Written Evidence Flashcards
Horace 1.28 - Odes
How complete burial?
Not complete until earth thrown upon remains
Cicero - until it ‘’does not have sacred character’’ (even if in hurry)
Can be haunted otherwise
Horace - 1.28 - Odes
What does it seem to be?
BUT if you do it
Ominous warning
Children etc.
@hands gods - theyll protect you
Ovid 4.446 - Metamorphoses
What does he take/draw on?
Similair whats different?
Virgil’s description of the underworld - replace fields with city.
‘’Castle’’/‘’palace’’ - basis very similair but different ideas on what should look like
Ovid 4.446 - Metamorphoses
What does Ovid’s seem to be?
Similair to life on earth
Very Roman - Roman city ‘’Forum’’
Memorial to Turia
What is it?
A large memorial to his wife
|_> potentially a real life written laudatio
Anonymous Roman
Sheer size conveys importance (expensive stone)
Memorial to Turia
Who memorialised?
Why is this different?
Not the man
Turia and her family
Normally a male display of own greatness
Tomb of Caecelia Metella (30-20BC)
|_> Crassus conveying wealth
Memorial to Turia
Where do we see such memorials?
Why is this one important then?
Via Appia (way in and out of Rome)
Size reason to stop and look
|_> even if illiterate size of name and length of piece conveys greatness.
Cicero 2.56 - On Laws
Key facts for why Sulla wanted body cremated (1st in Cornelian line)
Why not in city?
Whats sensed?
He dusinterred Manus’ body (wanted to avoid)
Tradition being left behind eg. Isola Sacra etc.
Ovid 2.533 - Fasti
What about?
How long?
When start?
What for?
9 days
Feb 13th
Remember family ancestors
|_> about piety and purity
Ovid 2.533 - Fasti
What cant you do?
How old?
|_> eg. During long war
Girls marry
Real life consequences
Since start of Roman Republic - Aeneas brought it from Latinus.
Ovid 2.533 - Fasti
Significance of women?
What do?
Seen where else?
Key as bear children
|_> key to proceedings
Give libation, drink rest (old woman leaves drunk)
Seen with Patronius’ Satyricon
|_> give half drink half
Ovid 2.533 - Fasti
How important?
|_> consequences
Felteia ‘’the women may celebrate the parentalia by puttinf roses on my tomb’’
|_> money left to ensure possible
Another enough so 12 men can feast
Ovid 2.533 - Fasti
Festival comparison
What both have?
Lemuria - family spirits summoned
Parentalia - fear of the spirits (seek to keep below)
Both have beans, no weddings, ancestors
Josephus 7.8
How portrayed?
Religious comparison/difference
Jewish writer
Not massively well - ‘’demonic fury’’
Illegal for soldiers, slaves, capital criminals to commit suicide.
|_> if normal citizen wanted to were judged by senate - if deemed okay given Hemlock (poison)
Jewish it is wrong ‘’impiety towards the God who created us’’
Josephus 7.8
3 reasons for the suicide
|_> serve noone but god himself
|_> children slaves, wives raped
|> self-determination
|> leave provisions to show doen on purpose
|_> ‘’immortality of the soul’’ (‘’life a calamity to men’’) - death the main event eg. Virgil Aenied.
Josephus 7.8
How actions affect Roman people?
For their benefit?
|> ‘’let us leave them an example’’
|> ‘’admiration of our bravery’’