wrong Flashcards
CO2 injection technology is used to
1. Enhance oil recovery from ageing oil fields
2. Reduce the carbon content of vehicular emissions
3. Sequester atmospheric carbon for ocean basin storage
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 1, 2
c) 1, 3
d) 1, 2, 3
olution: a)
Under it, CO2 gas is injected with residual oil in the ageing field in which total oil production has been declining.
It reduces its viscosity and makes it easier to displace oil from the rock pores. CO2 gas also swells oil, thereby
pushing it towards the producing well for extraction.
CO2- Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) works most commonly by injecting CO2 into already developed oil fields where
it mixes with and ‘releases’ the oil from the formation, thereby freeing it to move to production wells. CO2 that
emerges with the oil is separated in above-ground facilities and re-injected into the formation.
CO2 EOR is an important component of U.S. oil production.
Consider the following statements.
1. The gharials are found in north Indian rivers of Ganga, Yamuna, Chambal and their tributaries.
2. In India, gharials were reintroduced into the Beas Conservation Reserve.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
olution: c)
Successful reintroduction of the critically endangered Gharial (Gavialis Gangeticus) in the rivers of Punjab where it
had become extinct half a century ago.
The gharial reintroduction in the Beas Conservation Reserve is an ambitious programme of the Punjab
The gharial can be found in north Indian rivers like the Ganga, Yamuna, Chambal and their tributari
Consider the following statements regarding India State of Forest Report-2021.
1. According to the report, Forest and tree cover in the country has decreased since the last assessment in
2. In India the total forest and tree cover accounted for less than 30% of the geographical area of the
3. The accuracy in the current assessment of forest cover classification has been more than 90%.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a) 2 only
b) 1, 2
c) 2, 3
d) 1, 2, 3
Solution: c)
Forest and tree cover in the country had increased by 2,261 square kilometres since the last assessment in 2019,
according to the India State of Forest Report-2021.
The total forest and tree cover was 80.9 million hectares, which accounted for 24.62% of the geographical area of
the country.
The accuracy level achieved in the current assessment is significantly high. The accuracy of forest cover
classification has been assessed 92.99%. The accuracy of classification between forest and non-forest classes has
been assessed 95.79% against internationally accepted accuracy of classification of more than 85%
. Countries are setting their Net-zero emission goal based on the 2015 Paris Agreement guidelines.
The net-zero goal does not figure in the 2015 Paris Agreement, the new global architecture to fight climate
change. The Paris Agreement only requires every signatory to take the best climate action it can.
what gives sea its distinct smell
Marine phytoplankton emit dimethylsulphide, or DMS, an organic sulphur-containing compound that gives the sea its distinct smell. When oxidized, DMS can produce sulphur aerosols that serve as cloud condensation nuclei that play an important role in cloud formation
petersberg climate dialogue
The Petersberg Climate Dialogue was launched in 2010 by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and brings together selected states on an annual basis to prepare the ground for successful negotiations at the UNFCCC climate change conferences
Earth hour is an initiative of WEF backed by UNEP
WWF , no unep backing
8) Consider the following statements regarding the recent Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger
1. It was organized by India in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature
2. It reviewed the progress towards the Global Tiger Recovery Programme.
3. It is the first such ministerial conference to have happened in Asia.
only 2 is corect
was organized by Malaysia and Global Tiger
Forum (GTF)
The 1st ASIA Ministerial Conference (AMC) was held in Thailand from 27–30 January 2010, the 2nd
AMC was held at Thimpu, Bhutan (2012), and the 3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation
was held in New Delhi, India, from 12th-14th April 2016.
Important mangrove species in India
Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Avicennia alba, Bruguiera cylindrica, Heritiera littoralis, Phoenix paludosa, Morinda citrifolia & Ceriops tagal.
CorL reef in India in middle of ocean
Angariya bank, Maharashtra
Most common use of polyurethane
Polyurethanes are commonly used in a number of medical applications, includingcatheter and general purpose tubing, hospital bedding, surgical drapes, wound dressings and a variety of injection-molded devices. Their most common use is in short-term implants.
Reintroduction of cheeta in India is ex situ or in situ conservation
Ex situ conservation
Oldest existing zoo in the country
Marble palace zoo, kolkata
Largest zoo
Sri venkiteshwara, andhra
- Only the euphotic zone of the marine ecosystem receives sunlight; the aphotic and dysphotic zones are devoid of sunlight.
- The Photic zone extends from the water surface to where the light level is 10% of that at the surface.
The Disphotic Zone is found just below the Photic Zone and is known as the twilight layer. In this zone only a small amount of light penetrates the water. Plants do not grow here due to the insufficient amount of light
he photic (or “euphotic”) zone is the lighted and usually wellmixed portion that extends from the lake surface down to where the light level is 1% of that at the surface
- Corals are slow-growing colonies of Plants, whereas Zooxanthellae are fast-growing animals.
- Known as the rainforests of the sea, they are among the most productive and diverse ecosystems on earth.
- Barrier reefs are the most common reefs grown near the coastlines of the oceans.
- Blast fishing methods could save thousands of corals from dying.
) 2 only
Coral is actually a living animal. Coral has a symbiotic relationship (each gives something to the other and gets something back in return) with ‘zooxanthellae ‘microscopic algae which live on coral. The corals are generally slow-growing colonies of animals, while zooxanthellae are fast-growing plants.
The Belize Barrier Reef, the 2nd largest in the world behind Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, has made Belize a premiere diving and conservation hotspot. Barrier reefs
also border shorelines, but at a greater distance. They are separated from their adjacent land mass by a lagoon of open, often deep water.
- The terms alexandrium, microcystic and Pseudo-nitzschia are associated with :
Depending on the type of algae, HABs can cause serious health effects and even death. For example, eating seafood contaminated by toxins from algae called Alexandrium can lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning, which can cause paralysis and even death.
➢ The algae Pseudo-nitzschia produces a toxin called domoic acid that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, seizures, permanent short-term memory loss, or death when consumed at high levels.
- The terms alexandrium, microcystic and Pseudo-nitzschia are associated with :
Depending on the type of algae, HABs can cause serious health effects and even death. For example, eating seafood contaminated by toxins from algae called Alexandrium can lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning, which can cause paralysis and even death.
➢ The algae Pseudo-nitzschia produces a toxin called domoic acid that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, seizures, permanent short-term memory loss, or death when consumed at high levels.
- Eutrophication completely eliminates aquatic plant and animal production in Eutrophic lakes
Eventually, it leads to the death of all living organisms in the aquatic ecosystem. So, Statement 2 is correct.
biopiles vs bioreactors
Bio piles - are a hybrid of landfarming and composting. Essentially, engineered cells are
constructed as aerated composted piles, typically used to treat surface contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons. So, Statement 2 is not correct.
➢ Bioreactors involve the processing of contaminated solid material (soil, sediment, sludge) or water through an engineered containment system.
- With reference to bioleaching, consider the following statements :
- The natural process of interactions between microbes and minerals is known as biohydrometallurgy.
- While cobalt, copper, nickel and zinc can be extracted using bioleaching methods, gold and uranium cannot be extracted.
- When compared to the traditional smelting process, bioleaching turns out to be costlier.
- Traditional smelting process emits sulfur dioxide emissions, which are avoided entirely by bioleaching.
1 and 4 only
Metals extracted from bioleaching include:
➢ Gold
➢ Copper
➢ Silver
➢ Cobalt
➢ Uranium
➢ Zinc
➢ Nickel
Bioleaching is more cost-effective than smelting processes. So, Statement 3 is not correct.
➢ Some Bioleaching offers a different way to extract valuable metals from low-grade ores that have already been processed.
Which of the following has been used as bioweapons as per the UN ?
1. Anthrax
2. Smallpox
3. Plague
4. Foot and mouth disease
5. Glanders
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
. Carbon footprint takes into account which of the following gases?
1. Carbon dioxide
2. Perfluorocarbons
3. Hydrofluorocarbons
4. Methane
5. Sulphur hexafluoride
6. Nitrous oxide
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 only
. With reference to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), consider the following statements :
1. They have low water solubility and low vapour pressure.
Volatile organic compounds are compounds have high vapor pressure and low water solubility.
VOCs are common ground-water contaminants.
Both grazing and detritus food chains are more dependent on direct solar energy.
In a detritus food chain, the main source of nutrition is dead plants or animals. The detritus food chain does not depend on solar energy.
All birds and mammals are capable of both thermoregulation and osmoregulation
Osmoregulation is the process of maintaining osmotic pressure and ion balance in the body. Kidneys help to maintain osmoregulation of the body
- Bear : Hibernation
- Snails : aestivation
- Zooplanktons : diapause
1, 2 and 3 only
During hibernation, the animal’s body temperature drops, and its heartbeat and its breathing slow down so that it does not use much energy
Under unfavorable conditions, many zooplankton species in lakes and ponds are known to enter diapause, a stage of suspended development
Breeds once in their lifetime
Pacific salmon and bamboo
Association between tropical fish and sea cucumber
It’s commensalism. Here, the commensal lives within the body of the host. E.g., the tropical marine fish Fierasfer lives inside the cloacal chamber of holothurians (or sea cucumbers), where the fish gets protection from enemies.
virus biopesticide
Which virus is used as a biopesticide?
Naturally occurring baculoviruses can be used to control a wide range of insect pests. Most baculoviruses are used as biopesticides, that is, they are sprayed onto high-density pest populations in a manner akin to the use of synthetic chemical pesticides.
Mesopredator is a phenomenon in which populations of medium-sized predators rapidly increase in ecosystems after the removal of larger, top carnivores. Such rapid increases in mesopredator populations
can force sudden changes in the structure of ecosystems as these animals assume new roles and greater influence.
Mesopredators, such as coyotes (Canis latrans), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and raccoons (Procyon lotor), are typically outcompeted by top carnivores, such as wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor
Acid rain can be in the form of dust, snow, fog, rain or hail.
. Which element or substance is considered to be the main cause of excessive growth of rooted and freefloating microscopic plants in lakes?
(a) Sulphur
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Phosphorus
(d) Sodium
Phosphorus plays a central role in aquatic ecosystems and water quality.
The South Asian region adjacent to Tibetan plateau has the highest black carbon emission in the world.
double hump camels in India
Leh in the Union Territory of Ladakh is the only place to see double hump camels in India. This species of Camel, known as the Bactrian Camel, is the only living remnant of India’s connection with the famous
silk route and Ladakh as the link of this ancient trade route. The IUCN has declared the Camel critically endangered since 1998
2 fresh water turtle species have made from appendix 2 to appendix 1 of cites
Red crowned roof turtle
Leiths soft shell turtle
Both critically endangered
International big cat alliance
The PM has released the Census while inaugurating theInternational Big Cat Alliance (IBC)in Karnataka’s Mysuru, organised to mark 50 years ofProject Tiger.
What is the IBCA?
IBCA is launched for conservation of seven big cats namely Tiger, Lion, Leopard,Snow Leopard, Leopard,Cheetah, Jaguar and Puma harbouring our planet.
Its members include 97 countries that are home to these big cats and other interested parties.
The IBCA will engage inadvocacy, partnerships, capacity building, eco-tourism, and finance tapping
Largest and the smallest tiger reserve
Largest:Nagarjunsagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve, Andhra Pradesh on the basis of core area.
Smallest: Orang tiger reserve in Assam on the basis of core area
E8 countries
India , indonesia, Thailand, srilanka
Bostwana, congo, Kenya, tanzania
Global tiger initiative, exclusively for tiger
Tiger and snow leopard
Sawen headquarters
Kathmandu, nepal
Operation soft gold
Tibetan antelope, shahtoosh
Operation BIRBIL
All bird and cat species
Operation WILDNET
Illegal trade through e-commerce platform
Asian waterbird/ waterfowl census jointly coordinated by
BNHS and wetlands international
Wetlands international hq
Birdlife intl hq
Cambridge, uk
NGO part of birdlife intl from India
Wlpa amendment 2006
NTCA , wildlife control bureau
Wlpa amendment 2002
Conservation reserve and community reserve
First conservation reserve in India
Tirrupadimathur conservation reserve, tirunellveli
First community reserve in India
Keshopur in Punjab
Global methane assessment: 2030 baseline report was released by
Climate and clean air coalition and UNEP
Largest Sources of methand
Wetlands> fossil fuel extraction> livestock
Global methane pledge was launched in
Cop 26 in 2021
Usa and eu
No India
30% below 2020 levels by 2030
Global energy monitor
A non profit org
International methane emission observatory
Also the core implemeting partner of methane pledge
Nasa EMIT Mission
EMIT is originally designed to examine how dust impacts climate. But it has demonstrated another crucial capability — detectingthe presence of methane - a potent greenhouse gas in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Production of adipic acid which is used to make fibers like nylon is a major source of emission of which gas
Nitrous oxide
Arrange in the order of lifetime of ghg
Sf6/PFC> HFC> nitrous oxide > co2> ch4
Formation of clouds will be adversely affected by ocean acidification
Causes marine organism to emit less sulphur which helped in cloud formation
Seagrasses are found across the world
Except antartica
Blue carbon initiative
The Blue Carbon Initiative (BCI) – co-organized byIOC- UNESCO, Conservation International (CI) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)– works to develop management approaches, financial incentives and policy mechanisms for ensuring the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of coastal blue carbon
Carbon pricing leadership coalition
1. What
2. Sec administered by
3. Indias partners
1.Launched in 2015 at COP21 in Paris, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC), is a voluntary partnership of national and sub-national governments, businesses, and civil society organizations that agree to expand the use of effective carbon pricing policies that can maintain competitiveness, create jobs, encourage innovation, and deliver meaningful emissions reductions.
