WV: Quiz 3 Part 1 (U4) Flashcards
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the period:
30-500 AD
Early Church
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the period:
500-1500 AD
Medieval Church
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the period:
1500-2000 AD
Modern Church
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the period:
Struggled with…
- Self definition
- Relationship of Christianity to non-Christian culture.
- Orthodoxy began to develop, specifically in the view of God and Jesus
- Relationship of Christianity to the Government
Early Church
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the struggle of Early Church:
Struggled to try to answer question, “What does it mean to be a Christian?”, especially in reference to Judaism.
Self definition
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the struggle of Early Church:
- Some wanted to use non-Christian culture to communicate the truths of the gospel.
- But others wanted to reject non-Christian culture completely.
- Others tried to have a more moderate view in the middle.
Relationship of Christianity to non-Christian culture.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Give example of person (Early Church):
Some wanted to use non-Christian culture to communicate the truths of the gospel.
Justin Martyr
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Give example of person (Early Church):
Wanted to reject non-Christian culture completely.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the struggle of Early Church:
- God in terms of a Trinitarian worldview and dogma and creed.
- Jesus as well with incarnation - 100% man and 100% God?
- Struggled with Jesus’ identity (too much deity or too much humanity).
Orthodoxy began to develop, specifically in the view of God and Jesus.
Too much deity (word)
Too much humanity (word)
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
Guess the struggle of Early Church:
- Struggled with problem of connecting Christianity too closely the Roman Empire (300s - Constantine’s conversion and attempt to Christianize the empire).
Relationship of Christianity to the Government
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Guess the thought pattern:
- Going to have a different view of life and work.
- Some monks thought work was a type of prayer.
- Attempted to combine a view of life and work.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Define thoughts behind this thought:
Monasticism (2)
Life and work
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
List 3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church
- Monasticism
- Scholasticism
- Mysticism
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Guess the thought pattern:
- “What is the role of faith?”
- “What is the role of reason?”
- “How are we going to bring these two ideas together?”
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Define thoughts behind this thought:
Scholasticism (2)
Faith and reason
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Who is connected with this?
“What is the role of reason?”
Thomas Aquinas
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Guess the thought pattern:
- Encouraged direct experience with loving and almighty God.
- Under this pattern, women could have a sort of leadership role.
- Women would have a direct experience with God and would describe these experiences with sexual / sensual imagery. God was viewed as a lover.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
3 particular thought patterns in Medieval Church:
Define thoughts behind this thought:
Mysticism (4)
Direct experience with God
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Guess the sub-category:
- Rise of Protestantism.
- A return to “faith”, “grace”, and “Scripture alone”.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Who was mainly responsible for the Reformation?
Martin Luther
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
List the 4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
- Reformation
- Puritans
- Response to Modernism
- Pentecostalism
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Words associated with Puritans (3)
Hearts, heads, and hands.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Guess the sub-category:
- Wanted to be able to love God with their hearts, heads, and hands.
- Power of an education.
- “Protestant work ethic”
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
What is the definition of a “Protestant work ethic”?
Approach work as an act of glory, worship, etc. to God.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Who was an example of the hearts, heads, and hands way?
Johnathon Edwards
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
What is the definition of Modernism? (3)
- Reaction against the supernatural
- Rationalistic approach
- Naturalistic
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Guess the sub-category:
- 19th century
- Liberalism
- Fundamentalism
Response to Modernism
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Define Liberalism
Feeling oriented experience
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Define Fundamentalism (3)
- Dogmatic adherence to fundamentals of the faith.
- Becomes less intellectual in approach.
- Renewal of an orthodox Christian thinking.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
2 responses to Modernism
- Liberalism
2. Fundamentalism
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Examples of people in response to Modernism and what. (3)
- Karl Barth - Role of Scripture
- Henry - Intellectual approach to faith
- C.S. Lewis - Apologetics
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Guess the sub-category:
- Rise of _________ and the Charismatic movement.
- Emphasis on reality of the supernatural (in contrast to modernism)
- These people can connect with post-moderns and share more of a worldview in the New Testament.
- Post-modern world problem = tend to keep individualism and hold truth to be very subjective, cultural, and relative.
Palmer: Church History in 3 Main Periods:
4 Subcategories of Modern Church:
Pentecostalism contrasts with what and why?
Contrasts with Modernism with supernatural emphasis.
Palmer: Science
Define Anthropomorphism
Giving human qualities to non-human entities.
Palmer: Science
Define Radomorphism
Attempts to give animal qualities to humanity.
Palmer: Science
Guess the individual:
- Tried to look at the world in a reasoned and analytical way, as opposed to attributing all phenomenon to irrational and unpredictable forced such as the gods and goddesses.
- Emphasized the importance of observation, experiment, and logical argument.
Palmer: Science
Guess the individual:
Rethought geocentric view of the galaxy to a heliocentric view.
Palmer: Science
Guess the subcategory (with individuals):
- Observation and quantitative reasoning replaced authority - wasn’t “who said” but rather, “show me”.
- Replacement of qualitative analogies by purely quantitative reasoning.
- Scholars no longer depended on analogies between things, but rather data that could be based on some sort of numerical form.
- Replacement of looking at the world from a teleological view (end view) to a mechanistic view (how do things actually work).
Changes in philosophical foundations
Palmer: Science
List the 4 aspects of Scientific Method:
- Based on the Empirical / the deductive
- Hypothesis
- Assumptions
- Limitations
Palmer: Science
Aspects of Scientific Method:
Define Empirical
Examination of natural phenomena.
Palmer: Science
Aspects of Scientific Method:
Define Deductive
Analysis and predictive elements based on mathematics and logic.
Palmer: Science
Guess the aspect of Scientific Method:
- Empirical
- Deductive
Based on the empirical / the deductive
Palmer: Science
Guess the aspect of Scientific Method:
- A tentative explanation to a problem
- Relevance
- Test ability
- Compatibility
- Explanatory nature
- Simplicity
Palmer: Science
Aspects of the Scientific Method:
List the 5 subcategories of hypothesis
- Relevance
- Test ability
- Compatibility
- Explanatory nature
- Simplicity
Palmer: Science
Aspects of the Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of hypothesis:
How does the example fit to the fact it’s intended to?
Palmer: Science
Aspects of the Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of hypothesis:
Can it be observed or consistent with other scientific findings?
Palmer: Science
Aspects of the Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of hypothesis:
Power to support deductions about observable facts
Explanatory nature
Palmer: Science
Aspects of the Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of hypothesis:
Simpler should be preferred over complex (Acom’s Razor understanding)
Palmer: Science
Guess the aspect of Scientific Method:
- From a Christian worldview we need to ask ourselves: “How Christian are these _______”
- Order in nature
- Uniformity in nature
- Singularity of causes
Palmer: Science
Aspects of Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of Assumptions:
Universe behaves in orderly fashion compared to randomness.
Order in nature
Palmer: Science
Aspects of Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of Assumptions:
Valid throughout the universe without different rules applied in nature and the universe.
Uniformity in nature
Palmer: Science
Aspects of Scientific Method:
Guess the subcategory of Assumptions:
Events occur under certain conditions not necessarily spontaneously / randomly.
Singularity of causes
Palmer: Science
Aspects of Scientific Method:
List the 3 subcategories of Assumptions
- Order in nature
- Uniformity in nature
- Singularity of causes
Palmer: Science
Guess the aspect of Scientific Method:
- (Viewed by history) Science is not necessarily coherent, interconnected, or steadily expanding as sometimes thought.
- Science cannot guarantee progress toward a complete whole, nor can it properly address certain types of questions.
- Science cannot tell us what’s worthy of our attention.