WS4 - Legal Aid Flashcards
Does a solicitor have to accept a client if they are part of the Legal Aid Agency?
- No, they can take a view and decide whether to accept instructions from a client or not.
What law firms can use legal aid?
Only firms with a relevant contract with the Legal Aid Agency can carry out legal aid work.
What should a solicitor do from the outset of a matter?
Consider whether a client might be eligible for legal aid.
What two tests must be satisfied to receive legal aid in a civil context?
1.Means test
* based on their financial eligibility - capital and income
* capital limit is £8000 or £3000 for immigration
* income limit £2,567 (plus any deductions)
* disposable income limit £733
2.Merits test (interests of justice test)
When is the ‘income’ part of the means test automatically qualified?
If a client is in the receipt of welfare benefits - universal credit etc.
Remember, that capital also considered and it has to be below £8000
What is required to pass the merits test in a civil context?
It must appear that the claim has a good prospect of success -around 50% or more chance
What three situations is civil legal aid available in and what two situations is it not?
* Housing disputes
* Family issues
* Debt issues
Not available:
* Contract claims
* Tort claims (except for birth defects in children)
In what circumstance could legal aid in a civil context be withdrawn?
If there is a change in the merits of the case
Can a civil legally aided party be forced to pay the other side’s costs?
What is the statutory change?
If the client is
* wholly or partially successful in the proceedings
* or obtained an out-of-court settlement which resulted in the client gaining or keeping money or property
E.g. if the client is awarded damages in the case, any money gained can be used in repayment of solicitor’s fees. Therefore client will have to repay some of their legal fees.
What two tests must be satisfied to receive legal aid in a criminal context?
- Financial eligibilty test (means and full means test)
- Merits test (interest of justice test)
In a criminal legal aid context, in what two situations is the financial eligibility (means) automatically passed?
Applicant is:
1. Under 18s or
2. In receipt of certain welfare benefits
In a criminal legal aid context, might an applicant have to contribute to their fees?
Only in the Crown Court.
If their disposable income falls between £3,398 and less than £37,500.
What does a client satisfy the means test and full means test in the criminal context (Magistrates court)?
Means test
* £12,475 or less (adjusted income)
Full means test
* more than £12,475 - less than £22,325 (adjusted income)
Not eligible
* £22,325 or more
What does a client satisfy the means test and full means test in the criminal context (Crown court)?
Means test
* £12,475 or less (adjusted income)
Full means test
* more than £12,475
* £22,325 and above (adjusted income)
What is the full means test?
Takes into account client family circumstances, the deduction of essential expenses e.g. mortgage/rent
In the magistrates court - purpose of the means test is to determine whether the client is elgible for legal aid or not. This is done first before looking at the disposable income.
What is required to pass the merits test in a criminal context?
Applicant must show that it is in the interests of justice for them to receive funding
In criminal cases in what court automatically satisfy the merits test?
Crown court
What is a representation order?
If a client receives legal aid.
Confirmation that the solicitor may start incurring legal costs on the client’s behalf which will be covered under the legal aid scheme.