Wyatt Waring Flashcards
Civil war
Civil War
A war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country
A system of required military service
Martial Law
A type of rule in which the military is in charge and citizens’ rights are suspended
Not favoring either side in a conflict
The military term for persons killed, wounded, or missing in action
Habeas corpus
Constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment
An attempt to capture a place by surrounding it with military forces and cutting it off until the people inside surrender
A general rise in price
Income tax
Tax paid to state , Federal , and local governments based on income earned over the past year
Confederate States of America
The southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
A military action to prevent traffic from coming into an area or leaving it
To withdraw from an organization or communion
One in favor of ending slavery
Related to the government or its citizens
The states of a person who is property of another …owning another person
The states that remained loyal to the federal government during the Civil War. The action or effect of joining or being joined especially in a political context
Fort Sumter
The bombardment and surrender of this site, near Charleston, South Carolina, started the American Civil War
A league or Alliance, especially of Confederate States
Border states
- Maryland 2. Missouri 3. Kentucky 4. Delaware. Slave states that did not secede
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of the US. He served from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865
Robert E. Lee
He commanded the Confederate Army from 1862 until his surrender in 1865
54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
African-American unit in the Union Army
Ulysses S. Grant
Commanding Union general who led the Union Army to victory over the Confederacy
Bull Run
The first major Clash of Union and Confederate armies
Emancipation Proclamation
Executive order issued on January 1, 1863 by President Lincoln freeing slaves in all portions of the u.s. not under Union control
Appomattox Court House
Where the surrender of the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee to the Union Army under Ulysses S. Grant took place on April 9, 1865
Warship covered with protective iron plates
Total War
All out attacks aimed at destroying an enemy’s Army, its resources, and it’s people’s will to fight