WW1 Quiz Flashcards
MAIN causes of WW1
* Policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war
* The glorification of the military
Arms Race
A competition in which two enemy nations try to outdo each other to produce the largest arsenal of weapons
MAIN causes of WW1
Triple Entente
France, Russia, and Great Britain
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
MAIN causes of WW1
* System where powerful nation controls and exploits a colony through use of force, most notably for economic gain
MAIN causes of WW1
“Submerged” Nations
Nations that were living within, and dominated by other nations
- Were home to many different ethnic groups that had long-standing conflicts
- The Balkans were also the crossroads of Catholic, Muslim, and Christian religious influences
- Nationialism was a powerful and dividing force in the region
Power Keg of Europe
Crisis in the Bulkans
- Turkey ruled the Balkans in the early 1900’s
- All major powers wanted to increase their influence in the area
- 1908 –> Group called “young turks” caused chaos everywhere in Turkey
- Austria Hungary takes advantage and seize provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Majority of the ppl living there were Serbs who didnt wanna be part of Austria - Hungary
Power Keg of Europe
First Balkan War
- 1911 –> Italy attacks Turkey and wins
- 1912 –> Balkan countries join together to form Balkan League
- Balkan League attacks Turkey and wins
Power Keg of Europe
Second Bulkan War
- Bulgaria wanted more land
- 1913 –> Bulgaria attacks Serbia and Greece (they lost horribly)
Serbia came out of both wars strong – Growing Serbian nationalism
Power Keg of Europe
Assisination of Franz Ferdinand
- Archduke of Austria-Hungary
- 1914 –> He arrived in Sarajevo. He is assasinated by Serbian terrorists
Schlieffen Plan
- Aug 3, 1914 –> Germany invaded Belgium following a stratergy known as the Schlieffen Plan.
- This called for a quick strike through Belgium to Paris, France.
- Next Germany would attack Russia
- Plan was designed to prevent a two-front war for Germany
Stalemate at “No Man’s Land”
- Unable to save Belgium, Allies retreat to the Marne River in France where they halted the German advance in Sep of 1914
- Both sides dug in for a long siege. By spring 1915, two parallel systems of deep trenches crossed France from Belgium to Switzerland.
- Inbetween the trenches was “no mans land”
Trench Warfare: Western Front
- Over 4 years, trench line moved very little
- Very little ground was captured