2. World Bank
3. Delhi Metro rail and indian railway
Climate and clean air coalition
1. Aim
2. India
- The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC) was launched bythe United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and six countries—Bangladesh, Canada, Ghana, Mexico, Sweden, and the United States
- Joined
Global climate change alliance
The Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) isan initiative of the European Union. Its overall objective is to build a new alliance on climate change between the European Union and the poor developing countries that are most affected and that have the least capacity to deal with climate chang
Who formed Indian Green Building Council?
Indias seed vault
The Indian Seed Vault is a secure seed bank located in a high-altitude mountain pass on the Chang La in Ladakh, India. It was built in 2010 jointly by the Defence Institute of High Altitude Research and the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, and is the second largest seed bank in the world.
National adaptation fund for climate change is a central sector scheme. Who is it’s implememting agency
GRIHA was concieved by
GRIHAis recognised as India’s own green building rating system in India’sIntended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)submitted to theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Created By:It was conceived byThe Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)and developed jointly with theMinistry of New and Renewable Energy
Hope spots are recognized by
Iucn and mission blue
Define social cost of carbon
social cost of carbon (SCC) is an estimate, in dollars, of the economic damages that would result from emitting one additional ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
National clean energy fund
1. What’s the fund used for?
2. Ministry which provides secretariat
3. Lapsable Or non lapsable
National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) is a fund created in 2010-11 using the carbon tax -clean energy cess- for funding research and innovative projects in clean energy technologies of public sector or private sector entities, upto the extent of 40% of the total project cost. Assistance is available as a loan or as a viability gap funding, as deemed fit by the Inter-Ministerial group, which decides on the merits of such projects.
The Fund is designed as a non lapsable fund underPublic Accountsand with its secretariat inPlan Finance II Division, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
Creation of NCEF was announced in theUnion Budget 2010-11.
Bsi and zsi hq?
Both in kolkata, under moefcc jurisdiction
Changwon declaration
The Changwon Declaration isone of the main resolutions from the Ramsar COP10 conference, which took place in Changwon city, South Korea, from October 28 to November 4, 2008. The resolution aims to ensure the welfare and long-term security of humanity and is both a declaration and an echoing proclamation.
6 partners of ramsar convention
- Birdlife international
- Wetlands international
- Wwf
- Iucn
- Intl water mgmt Institute
- Wildfowl and wetlands trust
Rotterdan convention is jointly administered by
Unep and fao
National greehouse gas inventories program was established by
Petersburg climate dialouge is hosted annually by
Which of the following was convened under the theme - race we can win, race we must win
Climate action summit, 2019, newyork.
3 percent club
Formed during 2019 climate action summit. To achieve 3 percent global increase in energy efficiency each year. India is a member
NCAVES project is being funded and implemented by? Countries?
The NCAVES Project, funded by the European Union, has been jointly implemented by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).
India is one of the five countries taking part in this project - the other countries being Brazil, China, South Africa and Mexico.
In India, the NCAVES project is being implemented by the MoSPI in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) and the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) under the Department of Space
Limits to growth report was published by
The club of rome in 1972
national wasteland development board ministry
Min of rural dev
Largest and the smallest biosphere reserves
Largest - gulf of kucch
Smallest - dibru saikhowa assam
Second largest mangroves in India
Coringa wls
Hope island
Kakkinada, coringa wls
Sasakawa award is for
For more than 20 years, the UNEP Sasakawa Prize has beenrecognizing outstanding individuals and organizations for their significant contribution to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development
Chilka lake river
Daya River
Kolleru lake confluemce of
Krishna and godavari Delta
Which river flows through Bhitarkanika National Park?
Brahmani, Baitarani, Dhamra, Pathsala
Monastery inside kangchendoza
The park containsTholung Monastery, agompalocated in the park’s buffer zone. It is considered one of the most sacred monasteries inSikkim.[2][3][4]
Canada is not a part of unccd
On 28 March 2013,Canadabecame the first country to withdraw from the convention. However, three years later, Canada reversed its withdrawal by re-acceding to the convention on 21 December 2016, which resulted in Canada becoming party to the convention again on 21 March 2017.[3][4]
TheHoly See(Vatican City) is the only state that is not a party to the convention that is eligible to accede to
The UNCCD has been ratified by the European Union and 196 states: all 193 UN member states, the Cook Islands, Niue, and the State of Palestine.[3
Ghg protocol was developed by
World resource Institute and world business council on sustainable development
Climate technology Center and network is operational arm of unfcc. It’s hosted by
Unido and unep
Transfer of low carbon technology
Fit for 55
The European climate law makes reaching the EU’s climate goal of reducing EU emissions by at least 55% by 2030 a legal obligation. EU countries are working on new legislation to achieve this goal and make the EU climate-neutral by 2050.
Members of South Asia cooperative environment programme
Un decade on ecosystem restoration- 2021- 2030. Will be implemented by
Unep and fao
1. Launched in?
2. Target
- Cop 21 Paris
- 1000 gw by 2030
Global methane assessment was released by
Climate and clean air coalition and unep
Enhanced transperancy frmaework is related to
Paris Agreement
While NDCs are binding LT-LEDS are not
NDC- TRANSPORT initiative for Asia aim? By?
Decarbonize transport of india, china and vietnam.
Supported by German environment ministry.
In india- niti ayog
Climate neutral now initiative
The Climate Neutral Now Initiative is one of several initiatives launched by the UNFCCC secretariat to increase climate action by engaging non-Party stakeholders (sub-national governments, companies, organizations, individuals). It was launched in 2015 based on a mandate to promote the voluntary use of carbon market mechanisms recognized under the Convention.
India has ratified the kiagali amendment to montreal protocol. What’s it’s freezing year
85% reduction by 2047 compared to 24-26 level
Clean technology fund is a climate investment fund for which World Bank acts as trustee. First project in India to get funding from CTF is
Rewa solar power plant
IPCC is a non- UN body
Unep+wmo. It’s a un body
IPCCC Developed a green house gas inventories program. Does india have it’s GHG inventory
Led by WRI, TERI, cii
Coalition against wildlife trafficking (CAWT) was established by
US State dept.
Indian joined CAWT in 2006
Global wetland outllook record
Ramsar convention
Bonn convention was signed under the aegis of
Migratory species
Gothenburg protocol
The Gothenburg Protocol was established to address pollutants that cause acidification and ground-level ozone. It sets limits on air pollutants including sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ammonia and volatile organic compounds that are hazardous to human health and the environment. It was updated in 2012 to include particulate matter (PM) and black carbon (as a component of PM) and to include new commitments for 2020.
under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s (UNECE)
Who launched bonn challenge
Launched bythe Government of Germany and IUCN,
UPs philbit won the inaugural TX2 award. Others?
