WW1 Flashcards
Strict non-involvement in the affairs
of other nations
Extending military, economic, or
political influence in areas around the
globe to serve national interests.
Reasons for Imperialism
- Needed raw materials - import
- Wanted customers to sell to - export
- Wanted to spread religion and culture
- Wanted to control areas before other
countries did - competition
Spheres of Influence
Areas where nations claim special
rights and privileges
The belief that a nation needs a large military force
(Germany builds a navy to oppose the British, the
British respond by making theirs bigger)
* It became a competition
Rival alliances are formed, designed to help
individual countries defend themselves against
attack (some are kept secret).
* An attack on one nation forced all of its allies to
come to its aid. Any small conflict could become a
larger war.
European countries were scrambling against each
other for colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific
The moral opposition of war
Strong feelings of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness
toward their own countries
* Place own countries’ interests above all other
Allied powers
Serbia, Russia, France, Great
Britain and Italy
Central powers
Austria-Hungary, Germany,
Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria
Archduke question
Archduke Franz
Ferdinand and his
wife, heirs to the
Austrian throne, were
assassinated by
Serbian nationalists
(Black Hand) on June
Austria-Hungary believed that
Serbia was behind the plot and
demanded an apology plus
agreeing to 10 demands (The July
* When Serbia refused, A-H
declared war
Who and from where did germany attack through
Luxembourg and
Belgium (neutrals)
Germanys plan
The German’s had
long had in place a
plan developed by
Count von
Schliefen, which
involved a surprise
attack on France,
and beating them in
a month before
Russia could get
their army together,
avoiding a
two-front war
What surprised germany
The Russians organized on the Eastern
Front faster than the German’s expected
Were the belgiums borders left unprotected
How long did belgians delay germany
1 month
How far away was germany stopped and how many casualties on each side
30 miles, 250,000
Why did germans sink innocent ships
Because they thought they were allied ships
militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism