osteolysis
Frankl’s line, Pelkens spur, and wimbergers ring
AVN, fragmented irregular sclerosis of the *calcaneal apophysis
hair on end skull, undertubulation of long bones, cod fish vertebrae
sickle cell disease
slippage of one vertebra on the other, most common at L5/S1, pars Fx
expansile geographic defect in proximal humerus or femur, fallen fragment sign
simple bone cyst
small elevated scapula, omovertebral bone (30%), and lipped feel syndrome
sprengels deformity
soft tissue swelling, periarticular osteoporosis, reducible ulnar deviation
apical cavitation; unilateral or bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, tracheal shift
causes of AVN (STARS)
Sickle cell disease Trauma Alcoholism Radiation Steroids