Wunddaa Flashcards
What colour are the light springs?
what colour are the heavy springs?
Is number one, the lightest level of the cactus, the bottom or the top?
What is footwork series?
2 black springs - maybe 3x3 or 3x4 (variable) (medium to heavy springs)
Seated upright, sit bones to the front edge of chair.
- inhale press down
- exhale return legs through core
What are footwork series arm positions?
- arms rest gently to side, can hold edges of chair.
- hands can be at back corners to open the chest
- genie crossed in front of chest
- laced fingers pulling apart in front of chest
- arms reach straight to sides
- Laced fingers behind head (maintain closed ribcage)
What are footwork series foot positions?
- Heels
- heel pockets
- arches
- balls of foot (neutral ankle)
- Balls of foot (forced arch)
- bolted together
- hip distance
- wide 2nd
Turned out
- Pilates 1st
- wide 2nd
What are the 5 modifications of chair placement/posture?
A) Move chair against wall (Booty against wall)
B) Move chair against wall (half a foam roller)
C) Move chair against wall (full foam roller)
D) Move chair against wall (Moonbox behind)
E) Have client hold one hand across abs, one hand (palm out) on sacrum/pelvis (to control pelvic movement)
What are footwork variations?
- Pulses at top or bottom range
What is single leg footwork?
Medium springs - start 2x2 (can do up or down)
Seated upright, sit bones at front edge. Free leg can be extended horizontal or down at 45, or tabletop/attitude
- inhale press foot down
- exhale to return
What are single footwork variations?
2x2 or 2x3
- pulses with working leg at top or bottom range of movement
- hold pedal down, free leg lowers and lifts (turned out or parallel)
- hold pedal down, free leg performs leg circles (turned out or parallel)
What is toes pumping?
Medium to heavy springs - maybe same as footwork - (can start with 2x2 or go up to 3x3 or 3x4)
Balls of feet on pedal (parallel or turned out, bolted or hip distance)
- press pedal so knees are 90
- point and flex toes
(knees do not move)
- can be done with split pedal
What is Soleus Press?
Medium to heavy spring (same as toes pumping)
- 3x3
- 3x4 (a little heavy)
- Stand facing chair
- hands in triangle shape, knee in hands, toes on pedal
- lift core, tuck pelvis
- perform ankle extension/flexion
(can have neutral spine)
What are toes pumping variations?
Circles (start in pilates first or parallel)
- point, heels open, flex, heels close
- both directions
What is frog facing away / out?
Medium to Heavy springs (heavy is easier on the arms, lighter more core… may need to change depending on whether arms or legs are working)
- Maybe 3x3 but variable to 3x4 or down to 2x2 etc
Seated on chair facing pedal, toes on pedal in turn out, heels together, high releve. Hands on side of chair, fingers facing out. Slide glutes off chair, tuck pelvis.
Leg pumps (body stays still)
- inhale depress pedal, exhale return pedal
Arm pumps
- hold pedal at top (sit bones hover right above heels)
- Perform tricep dips
What are frog facing away / out variations?
(Maybe 3x2 variable)
- Facing pedal
- hands on side towards back
- feet parallel and hip distance, toes in high releve
- lift pelvis up to create table
- Pump legs only
- single leg option
(cue push hips up as legs press down - small range of movement)
Frog facing in
- Face chair
- hands on side towards rear edge (variable)
- step toes on pedal, pilates first, knees open, weight is shifted back on feet
- sit bones to heels (scoop core)
(lighter springs = more core)
Piano / arm frog / plie front
- 2x1 or 2x2 variable
- standing on floor, legs turned out, facing pedal
- perform full grand plie to floor, sitting on heels
- straight arms reach for pedal
- stay pressing pedal low, hovering over heels, hold for 3 counts
- return pedal and stand up with control
(designed to do on NY chair which is much more narrow)
what is tendon Stretch?
Heavy springs
- 3×3 A
- 3x4
Variable - lighter is harder, but heavier is harder to get legs straight before beginning
- sitting on chair facing out hands group, front edge, feet press pedal down, standing on toes and Pilates first.
- bend forward, nose to knees, hard, candycane, scoop, relaxed neck
- exhale, pull pedal up as abs, pull up into spine, and release pedal down with control
What are tendon, Stretch modifications/variations?
- pedal stopper under pedal to decrease range of motion
- add more spring for assistance
- one leg on pedal, opposite leg forward - cue inner thigh connection
- Frame the leg - hand has moved to centre between the legs, Free leg extended to the side and is slightly behind the arm
- arabesque - one leg extended behind the chair, hands at front edge
- pulses at top position
what is horseback?
(2x2 or 2x3 variable)
Seated on chair at back edge, facing pedal, legs on the outsides of the chair, pad in a thighs
- feet flexed, legs, angle of the hips, arms, up to inhale prepare
- exhale, dive, candycane, and over, arms reach to place hands on pedal, Chen, tucked pelvis scooped and levitated off chair (space)
- inhale hold
- exhale press, pedal down as core lifts up
- inhale bend, elbows
- exhale press, pedal, three times
- inhale hold down
- exhale, hands, leave pedal to draw body back up with core as legs grip the chair
- release arms as body remains, slightly flexed, forward and legs engaged
- circle, arms with emphasis on “up” 3X.
- slowly, sit down and relax to finish.
What are knee raises?
Handles at appropriate height (try middle hole first, dependent on height. Springs will not affect this exercise.)
- approach chair from the back (brace chair as needed)
- stand on chair, facing pedal, hands grasp handles
- reach 1 foot at a time beyond the pedal (pressing out through straight arms)
- exhale, raise knees up to chest
- inhale lower
- repeat
- tuck, pelvis, and core to protect the low back
- raise legs using core
8 press out of shoulders and length and arms fully to engage lats
What are knee raises variations?
- rotate lower portion of the body as knees lift
- straight legs lift (keep body still)
Straight legs circles
- legs circle two directions out away from each other. (legs as close to 90° as possible.
What are triceps dips?
Medium to heavy springs (2x2 or 2x3) - more to assist
- handles on chair
- approach chair from back
- stand on chair, facing pedal, hands, grass, handles, reach one foot at a time to the pedal - High releve - (parallel or turned out).
- inhale descend, by bending, only elbows, without touching bottom
- exhale to press all the way up and out of the shoulders
- weight is over the pedal
- press chest forward
- legs bolted together
- body is like a plank
- squeeze, glutes and open the front of the body
What are military dips?
Medium to heavy springs, handles on chair
- 3x3 or 3x4 (2x3A)
Two ways to get up - EITHER
- facing chair, standing on pedal with hands on handles, for first rep, lean slightly forward to press up
- turn around after tricep dips, and step, 1 foot back to the pedal at a time
- Cue to lean back over the pedal
- inhale to descend
- exhale to push back up
- arms narrow, or wide
what is spread eagle?
No spring is necessary. Handles at appropriate height.
- trainer must sit on chair to brace it from tipping.
- facing chair, standing on pedal, turn out, hands holding poles at the top
- inhale prepare - arms are straight, body is like a plank
- exhale tuck chin and articulate spine and back into a flat back, spinal traction
- inhale hold
- exhale, tail, and reverse articulation up into a spinal extension (high back release)
what are spread, eagle variations?
- Standing on pedal facing away from chair
- hands hold posts at top behind, overhand grip, knuckles on the outsides
- lean forward with extended arms, lift chest up and out, shoulders down
- careful not to sink into the lower back
- trainer must sit on the chair to brace