2022- orang and sathyamagalam
2023- pench
Sustainable Finance Collaborative was recently launched.
Launched by:
The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme India
International climate initiative is an important instrument of
Min of environment, germany
3 initiatives launched by international solar alliance
International Solar Alliance (ISA)has recently launched two new initiatives – a ‘World Solar Bank’ and ‘One Sun One World One Grid Initiative’ - of global import to bring about solar energy revolution globally. The ISA Secretariat has recently launched a ‘Coalition for Sustainable Climate Action’ comprising of global public and private corporates. It has also organizedFirst World Solar Technology Summit (WSTS)in September 2020 with an objective of showcasing to Member Countries the state of the art and next-generation solar technologies
Climate Change Performance Index published by 3 bodies
German Watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network International based in Germany.
Coalition for sustainable climate action was launched by? Aim?
By international solar allaince.
To attract corporates
Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia (CARE) Project is an initiative of
a)South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
b)Asian Development Bank
c)World Bank
d)United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World Bank
The Project will build resilience to climate threats and disasters by sharing regional data and knowledge.
CARE will work with two regional organizations, the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC
Initially- bangalsedh, nepal, pak
first formal acknowledgment of the need to compensate developing countries struck by climate disasters
The Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) for Loss and Damages, set up in 2013, was the first formal acknowledgment of the need to compensate developing countries struck by climate disasters.
Green strategic partnership between india and
Not all animal migrate by choice is a joint initiative of
Unep and wildlife crime control bureau of india
Global initiative for reducing land degradation is an initiative of
United in science report 2022
This report has been compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) under the direction of the United Nations Secretary-General to bring together the latest climate science-related updates from key global partner organizations
Kyoto protocol focused on 6 major GHG but Paris Agreement focused on reducing emissions of all major anthropogenic greenhouse gases
National action plan for climate change with 8 missions
1. Overall implementation by?
2. Funding
- Prime ministers council on climate change
- National adaptation fund for climate change ( NAFCC) , a fund managed by NABARD
WHO launched the National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture?
National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a network project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) launched in February, 2011.
Delhi declaration is associated with
Acheiving land degradation neutrality
Whose duty is it under EIA to give notice for public hearing
State pollution control board
Governing body of national CAMPA is headed by
Min of moefcc
Epsoo convention
TheConvention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context(informally called theEspoo Convention) is aUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE) convention signed inEspoo,Finland, in 1991 that entered into force in 1997.
India has not yet ratified
Areas of higher rainfall has higher levels of SOC
Because there will be higher biomass
3 global indicators of land degradation neutrality
Land cover
Land productivity
Carbon stocks ( soc)
Greenhouse gas effect is higher at higher elevations
Rarified air
Black carbon is a pm 10 aerosol
It’s PM 2.5
Ocean acidification leads to fall in calcium carbonate saturation horizon
Hydrodynamic trapping mechanism of carbon capture
Carbon dioxide trapped as a gas under low permeability cap rock
Which state has launched worlds first market for trading in particulate matter emission
- Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure which was seen recently in News is the initiative of
World Meteorological Organisation
With reference to Gross Domestic Climate Risk report, consider the following statements
1. It is first of its kind initiative of World Economic Forum
2. The index is calculated physical climate risk analysis to the built environment by comparing various states and provinces around the world
3. According to the report, the state of Maharashtra is most vulnerable state in India
2 only
Gross Domestic Climate Risk was released by the Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), a global organization specializing in climate risk analysis for regions, banks and companies.
The index is calculated physical climate risk analysis to the built environment by comparing various states and provinces around the world
the state of Bihar is the most vulnerable state in India.
With reference to Ozone depletion, consider the following statements
1. Indian Meteorological Department is the nodal agency to measure the ozone levels in India
2. When the concentration of ozone over any area falls below 220 DU, it is considered as Ozone hole
3. Equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine is a metric for representing UV-B radiation levels in the Stratosphere
1 and 2 only
Total ozone at any point from Earth’s surface to Stratosphere is quantified in Dobson Units (D.U.). One hundred D.U. equals the quantity of ozone that would form a layer of 1mm thick at sea level if compressed at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP).
The typical distribution of ozone is about 240 DU near the equator, with a maximum of 440 DU during early spring at high latitudes in the Arctic and 360 DU in the Antarctic. When ozone concentration over any area falls below 220 DU, we call it an Ozone Hole.
EESC is a metric for representing Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS)( not UV-B rays) levels in the Stratosphere
. Which among the is/are the Climate change induced Sea level rise, consider the following statements
1. The sea level along the Indian coast is rising at a rate of about 1.7 mm/year during the last century
2. Almost half of sea level rise is in India is contributed by Glacier melt in Himalayan region
) 1 only
In the Indian Ocean, half of the sea level rise is due to the volume of water expanding since the ocean is warming up rapidly. The contribution from glacier melt is not as high.
Carbon credit market is established in India by an amendment to the Environment Protection Act of 1986
The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2022, was passed to establish Carbon Markets in India and specify a Carbon Trading Scheme. The Bill amends the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 to establish Carbon credit market.
Carbon credit certificates are tradable in nature and issued not only to companies but also to commercial, and residential consumers.
- With reference to The Climate Equity Monitor, Consider the following statements
- It is an online dashboard developed by researcher under IUCN as the part of sixth assessment report
- It aims at monitoring the performance of Annex-I Parties under the UNFCCC
The dashboard has been conceptualized and developed by independent researchers from India, including the climate change group at the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)
Chennai and the Natural Sciences and Engineering department at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) Bengaluru
The Climate Equity Monitor is aimed at monitoring the performance of Annex-I Parties under the UNFCCC (developed countries) based on the foundational principles of the Climate Convention, namely equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC).
Which among the following authority determine the extent of rights of any person in or over the land
comprised within the sanctuary/ National Park which is to be notified?
(a) Gram Sabha
(b) Chief Wildlife Warden
(c) Officer appointed by the State government
(d) National Board for Wildlif
The State Government appoints an officer as a ‘Collector’ under the Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972 to inquire into and determine the existence, nature and extent of rights of any person in or over the land comprised within the sanctuary/ National Park which is to be notified.
After the issue of notification for the declaration of the Protected Area, no right shall be acquired in, on or over the land comprised within the limits of the area specified in such notification, except by
succession, testamentary or intestate.
- Which among the following is/are the reasons for the government choosing Kuno National Park to
reintroduce Cheetahs? - Climate condition and vegetation
- No absolute human settlement
- Potential for the coexistence of predators
1, 2 and 3
Great Indian Bustard’ narrow sideways vision makes them vulnerable to collision with power lines.
GIBs have a wide sideways vision to maximize predator detection, but the species’ frontal vision is narrow.
