WTP Vocab 21-26 Flashcards
Enforcement powers
The power of Congress to enforce laws it is extremely limited
Delegate theory of representation
The idea that a legislative representative should exactly mirror his or her constituents views in deciding on public-policy
Enumerated powers
Those rights and responsibilities of the US government specifically provided for and listed in the constitution
The commerce clause used to create the Department of Education
A form of government in which power is divided and shared between central government state and local governments
Trying to boundaries of an electoral district to favor a political party
Implied powers
Those powers authorized by legal document that are not expressly stated that can be inferred from expressly stated powers
Inherent powers
Those powers ingrained so deeply into an institution that they need not be stated
Trustee theory of representation
Idea that the legislative representative should use his or her best judgment in making decisions on public policy regardless of a constituents opinion
A proposed law place before legislature for approval
A rule of the US Senate stipulating that a debate on a legislative proposal to be cut off and the proposal be voted upon by the full Senate if two thirds agree ( 60 members )
The practice of refusing to surrender to the floor during a debate to prevent the Senate for voting on a proposal talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
Charging a public official with a certain crime while in office bringing him or her to trial convicted officials are removed from office
The practice of attempting to affect legislation by influencing legislators
Pocket veto
A presidential practice that allows a bill to die it’s not signed within 10 days and Congress is adjourned
Power to investigate
The power of Congress to undertake formal inquiries into matters of public business and public policy