WW1 and its Consequences Flashcards
What initially happened in Italy at the start of WW1?
- Italy had been part of the triple alliance since 1882
- Italy did not join the war straight away as Austria had not told Italy of its plan to declare war on Serbia before
- Nationalist called for Italy to honour commitments to the alliance
- Many believed that the war would create strain on the economy and that the population was uninterested
How did the declaration of neutrality at the start of the war affect Italian politics?
- Split the liberals sparking political crisis
* Worries Germany won they’d not be sympathetic to a neutral ally
Why did Italy get involved in the war and switch sides in the conflict?
- Salandra wanted means to implement authoritarian restrictive laws and also secure political power with a military win
- Britain, France and Russia offered the irrdente lands to Italy if they won which was better than what was offered by the Germans and Austrians
What was signed on the 26th April 1915?
The Treaty of London - committed Italy to support the triple entente
What were The political consequences of the treaty of London?
- PSI, Catholic party and Pope all opposed it
- Prefects (local govt. reps) reported there was no appetite for war
- Giolitti and 300 deputies opposed it, Salandra resigned, Giolitti asked to form a ministry but King threatened to abdicate if Treaty of London not honoured so Salandra reinstated on the 16th May
When did Italy declare war on Austria?
25th May 1915
Name economic issues that occurred during WW1
- Italy was behind Austria on all war industries - for every 2 machine guns an Italian battalion had Austria had the Austrians had 12
- Resentment and unrest amongst industrial workers occurred due to 25% wage fall and most workers did not support the war
- Government raised taxes which was unpopular and created social divisions, and north-south divisions increased too
- All economic growth at the time was only located in war industries thus collapsed when peacetime was reached
What economic benefits did the war bring?
- Fiat established as Europe’s top truck industry produced 25,000 in 1918
- Aeroplane industry produces 6,500 planes in 1918
- Produced 20,000 machine guns and 7,000 pieces of heavy artillery which was more than the British
How did the war create political tensions?
- Impact of 1916 Trentine offensive on public morale and army led to criticism of Salandra and forced to resign
- Failures at Caparetto resulted in the suicide of a senator Leopaldo Franchetti and several resignations
- Neutralist that made up the majority of parliament blamed for war failures, calls to be put on trial for treason
- Only nations whose opposition continued to opposed during the war
- PSI opposition worsened left-right divide, also blamed by Mussolini who called them a greater threat than the Austrians for their ‘not support nor sabotage’ tactic
How did the war create some political unity?
- Salandra replacement Orlando focused more on boosting morale, promise land reform to conscripting peasants, created welfare to support soldiers and families
- General Diaz improved military tactics, casualty rates fell considerably from 520,000 in 1917 to 143,000 in 1918
How did the war increase social tensions?
- Of 5 million conscripts the majority were southern peasants and treated badly by commanders
- A lack of discipline in army punished by severe punishments, 400 death sentences passed on soldiers
- Captured soldier abandoned by army - suffered 1,000 calories a day, 100,000 dying of hunger-related illnesses
What happened at the Battle of Caporetto?
- October 1917 - Austrian army attacked the Italian front line and Italian army dissolved into chaos and retreat
- Many soldiers fled down mountain side, many weaponless and reports that choas (looting, violence) amonsgt army who thought the war was over
- 200,000 Italians lost contact with regiment
- 10,000 killed, 30,000 wounded, 400,000 simply vanished
How did the Italians see some success during the war?
- October 1918 Italian troops lanches an offensive across the Piave and at the Battle of Vittorio Vento split the army in two
- Austria signed an armistice on November 4th 1918
What problems did the war leave Italy with
- Went from having 2.9 billion lire in debt pre-war to 23 billion after
- 650,00 casulties
- Divisions between those who’d supported the war and those who hadn’t
- Returning soldiers and meeting commitments made to conscripts
What happened at the Paris Peace Conference?
- Orlando argued that Italy was due the land promised in the Treaty of London plus Fiume
- Other nations did not see Italy as a great power or contributing enough to the war so rejected this
- Orlando walked out of the conference and gained very little from the Treaty of Versailles - got Trent, Triste and Northern Dalmatia
What was the effect of the Paris peace conference in Italy?
- Worsened disquiet and anger with 650,000 death seen to be for nothing
- Became known as the mutilated victory
- Showed the weakness if the liberal government and lack of great power status
Why did the occupation of Fiume occur?
Anger at the mutilated victory
What happened during the occupation of Fiume
- Fascist leader d’Aunnzio took 2,000 men consisting of ex-soldier, futurists, students and patriots to seized Fiume on 12th Sept 1919
- Occupied until Christmas Day 1920