With reference to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, consider the following statements.
1. It is green construction rating system developed by UN-Habitat
2. India is placed third in the world in adoption of green practices in buildings and project types
2 only
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a rating system developed by the United mStates Green Building Council (USGBC)
india has emerged as one of the leading countries to adopt green and sustainable buildings and developments as the country ranked third in the world on the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
annual list of the top 10 countries and regions outside of the US for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) in 2021
Vanuatu initiative which was seen recently in News is related to
UN resolution for an advisory opinion from the ICJ for climate justice for present and future generations.
) NABARD has been accredited as Direct Access Entity to GCF in India
- Which among the following activities is/are permitted within National Park?
- Transaction of lawful business with any person residing in the Park
- Investigation or study of wildlife
- Scientific research and tourism
The Chief Wild Life Warden may, on application, grant to any person a permit to enter or reside in a sanctuary/National Park for all or any of the following purposes:
* investigation or study of wildlife and purposes ancillary or incidental thereto
* photography
* scientific research
* tourism
* transaction of lawful business with any person residing in the sanctuary
state with largest number of Community reserves in India
four species of Bustards found in India
including Great Indian Bustard, Lesser Florican,
Bengal Florican, and Houbara Bustard. All the three birds have been endemic to the grasslands of India and are on the brink of extinction. The fourth one, Houbara, is a migratory species
. Insects constitute more than two-thirds of global faunal diversity
Identify the correct statements among the following.
1. Only poisonous snakes have fangs.
2. Venom coming from the fangs can paralyze the prey.
3. The Indian cobra is critically endangered on the IUCN Red list.
1 and 2 only
has declared it as ‘vulnerable.’
algae are capable of reproducing through sexual and asexual modes of reproduction.
Which of the following are the features of Xerophytes?
1. They are suited to dry habitats.
2. They have thick and fleshy stems or leaves.
3. They have leafy wax coatings
4. Drop leaves during cold periods
➢ ability to drop leaves during dry periods
Which of the following are Nocturnal animals?
1. Catfish
2. Firefly
3. Hedgehog
4. Leopard
1, 2, 3 and 4
While most cats are nocturnal predators, cheetahs are primarily diurnal, hunting in the early morning and late afternoon.
The possibility of longer and more productive life is achieved in in-situ conservation than in
ex-situ conservation
With reference to the Livestock population in the country, consider the following statements.
1. West Bengal has the highest cattle population in the country.
2. Andhra Pradesh has the highest poultry population.
3. The highest number of Buffaloes are domesticated in Rajasthan.
1 only
Tamil Nadu had the largest poultry population in India
Uttar Pradesh had the highest buffalo population in India
Furthermore, the livestock population amounted to nearly 535.8 million, with cattle, buffaloes and goats making up the largest share.
viviparous vs oviparous
Viviparous animals are the animals that give birth directly to their kind. These individuals grow up and live. Oviparous animals are animals that do not give birth to their kind. Instead, they lay eggs that are either fertilised or unfertilised.
) Arrange the following regions in the descending order of their floral Endemism.
1. Peninsular India, including Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.
2. Eastern Himalayas and North-Eastern region.
3. North-Western Himalaya.
4. Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Microorganisms like Bacteria and Fungi lack highly developed cells and tissues.
Thus, bacteria lacks developed cell structure, whereas fungi have developed cell structure
It is the world’s first Hoolok Gibbon Breeding center. The Hoolock Gibbon breeding program launched in 2007 is the country’s first lesser ape conservation center. It is also home to Royal Bengal Tiger, Great Indian Hornbill, Leopards and many rare birds. Identify the correct answer.
) Itanagar biological park, arunachal
Mangroves belong to the family of Angiosperms.
Concerning Polar Bear, consider the following statements.
1. Polar bears are the second largest land carnivore after Brown Bears.
2. Polar Bears prefer to hunt Seals as their main diet
3. Polar Bears are territorial
Polar bears are only found near the Arctic circle and are not native to the South Pole. Polar bears are the largest member of the bear family and are the largest carnivorous land animals
2 is correct
Polar bears are classified as marine mammals Because they spend most of their lives on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean, depending on the ocean for their food and habitat; polar bears are the only bear species to be considered marine mammals.
Fungi are non-green non-differentiated plants characterized by the absence of chlorophyll.
All states have national parks
Punjab doesn’t have
Delhi and chandigarh also
Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure which was seen recently in News is the initiative of
World Meteorological Organisation
Plankton is unattached organisms living at the air-water interface, such as floating plants.
➢ These are unattached organisms that live at the air-water interface, such as floating plants, etc.
In an aquatic ecosystem, DFC is the major conduit for energy flow. detritus food chain (DFC)
In an aquatic ecosystem, decomposition is very less. That is the reason why GFC (grazing food chain) is the major conduit of energy in an aquatic ecosystem, as opposed to the DFC as the major conduit in a land ecosystem. In the land ecosystem, the detritivores decompose organic substances to add nutrients to the soil which help the plants gain nourishment, thus establishing a DFC.
- Consider the following statement with respect to the succession of plants:
- Hydrarch succession occurs in wetter areas and the successional series progress from hydric to mesic conditions.
- Xerarch succession occurs in dry areas and the series progresses from xeric to mesic conditions.
both correct
- With reference to the wildlife protection amendment act 2022, consider the following statements
- The amendment makes consulting the Gram Sabha in the management plan for all Wildlife Sanctuaries mandatory.
- It prohibits local communities access to drinking and household water in protected areas.
- It also introduces a list of CITES-regulated species in Schedule IV.
- It streamlined the Schedules of protected native wildlife into Schedule I and II for animals and Schedule III for plants
1, 3 and 4 only
For the first time, a regulatory mechanism to deal with ‘invasive alien species’ has been inserted in the Act which defines ‘any species of animal or plant which is not native to India and whose introduction or spread may threaten or adversely impact wildlife or its habitat’.It also relaxes prohibitions for access to drinking and household water by local communities.
- The Mission Sahbhagita is related to
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) launched Mission Sahbhagita in 2022 with a mission of ‘a healthy and effectively managed network of 75 wetlands of national and international
Consider the following statement about the Biome:
1. The aquatic and terrestrial part of the biosphere is divisible into enormous regions called biomes.
2. No two biomes are alike.
3. The climate determined the boundaries of biomes and the abundance of plants and animals found in each one of them.
) 2 and 3 only
The terrestrial part of the biosphere is divisible into enormous regions called biomes, which are characterized, by climate, vegetation, animal life and general soil type.
. Consider the following statement regarding the National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP):
1. It is a nationwide program executed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
2. It aims to determine ambient air quality status and trends and identify the non-attainment cities.
3. Twelve air pollutants are being monitored under the National Air Quality Monitoring Programme.
a nation-wide programme
Under N.A.M.P., four air pollutants viz ., Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen as NO2, Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM / PM10) and Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) have been identified for regular monitoring at all the locations. The monitoring of meteorological parameters such as wind speed and wind direction, relative humidity (RH) and temperature were also integrated with the monitoring of air quality.
