Wundt Flashcards
AO1 - Wundt
Wilhelm Wundt (Father of Psychology)
AIM: To study the structure of the human mind
Started from philosophy
Created 1st laboratory (1879, Leipzig Germany)
Analysed the workings of the mind (objectively)
Reductionism (broken down)
Studied using introspection
- Cognitive psychologists built on his work
AIM: to record thoughts, feelings and images
- Participants exposed to stimulus (light + sound), asked to report
- Trained assistants used metronomes
Point 1: Scientific
Objective - Analysed the workings of the mind in an objective way by using reductionism to understand the structure of the human mind.
Controlled environment - Using experiments for example introspection make it scientific. The conditions of these experiments were highly controlled.
Based in lab - Leipzig Germany Lab
Point 2: Not Scientific
Based on emotions
Might not be truthful - Social desirability bias. People may not be truthful because they want to be perceived a different way or they want to fit in/be liked.
Not repetitive, no numerical data (Due to it being based on emotions, individual differences data cannot be repeated and the chances of it being similar is very low)