x Flashcards
The wide geography of Eurasia
Eurasia in 1500
the bubonic plague
Oceania compared to Africa and Eurasia
Geographic isolation
13th and 14th centuries
both the areas observed participated
Marco Polos time
China was under the control
West Africa in this era
in both places, women
Buddhism in Asia
Buddhism was spread along existing trade routes
historical process
tradition of cultural
Islam by 1500
Islam spread across a wider part
Emeperors Justinian and Theodora
They are indicating their roles
comparrisons between the Byzantine Empire
Like Russia
reflected in the excerpt above
Transferecne of culture
Indian culture and technology
He surmissed that Abbasid
Abbasid Caliphate
Arabic Numerals
750 and 1450
by 15th cnetury
Hinduism absorbed
diverse faith reigions
financial incentives
East Asian counterparts
Islams central position
Inca empires
Azetec empire was in private hands
1500 to the modern world
existence of transcontinental networks
silk road affected ordianry people
peasent in CHina
Lived along the trade routes of the SIlk road
pastoral peoples
ekements of Chinese
developement of a wriitng system
Han dynasty
tribute system
spread of Islam
a clean break
Song Dynasty
patriarchal system
views in this document
Muslism disaporic communites
fall of the roman empire
Byzantine Empire incorporated
Roman empire
Chrisitanity was transformed
Jesus Sutras
women in the pre modern era
women who joined a convent
interregional tade
incentieves given to Mongal traders
mother and her son
The resurgence of Confucianism
Song dynasty
Eurasia in the 13th and 14th centurys
forcible transfer of skill
not in the Americas
absense of large animals
common religion
The Songhay Empire
Russian principalities it conquered
Both demaned tribute
Southeast Asia
Islam was introduced
photograph of a mosque
spread of religion along trade
first document
Justianian is protrayed
Marco Polo is dicussing
passage reflects
influence of Confucian beliefs
Following interpretation supported by the map
Agriculture devleoped
Information presented in the map
DNA Evidence
growth of agriculture
population pressures
Jared Diamonds argument
The differences between historical developments in the Americas
Which type of evidence did Diamond utilize
Genetic evidence showing the evolution
Diamond most likely purpose
Utilize environmental differences
The discovery of the Indus Valley
in trade and commerce
Law codes of Hammurabi
Rulers wants to create order
Why the second excerpt is more harsh than the first
The growth and complexity of civilization
which statement can best be concluded from the two excerpts
Mesoptamiam society was socially stratified
A historian examining the statues from the Olmec
Both civilizations benefited
Which conclusion about the period 8000 BCE
Elaborate artistic expression
Which statement identifies the clearest difference
THe Language, beliefs, art
favorable location
a predictable supply of drinking
Neolithic time
Cities possessed greater specialization of labor
complex societies of the Neolithic times
Specialization of labor
Purpose of the Great wall depicted
to keep the Xiongu
the city of Xian
Chinese expanison northwards
Xiongnu confederation
Chinese state sough to establish centralized control
Imperial roads
Pericles is describing
would weaked Pericles claim
The exclusion of womne, slaves
Ban Zhao was most likely
The confucian emphasis
Ban Zhaos purpose in citing Yin and Yang
to convince readers that gender differencees
First Century chinese teachings on gender roles
the growth of the south asain trade routes
Robert Strayer
the participation of Vedic womne
same view expressed by Aristotle
The argument made in The Laws of Manu
Laws of Manu
the three obediences
Kushans created a sizeable and prosperous
evidence of long term influence on Central Asia
classic civilizations existed in isolation
The kushan empire was situated along well traveled trade routes
gave Indian civilization a distinctively unique
The caste system
influence of Confucianism on China
preoccupation with the supernatural
teaching of the Buddha would a Hindu
A persons caste has no effect
similarity between Buddhism and christianity
both began as efforts to reform
Zoroastrian idea that was later incorporated
hope for the arrival of a savior
What did Jesus of NAzareth
they were the historical founders