1 and 2 only
Consider the following statements regarding Noise Pollution.
1. Section 2(a) of the Air Act 1981 includes noise in the definition of air pollutant.
2. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control Rules) 2000 is formulated under the Environment Protection Act 1986 for better regulations
) Both 1 and 2
The violation of noise pollution rules is a criminal offence punishable under Environment (Protection) Act,
With reference to the Community Reserves, consider the following statements
1. A community reserve is usually formed by the local village council and the forest department signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU).
2. Once forest land has been declared as a community reserve, it goes from being governed by local village councils to coming under the forest department.
3. Nagaland has 114 community reserves, according to the data from MoEFCC.
all correct
Fudam Bird Sanctuary
damman and diu
chorao island sanctuary
Halliday Island wildlife sanctuary
Lothian Island Wildlife Sanctuary
- Consider the following statements about biodiversity hotspots
- A biodiversity hotspot should have lost at least 70% of its original habitat.
- Endemic vertebrates are one of the criteria to classify an area as the hottest hotspot.
- There is no hottest biodiversity hotspot in India.
1 and 2 only
Some hot spots are much richer than others in terms of their number of endemics. Five key factors have been taken into consideration, and those biodiversity hot spot tops the list with respect to these five factors
are considered as hottest hot spots. Factors are:
➢ Endemic plants
➢ Endemic vertebrates
➢ Endemic plants/area ratio (species per 100km2)
➢ Endemic vertebrates/area ratio (species per 100km2)
➢ Remaining primary vegetation as % of the original extent
. A significant characteristic of the Western Ghats is the exceptionally high level of biological diversity and endemism. This mountain chain is recognized as one of
the world’s eight ‘hottest hotspots’ of biological diversity along with Sri Lanka.
No alteration in the boundaries of a tiger reserve shall be made except on a
recommendation of the Tiger Conservation Authority and the approval of the National Board for Wild Life.”
elephants are Water providers:
In times of drought, they access the water by digging holes, which benefits other
wildlife. Further, their large footprints collect water when it rains, benefitting smaller creatures.
- Consider the following statements
- The vortex is a ring of rapidly circulating air that confines the ozone depletion in the Antarctic region.
- Ozone absorbs sunlight and results increase in temperature with an increase in altitude in the stratosphere.
- Arctic and Antarctic vortex remains throughout the year.
1 and 2 only
It always exists near the poles but weakens in summer and strengthens in winter. The term “vortex” refers to the counter-clockwise flow of air that helps keep the colder air near the Poles
Atmospheric seeding can be done with sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) has been conceived by TERI and developed jointly with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India.
Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) has been conceived by TERI and developed jointly with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India.
➢ The green building rating system devised by TERI and the MNRE is a voluntary scheme. The primary objective of the rating system is to help design green buildings and, in turn, help evaluate the ‘greenness’ of the buildings
The Long-Term Ecological Observatories (LTEO) program is being initiated in which of the following sites?
1. Northwestern Arid Zone
2. Western Himalaya
3. Western Ghats
4. Eastern Ghats
5. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, has launched the LongTerm Ecological Observatories (LTEO) programme as a constituent activity of the Climate Change Action Programme of the Country. LTEO is a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, all-India coordinated project being led by the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
The work will be initiated at 6 index sites representing different biomes, including
▪ North-western Arid Zone,
▪ Western Himalaya,
▪ Eastern Himalaya,
▪ Central India,
▪ Western Ghats and
▪ Andaman and Nicobar Islands
All 13 tiger-range countries and the UK are members of GLOBAL TIGER forum.
Out of the 13 tiger range countries, seven are currently members of GTF: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam besides non-tiger range country U.K. The secretariat is based in New
Delhi, India. So, statement 2 is not correct
The versatility of bamboo as an architectural and structural material has been in the newly
constructed terminal at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi
Recently, the Prime Minister inaugurated the new terminal of the Bengaluru (Kempagowda) Airport in which the versatility of bamboo as an architectural and structural material has been proved. So, statement 1 is not correct.
Mangroves exhibit an oviparity mode of reproduction.
Mangroves exhibit Viviparity mode of reproduction. i.e. seeds germinate in the tree itself (before falling to the ground). This is an adaptive mechanism to overcome the problem of germination in saline water
FLY ASH constituents
Fly ash particles are oxide rich and consist of silica, alumina, oxides of iron, calcium, and
magnesium and toxic heavy metals like lead, arsenic, cobalt, and copper.
➢ Potassium, sodium, titanium, and sulfur are also present to a lesser degree
Consider the following statements about radioactive pollution:
1. It is a phenomenon of sudden emission of the proton, electrons and gamma rays due to the disintegration of atomic nuclei of some elements.
2. There is no cure available for radiation damage.
Both 1 and 2
e first COP presided over by a small island
developing state,
The 2017 UN Climate Change Conference COP 23 is the first COP presided over by a small island developing state, Fiji.
.The green climate fund allocates its resources to low-emission and climate-resilient projects and programs in
1. Developing countries
2. Small island developing states
3. Least developed countries
4. African states
) 1, 2, 3 and 4
India is the first country in the world to have made provisions for protecting and conserving the environment in its constitution.
. Which of the following are administered by the World Bank?
1. Forest investment program
2. Biocarbon fund
3. Clean technology fund
4. Strategic climate fund
5. Pilot program for climate resilience
6. Special climate change fund
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
. Which of the following are administered by the World Bank?
1. Forest investment program
2. Biocarbon fund
3. Clean technology fund
4. Strategic climate fund
5. Pilot program for climate resilience
6. Special climate change fund
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
Special climate change fund- Administered by the Global Environment Facility
. Recently, India has launched the PREZODE initiative to understand the risks of the emergence of zoonotic infectious diseases.
One Planet Summits:
At least 50 countries (not India) committed to protecting 30% of the planet, including land and sea, over the next decade to halt species extinction and address climate change issues aimed at protecting the world’s biodiversity. The summit launched a program called PREZODE, an international initiative to
prevent the emergence of zoonotic diseases and pandemics
Which country held One Planet Summit?
Which country held One Planet Summit?
Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, will host the One Ocean Summit from February 9 to 11, 2022, in Brest, France, to mobilise the international community to take concrete action to reduce these adverse effects on the ocean.09-Feb-2022
With reference to IUCN Green Status of Species, Consider the following statement
1. The origin Green Status of Species can be traced in World Conservation Congress held in 2012
2. The species assessed on a Green List is no longer in need of conservation
1 only
The Green Status of Species is a new global standard of measurement created by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) to help show how a species is functioning within the ecological system it lives, and how much it has recovered thanks to conservation action.
