Writing Pre-done Sentences Flashcards
dendro de
I know her/him/it
lo Sé
i used to go
It was ( description )
Hacía, estaba
It was hot, but it was cloudy
Hacía calor, pero estaba nublado
I was coming back from … when i (saw) …
Volvía del gimnasio cuando vi a irene
I had been (verb) for .. when ..
(verb in Imp) + desde hacía (time stamp) cuando
I had been reading for an hour when i went to
Leía desde hacía una hora cuando (verb in past)
i have learned
he aprendido
I have never been (there)
Nunca he estado ( allí )
i hadn’t done ( my homework )
no había hecho ( mis deberes )
we had finished
Habíamos terminado
he has travelled
ha viajado
i will go out
(i )have just
(present tense of acabar) acabo de
no, i dont want
no, no quiero
there isnt anybody … ( here )
No hay nadie aqui
(there is ) not a single
no … (hay) ninguna
The ( object ) were ( verb / emotion )
Passive voice
object + Preterite tense of ser + Past participle (ido/ado) with adj ending
e.g. Las mesas + fueron + limpiadas ** ( changes from o to as to match mesas **)
the ( chores / anything) will de done by ( person )
El ( tareas domesticas ) séra leído por (person)
one has to (verb) + (Object)
Hay que ( IR ) + Object
It seems that
parece que
it seemed that
parecó que
( Someone ) + wants + (people) to do something
Ana wants us to do the dishes
(Person) + Quierer (present) + que + verb (present people) + the thing
Ana quiere que lavemos los platos
I hope that there are
Espero que haya
Its important that you ( study )
Es importante que ( Present subjunctive ) e.g Estudéis
I (Dont) Beleive that (someone is going to do something)
Something thats unlikely to happen
In dont believe he’s going to come
(No) creo que + (Present subjunctive) + the thing
No creo que vaya a venir
If i were to have / visit / eat
Tuviera / comiera / viviera
Two years ago
hace dos años
Last week
La semana pasada
Last weekend
El fin de semana pasado
hace tres días
Three days ago
Cuando era joven
When i was younger
cuando tenia diez años
When i was ten years old
From time to time
de vez en cuando
Always … Never .. every day
Siempre…nunca…Todos los dias
I like
Me gusta
I hate
I prefer
Opinio que
i think that
The good/bad
lo bueno/malo
Creo que
I think that
I imagine that
Imagino que
I cant stand it
No aguanto
Me hace
it makes me
Me hace sentir
it makes me feel
Si pudiera
If i could
I would want
Si tuviera la oportunidad
If i had the opportunity
I would like
Me gustaria
Si fuera posible
If it were possible
I would have to
I have decided
He decidido
He pensado
I have thought
He dicho
I have said
He/she/it has
Ha …. gerund
He apoyado
I have supported
He ayudado
I have helped
He acabado
I have finished
He concluido
I have concluded
It resulted in
Ha resultado en
However/ furthermore/ also
Sin embargo / Además / También
Although/ then/ as well as
Aunque / Luego / O sea que
It made me feel
Me hizo sentir
It made me
Me hizo
To believe
to do
not even
ni siquiera
A pesar de que
even if
aun cuando
on one hand… on the other hand
Por un lado. Por otro lado
es importante que
its important that
Its necessary that
Es necesario que
Ayudemos a la gente
we help other people
hagamos todo posible
we do everything possible
pensemos del future
we think about the future
We respect others
respetemos a las otras
We dont waste time
No Malagastamos tiempo
we stay calm
Mantengamos la calma
It will make me
me hará