Wrong answers Flashcards
Policy switching if interest rates fall
switch from low duration to high duration
rates down - prices up - yield down
switch to long as more sensitive to rates
Rates relationship with bond price
rates down - price up
LT more sensitive to changes in rates
Types of nominee and why
Nominee appears on share register and is legal owner of shares - beneficial ownership resides with underlying client
e.g. asset managers, institutional investors
pooled nominee - indiv clients groups within single nominee registration - no separate voting entitlement
designated nom - nominee iname includes unique identifies for each indiv client
sole nonimee - each client has own nominee
corp nom - issuing comp forms nominee for smaller holders
grpouped noms may lose perls - too much admin
sole or designated - can mandate div to particular acc
Effect of interest rate reduction
bond, eq, and property - positive effect - prices rise - financing cheap
cheap money = decrease in purchasing power = currency devalues
ratio analysis
tech analysis
long call short call
long put short put
long call, short put - bullish - make money in rising markets
long call - profit from exercising @ strike and selling at market
short put - profit from premium collected as holder wont exercise
short call long put - bearish -make money in falling markets
short call -make money from prem as holder wont exercise
long put - profit from selling and rebuying at market
how do ratings agencies rate issuers of bonds
assess whether CF due to be generated by borrower will comfortably service debts
standard settlement
usually T+2 with exceptions
Gilts, T bonds, JGBs - T+1
Money market instruments T+1
repo and secs lending can be T+0
certificated stcoks T+1
callable / putable bonds
why would you want to exercise option?
callable bonds - can be called back early at discretion of issuer
- if rates go down
- higher yield and lower price than reg as adds val to issuer
putable bonds - cann be put back at discretion of holder
-if rates go up
-higher price lower yield than straight bond as adds val to holder
quant fund stock selection
actively managed fund
selection process driven by computer models solely
enhanced cash fund vs money market fund
money market = highly liquid near term instruments
certificates of deposit, interbank loans, commercial paper; T-bills, repos
enhanced cash = same but also higher yielding less liquid asssets e.g. low rated bonds, longer maturity, foreign currency debt, ABCP, MBS (mortgaged backed secs), SIVs(special investment vehicles)
purpose of diluted EPS on balance sheet
to warn of future earnings changes as result of
-convertible loan stock or pref shares being exercised
- options or warrants being exercised
what is a municipal bond
In US - state and local gov issue thes the finance local borrowing
often tax efficient, particularly for those who live in the municipality
free from fed tax and local state tax
often guaranteed by 3rd party known as monoline issuer
what happens to warrants on takeover
often exercise date is accelerate to takeover date - destroys any time val
investor could suffer big loss
if waarant is out of money e.g. just issued - it may become worthless
SETS order book price moves from accepted tolerance
causes AESP - automatic execution suspension period
to allow investors time to react
price tolerance varies from 5-25% depending on share
AEP lasts for 5 mins + 0-30 secs - no tades executed but orders can be places
then auto execution resumes after uncrossing auction program is run
buy side and sell side analyst
buy side - work at asset management firms
sell side - work at brokerage firms
when is FX trading most volatile
at release of key economic data
- Non farm pay rolls report - 1st fri month @8.30 EST
-Publication of personal consumpton expenditure price index - monthly
fed fund target rates - 8x a year
what is a reverse split
aka consolidation
comp reduces no. of shares and share price goes up proportionally
smaller shareholders may be cashed out and recieve cash for holdings e.g. if consol is 20 to 1 and u own less than 20 shares
will increase EPS
what can share premium reserve be used for
share prem reserve = capital reserve account
- cannot be distributed as divi
can be used to
-write off initial costs of issuing share/listing
to fund increase in called up share cap caused by bonus/scrip
what can share premium reserve be used for
share prem reserve = capital reserve account
- cannot be distributed as divi
can be used to
-write off initial costs of issuing share/listing
to fund increase in called up share cap caused by bonus/scrip
money market instruments
T bills, eligible bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, repos
what is a pip
a pip = 5th figure of a quote
what is a carry trade
borrowing safe low interst currency - converting into risky comoodity currency - investing in higher yielding assets
potential double return - high yield + appreciation of original currency
times of uncertainty - these are unwound and flows go from commodity currency to safe haven
certificates of deposit
negotible bearers secs
issued by commercial banks in exchanged for fixe dterm deposit with lower rate than equiv bank deposit
can be issued for up to 5 years
NFA = national futures association - self reg orginisation or US futures. mandatory for any brokers in US - independt no ties to specific marketplace
CFTC - commodities futures trading comission - independent agency to issue forex regs for financial markets in US
WSMA - european secs markets authority 0 independent EU authority promotes alignment between regs in EU
who can participate in the interbank markets
commercial banks, instit investors or large corporate depositing at least 500k for term of 1 night - 1 yr
what interest is notifyable according to UKLA disclosure and transparency rules
3% interst in form of voting rights for PE
fund manager = 5% voting rights
developed markets requirements by FTSE
cleaning and settlement T+3 or less
frontier = t+7
formal stock regulatory authorities
high income economy(measured by world bank GNI per capita)