- Paris Agreement requires each signatory to submit NDCs every five years to the UNFCCC secretariat.
- India is the first country to update its NDC at the Glasgow summit in 2021
1 only
The Marshall Islands was the first country to submit an enhanced NDC in November 2018, almost two years ahead of the UN climate summit in Glasgow (COP26) in December 2020
Adaptation Gap report 2022.
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2022: Too Little, Too Slow – Climate adaptation failure puts the world at risk; the report finds that the world must urgently increase efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate
Consider the following statements regarding Sovereign Green Bonds in India.
1. They are a non-interest-bearing debt security issued to raise capital.
2. They are part of the government’s overall borrowings.
3. They are eligible for statutory liquidity ratio and repo transactions.
2 and 3 only
Sovereign Green Bonds are fixed interest-bearing financial instruments issued by
any sovereign entity
Choose the correct option regarding the state of food and agriculture report 2022.
(a) It is Food and Agriculture organization’s annual flagship publication.
(b) The theme of the report is leveraging agriculture automation.
(c) It recommended avoiding subsidizing automation in labor-abundant regions.
all correct
. State of the Global Climate report is released by which of the following organizations?
With reference to e-DNA, consider the following statements :
1. e-DNA is nuclear or mitochondrial DNA released from an organism into the environment.
2. It can help to understand the composition of animal communities and detect the spread of nonnative species.
3. UNEP launches a global eDNA project to study species’ vulnerability to climate change at marine world heritage sites
1 and 2 only
UNESCO launched global eDNA project to study vulnerability of species to climate change at marine World Heritage sites
Consider the following statements with respect to Negative ion technology :
1. It embeds negative ions in personal products, which helps to maintain health, balance energy, and improve well-being.
2. The minerals that produce negative ions include tourmaline, uranium and thorium.
Burning Biomass releases less amount of Carbon Dioxide than Burning of fossil fuels.
Burning biomass releases about the same amount of carbon dioxide as burning fossil fuels.
Hence, Biomass does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as it absorbs the same amount of carbon in growing as it
releases when consumed as a fuel
Hangul, only surviving species of red deer in India is limited to this area
Dachigam National Park
Hangul, only surviving species of red deer in India is limited to this area
Dachigam National Park
India’s first sanctuary for Slender Loris, an arboreal primate is located in,
Tamil Nadu
highest number of Conservation Reserves in India
As per the Data on May 2022, Jammu and Kashmir have the highest number of Conservation Reserves in India, and in terms of Area, West Bengal has the highest area cover of conservation cover, whereas among
states/UT only 13 have established conservation reserves which are not even half
Species can only develop limited niche in an ecosystem
Generalists can eat a variety of foods and thrive in a range of habitats, for example, Raccoons (Procyon lotor). They can live in a wide variety of environments, including forests, mountains, and large cities, which they do throughout North America.
➢ Whereas Specialists, on the other hand, have a limited diet and stricter habitat requirements. One example is those koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) which are native to Australia
Consider the following statements :
1. In India, anyone can undertake cultivation and business in bamboo and its products.
2. Bamboo can be propagated by Rhizome, shoots and seeds.
3. Madhya Pradesh is the largest bamboo bearing state in India.
1, 2
Consider the following statements with reference to Black carbon emissions :
1. Black carbon is the key component of fine (Particulate Matter) PM10 air pollution
2. It is a long-lived climate pollutant with a lifetime of few years
3. Transport account for the most the of global black carbon emissions
4. In India, the Indo-Gangetic plain has a high burden of black carbon
It is a major contributor to the fine particle (PM2.5) burden in the air and not (PM10)
It is a short-lived climate pollutant
Household energy production contributes the major source of black carbon with 51%,but the transport category accounts for only about 21% of black carbon emissions by being the second major contributor.
4 is correct
Consider the following statements with reference to “Nonylphenol” which sometimes seen in news recently :
1. It is a chemical present in detergents
2. At present, there are no standards exclusively for nonylphenols in drinking and surface waters in
3. It does not bio-accumulate and enter into food chain.
In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has set standards for phenolic compounds in drinking water (1 part per billion) and surface water (5 parts per billion). But there are no standards exclusively for Nonylphenol in drinking water and surface water in India. So, Statement 2 is correct.
Obligate mutualism vs Facultative mutualism
Obligate mutualism is the interaction between different species where the interaction is essential for their survival, and thus the species are obligated or forced to depend on each other.
Facultative mutualism is the interaction between two or more species where the species benefit from the interaction but can also exist independently of each other.
Acclimation vs acclimatization
Acclimation is the temporary adaptations developed by the animal to a specific stress (e.g., temperature, humidity, and photoperiod) in the changing environment while acclimatization refers to the adaptation
developed by the animals to several individual stressors simultaneously
Consider the following statements:
1. At COP26, the Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership (FCLP) was launched.
2. FCLP helps to scale up action to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2050.
3. Supporting Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ initiatives is one of the action areas of FCLP.
3 only
cop 27
With reference to Climate Neutral Now Initiative, consider the following statements :
1. It was launched by the World Meteorological organisation to increase climate action by engaging non-Party stakeholders.
2. Its mandate is to promote the voluntary use of carbon market mechanisms.
3. The Climate Neutral Now Initiative has no participation fee.
4. A participant can stop participating at any point in time.
Consider the following statements :
1. The Accelerating to Zero coalition (A2Z) was launched at COP27.
2. It amplifies the progress in ZEVs (Zero Emission Vehicles) and promotes zero air pollution all over the earth.
3. India is not a signatory to A2Z.
1 only
The A2Z Coalition connects the world’s leading organizations on zero-emission transportation, creating a platform to support understanding, developing, and implementing ambitious zero-emission
transportation policies and plans and showcasing leadership
India is a signatory to the Accelerating to Zero coalition (A2Z) under the category of Governments in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
designated by The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA
Consider the following statements with reference to the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017–2030 :
1. It features a set of six global forest goals and 26 associated targets to be reached by 2030.
2. It targets to increase forest area by 3% worldwide by 2030.
3. It is mandatory and universal in nature.
1 and 2 only
“Abidjan Call
Recently, the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), concluded on May 2022 in Abidjan with a global pledge to boost drought resilience and invest in land restoration for future prosperity.
The Summit concluded with the adoption of the “Abidjan Call,” which urges giving the highest priority to the issue of drought and reinforces the commitment towards achieving land degradation neutrality by 2030
Consider the following statements with reference to Climate Transparency Report 2022:
1. It provides a concise overview of the state of climate performance of the G20 countries.
2. It is released by the World Meteorological organization.
3. It is calculated based on 100 indicators for adaptation, mitigation and finance.
1 and 3 only
Climate Transparency is an international initiative of various research and Non-governmental organizations from the majority of the G20 countries, which publishes the Climate Transparency Report
With reference to the Global tiger Forum, consider the following statements
1. GTF is an intergovernmental body exclusively set up for the conservation of tigers in the wild in the range countries.
