X Fundamental Level 1 Deck 3 Flashcards
a Welcome to Foundations,
This Foundation Work is more challenging than sight words but not as difficult as Intermediate Study. We begin with a FOUR Syllable Word,
Fun·da·MEN·tal which means Essential, Basic, orPrimary.
— The fundamentals of math include all the basic operations of adding, subracting etc.
— The fundamentals of cooking must be mastered before you can become a great chief.
“It’s Fundamental” Coaches emphasis the importance of practicing the fundamental skills of their sports. It’s the same in learning English.
“Yes, don’t be surprized if you will hear my voice pop in from time to time with a little tid bit or two. I hope it helps more than hurts.”
Rating: You will rate every card and the computer listens then she decides how often to present them again.
How well do you know this word?
Could you use it in a sentence?
Rate how well you know this word.
Highly recommended: First do Deck 1 of the prerequiste sampler class. It explains many of the way things work with these cards.
Highly recommended: First do Deck 1 of the prerequiste sampler class. It explains many of the way things work with these cards.
Quiver v. / n.
verb quivered, quivering
Quivering: To shake with a slight vibrating motion; tremble: — His voice quivered as he spoke.
— He felt it in the quiver of her handshake and saw it in the empty look in her eyes.
Quiver / noun
A case for holding and carrying arrows.
— The giant quiver can hold up to 100 arrows.
Note on Ratings: The rating you give a word grouping tells the computer how well you know it. She will adjust her reloads to have you review what you need most.
Suggestion on Your Ratings:
(1) I hardly know this word at all
(3) I know this word some but need to review it.
(5) I know this word quite well and don’t feel a need to study it anymore. Go with the (2) or (4) if you are in between
Quiver v. / n. / quivered, quivering
Can you use this word in an example sentence or phrase?
And do you know the definition enough to understand it?
— Rate how well you know this word —
Budget noun / verb. / adj.
A plan or estimate of the amount of money that will be spent and received in a given period: Congress must approve the government’s budget each year.
verb budgeted, budgeting, budgets
- To plan in advance for the allocation of:
—budget an allowance. - To enter or plan for in a budget:
— budget repairs into the car expenses.
1. Of or relating to a budget:
— Was this budget items approved by Congress?
2. Appropriate to a budget; inexpensive
— ia budget car; — budget meals.
Budget noun / verb. / adj.
Can you use this word in an example sentence or phrase?
And do you know the definition enough to understand it?
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Constant / adj. / n.
1. Not changing; remaining the same:
— An electric motor maintains a constant speed.
2. Happening continually; persistent:
— constant interruptions; — constant reminders.
3. Steadfast in loyalty or affection; faithful:
— a constant friend.
1. Something that never changes.
— The number of days in the week is constant at seven.
2. In math, a number that has a fixed value in a specific situation:
— In averaging final grades for the semester, the number of tests is a constant for each student.
Or, a number that never varies:
— The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is , a constant.
Constant / adj. / n.
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Enrage verb
verb / enraged, enraging, enrages
To put into a rage; infuriate:
— The plan to put a highway right through town enraged the residents.
Enrage verb / enraged, enraging, enrages
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Curious / adjective / adverb / noun
1. Eager to learn more: — Detectives must be curious in order to do their jobs.
— As an English student, you must be curious about the language itself, how it works, and how it fits together.
- Arousing interest because of strangeness: —We found a curiously shaped shell at the beach.
curiously adv.
curiousness n.
Curious / adjective / adverb / noun
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Synonyms to curious: inquisitive, snoopy, nosy
These adjectives all describe persons who show a marked desire for information or knowledge.
Curious refers to a strong desire to know or learn: If you are curious about a particular subject, you can research it on the Internet.
Inquisitive often means too curious: The inquisitive student asked a question every time the teacher paused for breath.
Snoopy means curious in a sneaky way: The snoopy reporter searched through the movie star’s garbage for evidence.
Nosy means rudely curious: My nosy roommate is always reading my mail.
Synonyms to curious: inquisitive, snoopy, nosy
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And do you know the definition enough to understand it?
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Note Noted Notes / noun / verb
1. A brief record of what is heard, seen, or read, written down to aid the memory:
— I took notes during the lecture.
2. A short informal letter or message:
— She left a note for her mother on the kitchen table.
— They all were singing the same note in perfect tune.
3. Of importance; consequence:
— Nothing of note happened.
verb noted, noting, notes
1. To observe; notice: === We noted the shift in the wind.
2. To write down; make a brief record of: — She noted the birds she saw in her diary.
Note Noted Notes / noun / verb
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Special / adjective / noun
— a special occasion.
— a special camera.
— special interests.
— special training.
— special friends.
– The special today is 3 eggs and potatoes for $3.99
— The is a special on peaches.for $2.99 a pound.
— The TV special featured Circus du Soleil..
Special / adjective / noun
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And do you know the definition enough to understand it?
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Idiom Tidbit: “Hang in there”
An idiom is a collection of words that have a meaning that if you are just thinking of the individual words you can’t figure them out. Consider“kill two birds with one stone” this idiom has nothing to do with birds or stones. It means to accomplisth two goals with one action.
Other Idioms: —To get bent out of shape — Don’t cry over spilt milk — Don’t beat around the bush — Speak of the devil — Hang in there — It’s not rocket science — Break a leg — Miss the boat — Easy does it
a Question: Which of these 9 idioms Do You Know Pretty Well? — How many of them Do You Use ?
Idioms Introduction:
Do you generally understand the idea of what idoms are?
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Kneel: verb knelt, kneeling, kneels
To rest or fall on one or both knees:
— The shoe salespeson knelt to check the size of my foot.
— She dropped to one knee in awe at the beauty of the cathedral.
Kneel: verb knelt, kneeling, kneels
Can you use this word in an example sentence or phrase?
And do you know the definition enough to understand it?
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Density n / Densities plural
– In physics, the mass per unit of volume of a substance:
– Stupidity; dullness
– Lead has a greater density than water.
– The density of the grass made the tiger invisible.
– When I couldn’t figure out how to put the box together, some of my buddies rudely called out,
— “You’re so dense“ —
a Notice: How we say a word matters. Our voice can carry additional meaning that add to the word emotional feeling.
Think how a dog feels when you say GOOD DOG or‘bad dog’. Our voice can carry additional feeling to that effects the meaning of the word.
Query: Have you noticed the way words are said effect thier meaning. Comment if you like.
Density n / Densities plural
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Wreath / noun
- A ring or circlet of leaves, flowers, or boughs worn on the head, placed on a memorial, or used as a decoration, especially at Christmas.
— Grandma always had a large wreath on her door during the Christmas Holidays.
Wreath / noun
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Knitting / verb / noun
verb knit, knitted, knitting, knits
To make (a fabric or garment) by forming yarn or thread into interlocked loops either by hand with special needles or by machine:
— I knitted a sweater.
— The common goal knitted the group together.
— I would like to learn to knit.
— With a cast a broken bone knits fairly quickly.
— She wore a cute little cotton knit.
— Knitting is a useful skill.
— I brought along my knitting.
Word History: The ‘k’ at the beginning of the word knit is one of those mysterious “silent letters” that make no sense and that we just have to memorize when learning to spell.
Knitting / verb / noun
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And do you know the definition enough to understand it?
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