WW1 and Russian Revolution Flashcards
Define Imperialism
a policy of extending a county’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force
Advantages of the Western World
advancements in science, communication, weapons, technology, industrialization, ships, government and military
Describe the first couple years of WW1
the assassination of archduke Ferdinand , Germany declared war on France, march into war with pre planned Schlieffen plan
Main reason for united states opposition to the league of nations
president Wilson tried to implement his 14 points and wanted to remain neutral
First nation to declare war on Serbia
Austria- Hungary
The spark that started WW1
When archduke Ferdinand and his wife were shot and killed through a window of a moving car
Significance of the Zimmerman Note
proposing that Germany would help Mexico reconquer new Mexico and Arizona and Texas in exchange for their help
Schlieffen policy
designed to allow Germany to wage a successful two front war, germen forces were to invade France through the Netherlands and Belgium rather than across the common boarder
Significance of the First Battle of Marne
Germanys hopes of quick victory gone; go around Paris to get to Germany
new advanced weaponry during WW1
rapid fire machine guns, long range artillery gun, shrapnel in artillery guns, poison gas (Germany started, Einstein) tanks, planes, blips (zeppelins)
Russia’s most disastrous defeat
they lost to japan which was a much smaller country compared to them
Define total war
the channeling of a nations entire resources into the war effort, must control public opinion
Define propaganda
the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause
Name of the British ship sunk off coast of Ireland by Germany navy; 128 Americans died in attack
Role of women during and after WW1
women kept the countries running while the men were fighting, working on the front lines too; and most got kicked out of their jobs when the men got back
Define Trench Warfare
soldiers would hang out in trenches which made it very hard to advance, no-mans land between trenches, dug in zig-zag pattern
Treaty drawn up after WW1 that punished Germany Severely
the treaty of Versailles
Primary goal/ target or focus of German U-Boats
stop supplies from getting to the other side
Significance of Rudyard Kipling
he wrote many poems exposing what the war was like
Define Jingoism
excessive and aggressive patriotism leading to an aggressive foreign policy
Type of Imperial rule practiced by France
Direct rule where soldiers and government was sent over to rule
Type of Imperial rule practiced by Britain
Indirect rule, urged the colonists into rebellion
Describe the Moroccan crisis
Competition for colonies between Britain and France vs Germany, brink of war twice, Germany did gain some territory in central Africa and France and Britain strengthened their ties
Define Militarism
The glorification of military