reflects a secular non spiritual outlook
reinforced by the Confucian emphasis
filial piety
Achaermenid dynasty that would serve as a model
createion of the civil service exam
peasant rebillions throughout chinese history
exemptions from military eserivce
caste system in India
Hindu notions of Karma
social flux in the caste system
theory that the castes were formed
widespread in which second wave civlization
Roman empire
India was the only one that was based on
notions of ritual purity
societies that emrged in the Chaco
Scholars use all of the following
literature, poetry
West africa between 300 BCE
Jenne Jenno
societies referred to as the Mound builders
The area east of te Missipissi
contact between northeastern Africa
a statue of the roman emperor
Greek intellectual tradition
late 15th century
mastery of wind
European innovation in mapmaking
Peru and mexico
a mestizo population
form of labor servitude
factory system
greater dependence on African slave labor
large scale sugar production
what impact did the products of mines
it resulted in inflation
Spanish in 1530
Aztec maintained some of their culture
greatest number of slaves sent
To brazil and the carribean
beuracracy and military
russian empire
conquest of Siberia
the qing dynasty restricted
development of social hierarchy
gender and racial identites
creation of racial classifications
civlizations shared a common religion
The Songhay empire
Inca empire than in the Aztec
Practice of human sacirfice
Russian principalities it conquered
both demanded tribute
Columbous by the late 12th century
The discrediting of imperialism
AMericas in 1492
as initiating an era
second quote of portray of Columbous
As an invasion
Asia in the fifteenth century map
The chinese maritime
merchants in the indian ocean region
Pastoral societies from central asia
Timurs empire
spread of islam in West Africa
Islam was introduced by traveling merchants
religious tolerance and cultural eclectcism
Zheng hes construction
Aristotle and Ibn Rushd
Ibn Rushd made Aristotles work
World of islam map
Islam entered North africa
Universities established by arabs
Europeans wanted to learn about classical greek
Earky Arabic sources
Musliu disaporic communites
photograph of a mosque
spread of religion along trade routes
spread of islam into southeast asia
The indian ocean
religion in the sceventh century
the tolertation of other religions
rapid spread of islam
a clean break
regions through military conquest
West africa
bBuddhism christianity and islam
military responsibilites
Islamic world was more fractured
The sunni/shia split
Arabian peninsula where islam emerged
membership in the Islamic community
Islamic green revoultion
intorudction of rice
Scientific revolution in Euroope
Chinese movement focused on the past
practices with those of Christianity
Zoroastrianism in Persia
Martin Luthers statement
The source of salvation was faith
Europe and influenced enlightment thinkers
poltical concept introduced by Englightment thinkers
the social contract
Wahhabi movement respond
it sought a return
Protestant reformation in Europe
It enabled the printing
1450 and 1750
syncretic religions which emerged
Enlightenment philosphers promoted
The belief in progress
different spiritual traditions except
the wahhabi movement
Safavid empires in the middle east
Both involved political rivals
China both emphaszie
The popes strategy
local customs
popes attitude
designation of festivals
Roman catholic church
practices of the local people
replaced slavery as the dominat
increased agricultural productivity
spinning wheel
9th and 13th century
song dynasty china
byzantine empire
roman empire
Christianity was transformed
Jesus sutras
a new model civilization
sources form the fifteenth century
guild regulations
Christianity and Buddhism offered
women who joined a convent
interrgional trade
incentives given to mongal traders
Chinese medical practices
Europeans in the 16th century
both were more economically developped
the painting above is evidence
cultural and economic interactions
Historical developments most likely
Mongol peace
exemption from taxes
inferred the Menggu
Russia was the most affected
Russian princes adopted
spread of the plague
Indian ocean map
The trade circuits
mongol rulers facilitated
the forcible transfer
miltary tactics
mongols dopted military