Written Test 2 Rock Mechanics Flashcards
The stability of a rock construction at greater depths is then determined by
– the stress condition in the rock mass
– the geometry of the excavation
– the strength of the rock mass
• Primary stresses are
– Exists naturally in the undisturbed rock mass and depends on its geological history
• Also called virgin stress state or in situ stresses state
• Secondary stresses
– Occurs when an excavation is created and depends on the primary stresses
and the geometry of the excavation
when does the Failure in rock occurs
– Occur when the secondary stresses are greater than the strength of the rock
What is Stress
– is the amount of force acting on a rock unit to change its shape and/or volume (concentration of force) – stress is a fictitious quantity!
What is Strain
– is the change in shape
and/or volume of a rock
unit caused by stress
. How many stress components, and which stress components (in the xyz-system), are required to describe the stress state in a general case , both for 2d and 3d ?
2d : three , 2 normal , 1 shear
3d : six , 3 normal , 3 shear ,
What is principal stress
Normal stress acting on a free shear surface , can be determined at any point of the body , 2 in 2d and 3 in 3d , where segma 1 is bigger than segma 2 and segma 2 is bigger than segma 3
Invariant ?
set of equations , A quantity independent of the coordinate system
Mohr’s stress circle ?
It is a graphical representation of the stress state
– Normal stress () as x-axis and shear stress (
what is – Plane state of stress
One of the principal stresses = 0
what is – Plane state of strain
• One of the principal strains = 0
what is Hydrostatic state of stress (Spherical state of stress) ?
• All directions in space are principal stress directions: sigma1 = sigma2= sigma 3
what is – Cylindrical state of stress
All directions in the plane are principal stress directions , either sigma 1 equals sigma 2 or sigma 2 equals sigma 3
what are the factors effecting primary stress
• Erosion and melting of land ice
– Previously loaded by sedimentary rock types, sediments, or ice
– Plastic deformation of the earth crust
– Erosion and melting of land ice – imply an increase of
• Residual stresses
– Inhomogeneous physical or chemical processes in a limited part of a
material volume
– May generate locally “frozen-in” stress state
Condition and assumptions to calculues secondary stresses ?
• Plane state of strain (tunnel»_space; diameter)
• Linearly elastic and isotropic rock
• Excavation oriented parallel to the direction of on of the
principal stresses