Written Test Flashcards
Void times - What is the correct procedure for alerting ATC
Must advise ATC as soon as possible, but no later than 30 minutes, of their intentions if not off by the void time
VFR-on-Top clearance - What altitude do you choose?
Choose any appropriate VFR altitude at or above the MEA in VFR weather conditions
Visual illusion - What happens when a runway is upsloping?
The runway will look narrower than usual
What is RVR?
Runway visual range - Horizontal distance a pilot can see when looking down the runway from a moving aircraft. NOT SLANT RANGE.
Minimum Sector Altitudes - what do they provide?
1000 feet obstacle clearance within 25nm radius of the nav facility but not adequate navigation signal coverage
Turn Coordinator - What does it directly indicate?
Indicates directly rate of roll, rate of turn - indirectly indicates bank attitude
What are the maximum holding pattern speeds?
Above 14k ft = 265 kt
Between 6k ft and 14k ft = 220 kt
Below 6k ft = 200 kt
What to look for with a VOT check?
Tolerance is +/- 4 degrees
360-degree radial transmitted in all directions
Needles should be aligned on a 180-degree course w/ to flag or 360-degree course w/ from flag
What can you expect to be the difference between winds at the surface and winds aloft?
Winds at the surface = cross the isobars at an angle toward lower pressure and are weaker
Winds aloft = parallel the isobars
When can you expect Wind Shear?
It may be associated with
- Low-level temperature inversion
- Jet stream
- Frontal zone
What is the appropriate action when climbing on an airway?
Stay on centerline unless maneuvering to avoid other air traffic in VMC
When can you begin to descend on an approach?
When you’ve been cleared for the approach, you can begin descent upon reading back the approach clearance and reporting leaving your current altitude. Must maintain appropriate altitude (OROCA, MSA, etc.)
When are ATIS broadcasts updated?
Upon receipt of any official weather, regardless of content change or reported values
What is the maximum procedure turn speed on an approach?
200 knots IAS maximum
What are the primary pitch instruments?
Airspeed indicator
What are the standard compass errors in the northern hemisphere?
ONUS = Overshoot north, undershoot south
Turns from the south = compass will turn faster than the plane (overshoot your desired heading)
Turns from the north = compass will turn slower than the plane (undershoot your desired heading)
ANDS = Accelerate north, decelerate south (most pronounced on east or west headings)
When your airplane accelerates the compass will indicate a slight turn to the north
When your airplane decelerates the compass will indicate a slight turn to the south
When do you need to pick up your IFR clearance when departing from a Class G airport?
Before entering controlled airspace (Class E or greater)