Wrist & Hand - Muscle Tests Flashcards
Flexor digitorum superficialis Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Wrist Neutral/Slight Extension. PIP joint flexed
Primary Contact - Palmar surface of middle phalanx
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - MCP
Pressure - Towards extension
“Stop me from straightening your finger”
Flexor digitorum profundus Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Wrist in slight extension. Flexion of the DIP joint
Primary Contact - Distal Phalanx
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Proximal and middle phalanges
Pressure - towards extension
Extensor digitorum Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Extension of MCP joints. IP joints relaxed
Primary Contact - Against dorsal surface of proximal phalanx
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Wrist
Pressure - Towards flexion
Palmaris Longus
Primary Contact?
Patient Position - Sitting. Supination. Wrist and hand flexed and cupped
Primary Contact - Bilateral. Thenar and Hypothenar eminences
Pressure - Towards neutral. Trying to flatten the hand
Flexor pollicus longus Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Flexion of IP joint of thumb
Primary Contact - Distal phalanx
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Distal forearm
Pressure - Towards extension
“Stop me from trying to straighten your thumb”
Extensor pollicus longus Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Extension of IP joint of thumb
Primary Contact - Against dorsal side of distal phalanx
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Distal forearm
Pressure - Towards flexion
Abductor pollicus longus Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Thumb in abduction. Forearm semi supinated
Primary Contact - Distal phalanx
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Bottom of hand
Pressure - Towards ADduction
Adductor pollicus Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Thumb in adduction towards palm. Forearm supinated.
Primary Contact - Two fingers between palm and thumb
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Hold hand
Pressure - Towards ABduction
Opponens pollicus Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting
Primary Contact -
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser -
Pressure -
Opponens digiti minimi Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting
Primary Contact -
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser -
Pressure -
Abductor digiti minimi Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. 5th digit abducted.
Primary Contact - Distal/middle phalanx of 5th digit
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Radial side of the hand
Pressure - Towards ADduction/midline
Flexor digiti minimi Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. 5th MCP flexed, IP extended
Primary Contact - Distal/middle phalanx of 5th digit
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Dorsal surface of hand
Pressure - Towards flexion
“Resist my pressure. Stop me from straightening your pinky”
Lumbricales Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. MCP flexed. IPs extended.
Primary Contact - Bilateral. Proximal Phalanx palmar side. Middle Phalanx dorsal side.
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser -
Pressure - MCP towards extension. IP towards flexion
Palmar interossei Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Fingers ADducted. Forearm supinated.
Primary Contact - Midline of tested fingers.
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Against the adjacent finger
Pressure - Towards abduction
“Stop me from pulling your fingers apart”
Dorsal interossei Patient Position? Primary Contact? Secondary Contact/Stabiliser? Pressure?
Patient Position - Sitting. Fingers ABducted. Forearm pronated.
Primary Contact - Lateral side of fingers being tested
Secondary Contact/Stabiliser - Adjacent finger
Pressure - Towards adduction
“Stop me from pushing your fingers together”