2. The Membership of the Forum is limited exclusively to the tiger range countries.
The secretariat of the GTF is located in New Delhi, India.
The UK government has formally joined the GTF as a non-tiger range nation, and the Government of Canada may do the same
Hoolock Gibbon is the only ape species found in India, rest of the monkeys are macaques and langurs.
Hoolock gibbons are also known for their monogamous mating system, where a male and female will form a pair bond and stay together for lif
Arrange the following gases in ascending order of greenhouse effect contribution?
(a) Water vapour, Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Fluorinated gases.
(b) Carbon Dioxide, Water vapour, Methane and Fluorinated gases
(c) Fluorinated gases, Water vapour, Methane and Carbon dioxide
(d) Fluorinated gases, Methane, Carbon dioxide and Water vapour
Fluorinated gases, Methane, Carbon dioxide and Water vapour
Water vapour is the biggest overall contributor to the greenhouse effect. Humans are not directly responsible for emitting this gas in quantities sufficient to change its concentration in the atmosphere. However, CO2 and other greenhouse gases is increasing the amount of water vapour in the air by boosting the rate of evaporation
MCX has become the first exchange in Asia to trade carbon credits
China is currently the largest seller of carbon credits controlling about 70% of the market share.
With respect to Blue carbon initiative, consider the following
1. It is global agenda focused on mitigating climate change through conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystem.
2. It is an initiative of Conservation international, Intergovernmental oceanic commission of UNESCO and IUCN with other NGOs around the world.
“Bonn Guidelines” recently seen in the news related to,
The Bonn Guidelines are intended to assist governments in the adoption of measures to govern access and benefit-sharing in their countries. They were adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2002.
With respect to National Adaptation fund for climate change (NAFCC), consider the following
1. It is a central sector scheme aims to support concrete adaptation activities which mitigate the adverse effect of climate change.
2. NABARD is the national implementation entity for NAFCC.
Both 1 and 2
The highest concentration of phytoplankton is found in the tropics.
. The highest concentrations are found at high latitudes, with the exception of upwelling areas on the continental shelves, while the tropics and subtropics have 10 to 100 times lower concentrations.
The Global Shield Financing Facility will help developing countries access more financing for recovery
from natural disasters and climate shocks. It is an initiative of
The World Bank Group has announced a Global Shield Financing Facility to help developing countries access more financing for recovery from natural disasters and climate shocks. This facility will support the Global Shield Against Climate Risks, a joint initiative launched at COP27 by the G7 and V20
4 overarching goals of Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)
- Halting human-induced extinction of threatened species and reducing the rate of extinction of all species tenfold by 2050;
➢ Sustainable use and management of biodiversity to ensure that nature’s contributions to people are valued, maintained and enhanced;
➢ Fair sharing of the benefits from the utilization of genetic resources, and digital sequence information on genetic resources; and
➢ Adequate means of implementing the GBF be accessible to all Parties, particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States
The restoration barometer report is released by
. FireAId is an Artificial Intelligence initiative to predict and fight wildfires. It is launched by
World Economic Forum
Corals need constant movement of water so as to enable nutrient supply and therefore are found in upwelling zones
Upwelling zones are cold
First movers coalition
Indian joined in 2022
Decarbonising heavy industry and long distance transportation sector
LINGO initiative
Diffuse carbon bomb initiative if unep
Appeal against cases of caqm
Recently which solvent was found efficient in breaking down forever chemicals
Dimethyl sulfoxide
Ecological civilization was the theme of
Cop15- kumming - cbd
Sacrifice zones
Populated areas with high levels of pollution and environmental hazards
Q.6) With reference to Alliance for Industry
Decarbonization, consider the following
1. It is an initiative of International Energy
2. Some Indian companies are members of this
3. The alliance aims to decarbonise Industrial
value chain in pursuit of the Paris Climate
It was formed under the Bali
Declaration, 2022 adopted during the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA’s) Investment Forum on Energy Transitions held in Bali, Indonesia.
: The IRENA is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 2009 and headquartered in
Masdar City, Abu Dhabi. It is the first international organisation to focus exclusively on renewable
energy. International Energy Agency is Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organisation,
established in 1974,
) Which of the following statements is
correct in respect of the newly released
Environmental Performance Index (EPI), 2022?
The index:
a) was published by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP).
b) for the first time measured the level of
Carbon monoxide and Volatile organic
compounds in the atmosphere.
c) ranks all the United Nations member
countries based on their performance in
the domain of environment protection.
d) does not assess the nation’s performance in
tackling Ocean Plastic Pollution.
The Environment Performance Index (EPI) uses 40 performance indicators across 11 issue
yale and coloumbia\
It is true that for the EPI 2022 for the first time introduced four new air quality indicators that track exposure to sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds.
: The EPI ranks only 180 countries
. EPI introduces new metrics that gauge recycling rates and ocean plastic pollution
The Ministry of Power mandates for all
thermal power plants in the country to use
5 to 10% biomass along with coal for power
The National Chambal Sanctuary is a Tristate sanctuary
UP, MP, Rajasthan
According to Tiger Census 2022, Western
Ghats landscape has the highest tiger
population among the five identified
As per the 2022 tiger census the largest
number of tigers is located in the Central Indian Highlands & Eastern Ghats Landscape
Permission from CITES (Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora) is not required to
relocate Cheetahs from one country to
CITES Permits will are required for the relocation of Cheetahs from one
country to another country. Let us consider the case of India importing Cheetah from Namibia, in this case both India and Namibia must get import permit and export permit respectively from CITES.
The forest cover has increased in India since Independence.
In the year 1960, the area under forest was nearly 18% of total land area. The total forest and tree cover in India was 794245 square kilometers i.e., 24.16 % of the total geographical area in the year 2015.
e Project RE-HAB
The Karez system
The Karez system of the Balochistan desert is a vibrant example of an ancient and still functional approach to community-based water management in an arid landscape.
Karez are constructed as a series of well-like vertical shafts, connected by sloping tunnels, which tap into subterranean water in a manner that efficiently delivers large quantities of water to the surface by
gravity, without need for pumping
India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) is the initiative of
min of env
The Energy Storage Obligation (ESO)
is a mechanism that requires energy buyers
to consume a certain percent of the total electricity from solar and wind projects with electrical power storage capacity. Last year, the Mi-ni-stry of Power released the energy storage obligation (ESO) that mandates procurement of 1 per cent electricity fr-om solar and wind projects with storage capacity in 2024.
RACHNA and TECHNOGRAHIS is related to
buidling low GHG emitting houses
biggest drawback of direct seeeding of rice
benifits of using biocar
increases soil micro organism, reduces soil acidity