Wronged Questions: Time Series Flashcards
Standard deviation of random walk is ______ than the differenced series
Differencing the logarithmic time series will likely result in a time series that is stationary in the _____________ and ___________.
Mean, variance
A logarithmic transformation will likely result in a time series that is stationary in the ______.
Differencing a time series will likely result in a time series that is stationary in the ______.
Computing the differences between consecutive observations to make a non-stationary series stationary
Properties of stationary time series
- properties do not depend on the time of observation
- includes cyclic behaviour
- constant variance, no predictable patterns
Properties of non-stationary time series
- includes time trends
- random walks
- seasonality
Model with no trend
Yt = B_0 + e_t
Model with linear trend
Y_t = B_0 + B_1t + e_t
Model with quadratic trend
Yt = B0 + B1t + B2t^2 + e_t
Two criteria for a weakly stationary model
1) E[Yt] does not depend on t
2) Cov[Ys, Yt] depends only on |t-s|
A series has strong stationarity if the entire distribution of Yt is ____ over time.
______ _______ can be used to identify stationarity
Control charts
Function of a filtering procedure
Reduces observations to a stationary series
Name two filtering techniques
1) Differencing
2) Logarithmic transformation
White noise process
Stationary process that displays no apparent patterns through time, is IID
T/F: For white nose process, forecasts do not depend on how far into the future we want to forecast
Random walk is the partial sum of a _____ ______ process.
White noise
T/F: ME and MPE detect trend patterns that are not captured by the model
T/F: MSE, MAE, and MAPE can detect fewer trend patters than ME
T/F: MPE and MAPE examine error relative to the actual value
T/F: For AR(1), the range of possible values for p is 0<=p<=1.
False. For AR(1), the range of possible values for p is -1<=p<=1.
T/F: For AR(1), the range of possible values for B0
is 0<B0 < inf.
False. The range of possible values for B0 is -inf < B0 < inf.
T/F: For AR(1), if B1 = 1, then is a non-stationary time series.
True. If B1 = 0, then Yt is stationary (white noise) process. B1 =1 means it’s a random walk
T/F: For AR(1), pk decreases linearly as k increases.
False, it decreases geometrically.
T/F: An AR(1) process is a meandering process.
False. There are cases where AR(1) is not a meandering process. Parameter B1 must be positive and significantly different from 0 (but still less than 1) for it to be a meandering process.
Meandering process characteristics
- positive, significant autocorrelation at lag 1
- B1 needs to be significantly different from 0
- B1 needs to be less than 1
T/F: w=1 results in no smoothing
False. w=0 results in no smoothing
Sum of squared one step prediction error
T/F: Comparing the SS(w) for different values of w can help in choosing the optimal value of w.
T/F: When exponential smoothing is used for forecasting, the smoothed estimates are also called discounted least squares estimates.
True. Exponential smoothing can be expressed as weighted least squares. The weight used is w_t = w^(n-t), which is why the estimates are also called discounted least squares estimates.
T/F: All white noise processes are non-stationary.
T/F: As time, t, increases, the variance of a random walk increases.
T/F: First-order differencing a random walk series results in a white noise series.
T/F: A white noise process is weakly stationary.
True, anything that is strongly stationary is also weakly stationary
T/F: Adding a constant alpha to a white noise process {c1, c2, …, ct}, yt = ct + α, results in a random walk.
T/F: pk cannot be negative.
False. pk can be negative, indicating an inverse relationship between observations k time units apart
T/F: pk is only defined for stationary processes
False. Autocorrelation can be calculated for both stationary and non-stationary processes.
T/F: pk always increases as k increases.
False, pk typically decreases as k increases
T/F: pk measures the correlation of the series with itself at different times.
T/F: A process with pk > 0 for all k is non-stationary.
False, a process can have positive pk values and be stationary
Unit root test
Tests whether a time series variable is non-stationary and possesses a unit root
Null hypothesis of unit root test
Autoregressive polynomial of zt has a root equal to unity (0)?
Random walk is a good fit for the model.
T/F: Unit root tests are primarily used for assessing seasonality in time series data.
False. Unit root tests are used to assess fit of a random walk model, not seasonality.
T/F: A unit root evaluates the fit of a white noise process.
False. A unit root evaluates the fit of a random walk model, not the white noise process.
T/F: The Dickey-Fuller test is used to detect the presence of a unit root in the time series.
True. The Dickey-Fuller test specifically tests for a unit root, helping to determine if a random walk model is a good fit for the observed data.
T/F: Unit root tests confirm the absence of volatility clustering in financial time series.
False. Unit root tests assess the fit of a random walk model, not volatility clustering.
T/F: If Φ = 1, then the model reduces to a stationary process.
False. If Φ = 1, then the model reduces to a random walk, which is nonstationary.
T/F: The moving average technique cannot be used for forecasting.
False. Moving averages can be used for forecasting.
T/F: Moving averages typically assign higher weights to older observations
False. Moving averages typically assign equal weights to all observations
T/F: Moving averages are easy to compute but challenging to interpret.
False. Moving averages are both easy to compute and easy to interpret.
T/F: Moving averages can be expressed as weighted least squares estimates.
True. Moving averages can also be expressed as weighted least squares estimates where recent observations within the window are given higher weights than observations that are not in the window.
T/F: If the moving average estimate at time t is based on the latest k observations up to and including time t, a larger k results in less smoothing of the time series.
False. The choice of k will depend on the amount of smoothing desired; the larger the value of k, the smoother the estimate will be (because more averaging is done).
T/F: If bar(y) =/= 0 for white noise process, then the time series is nonstationary in the mean.
False. A white noise process is stationary; therefore, it is always stationary in the mean.
T/F: If s^2 > 0 for a white noise process, then the time series is nonstationary in the variance
False. A white noise process is stationary; therefore, it is always stationary in the variance.
T/F: Exponential smoothing cannot handle data with a linear trend.
False. Exponential smoothing can be adapted for trends. If there is a linear trend in time, this can be handled using double exponential smoothing.