ww1, interwarm ww11 Flashcards
the act of giving opposing side in an argument in war so they have an advantage that they have demanded.
what was the name of the operation that saw germany invade the soviet union
Operation Barbarossa
what is the name of the japanese internment camp in CO
it only took two weeks for germany to fully invade this country
Us state that japan bombed on december 7
which government agency relocated people of jap ancestory
war relocation authority
this battle had germanys air force bombing london
battle of britain
the decleration of st.james let to this
united nations
what was the name of the program to exterminate jews
final solution
this agreement was between germany, italy, and japan
tripartite pact
name of the general in charge of jap-forces
this movement of prisoners in the philipines was 70 mile long
the death march
The agreement between Germany and the Soviet union stating neither would attack eachother
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
The british drove the Germans and italians back from egypt in these battles in North America
El Alamein
What was the name of the agreement between the UK and US
The Atlantic charter
US state that Japan bombed
was an attempt to stop fighting over conquered land by appropriating the land of the collapsed ottoman empire
mandate system
who was the nazi leader of germany in the 1930’s
Adolph Hitler
this event saved over 330,000 lives and was done mostly by boats
This allowed Germany to take over the sudentenland
the munich agreement
WW11 began because germany invaded this country
what was the germanys government called after WW1
weimer Republic
who is the first leader of the soviet union
Joseph Stalin
What country was formed out of the falled Ottoman empire
This organization was formed after WW1
league of nations
who is the first leader of fascist italy
benito mussolini
this was a worldwide economic situation
the great depression
Which country invaded china
this was sent from germany to Mexica
Zimmerman telegram
which country backs Austria-Hungary
most fighting places in these
This act made it a requirement for men to sign up for the draft
Selective Service Act
what is it called when neither side makes progress
what is a U-boat
German submarine
Who was shot in sarajevo
Franz Ferdinand
what is the name of the treaty signed after the war
the treaty of versailies
which country backs serbia
what was the first chemical weapon used in war
mustard gas
this is a rapid fire gun
machine gun
what was the open area between trenches
no Mans land
Who shot the Australlian Heir to the throne
Gavrilo Princip
what looks similar to Egyptian Heiroglyphs?
Maya writing
The Maya came up with this number
what was the geography like for the maya?
tropical forest
where was food grown by the Aztecs
Polytheistic means
Many gods
Which Spainard conqured the Aztecs
Hernan cortes
The kings was considered the same as one of the gods
the sun god
Used to send messages throughout the empire
Inca roads
what item was sent all over the empire as payment to free the king
This was pulled out of a person during the Maya ritual
This person conquered the incas
Francisco Pizzaro
Where is tenochtitlan located today
Mexico city
What was tenochtitlan built on
A lake
How were Aztec communities set up
They were set up as city states
The incas controlled territory for how far
2,500 miles
Axtecs built these to prefrom their rituals on
Used this type of blade for cutting
The Maya created these to look at stars
what was fit so well you could not put a credit card between them
stone work
what type of ritual did the Aztecs do oftern
Human Sacrifice
The Incas fled to this area of peru when the Spanish came
The Andes Mountians
This innovation started the british industrial revolution
seed drill
women and children were ………labor
factories made products……to make
people moving to the cities is called
workers could work as much as …..hours per day
16 hours
Factory of production are:
some families lived in only ……bedroom
workers in the city lived in
these are large buildings where people worked
where did people put their garbage
The streets
this country was never touched and counqured by europe
what was the name of the meeting to divide africa
berlin confrence
These were native peoples the Dutch and British found in South Africa
which countries led in dividing up africa
Britian,France,Portugal,Germany,and italy
This was the Britians goal in Africa
paris confrence
King leopold was cruel to the people in this country
Islamic invaders brought this to Western africa
country settles by former slaves form united states
This country is where the Britsih settled free slaves
Sierra Leone
Where did the Arab slave trade slaves go to
Great britian
where did slaves bought by europeans go
the carribbean
what crop is produced in large quanities for commercial value
cash crop
these were the two most sucsessful crops that needed slave labor
tobacco and cotton
what area of the Americas was the first to have slaves form Africa
The Carribbean
How many hours a day did slaves work
in 1807 this country abolished slavery
Great Britian
it is written in the constitution that what year slaves could no longer be brought into the US
what went down in africa due to the slave trade
which type of people were left in Africa because of slave trade
The elderly
this effect of slave trade reduces tree
This effect of the slave trade pits one group against another
what legislation made the slaves free during the civil war
emancipation proclamation
how were slaves transported to the colonies
the scattering of african americans across the planet is called
African dispora
the path of slavery trade resembled this
a triangle
whippings, brandings and torture were types of what done to slaves
what from europeans encouraged warloard nd tribes to engage in slave trade
this was different in america than africa and caused many slaves to die
who formulated the three lawas of motion
who promoted the scientific method
promoted the seperation of judicial, executive,and legislative branches
who promoted freedom of speech, religeon and seperation of church and state
nailed his 95 thesis to the church doors
created his own church to divorce his own wife
king henry the 8th
what country kicked out jews and muslims to keep the catholic church as the main church in the country
catholic church sent these people out to convert others to christianit
who painted the monolisa
leonardo devinci
who painted the sistien chappel
who painted the school of athens
who created the moveable type
johannes gutenberg
who created the heliocentric theroy
nicholas copernicus
who created the laws of motion
isac newton
who created a better telescope
galileo galilei
who sailed to spain and conqured peru
francis pizzaro
who sailed for portugal and found india
sailed for england,found newfoundland
jhon cabot
sailed for spain found bahamas
christopher columbus
sailed for portugal, first person to sail around the wolrd
ferdinand megallean
sailed for france sailed and mapped gulf of st.lawrence
jacquese cartier
sailed for spain, found aztecs/mexico
herman cortez
who sailed for england, was a privatier
francis drake
sailed for portugal and set up a school for navigation
prince henery
three “G’s”
Gold, Glory, God