Wrist and hand Flashcards
What type of joint is the wrist joint?
the Radoiocarpal joint is a synovial joint
The articular disc can be found
between the ulna and the wrist joint
What muscles are in the superficial layer of the anterior forearm?
Palmaris longus
Pronator teres
What muscle is in the middle layer of the anterior forearm?
What muscles are in the deep layer of the anterior forearm?
Flexor pollicus longus
Pronator quadratus
What muscle adducts the wrist?
What muscle abducts the wrist?
What does the median nerve supply in the anterior arm?
All muscles apart from FCU and the medial half of FDP
What muscles are in the superficial layer of the posterior forearm?
Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor digiti minimi
What muscles are in the deep layer of the posterior forearm?
Supinator Abductor pollicus longus Extensor pollicus brevis Extensor pollicus longus Extensor indicis
Which intrinsic muscles are not supplied by the ulnar nerve?
Thenar muscles
Lumbricals 1&2
What are the thenar muscles?
Flexor pollicus brevis
Opponens pollicus
Abductor pollicus brevis
Where do the lumbricals originate from? What do they do
The tendons of FDP
Flex the MCPJ whilst extending the IPJ
What are they hypothenar muscles?
Opponens digit minimi
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
What muscle in the thenar region is innervated by the ulnar nerve?
Adductor pollicis
What do the dorsal interossei do? How many are there?
What runs through the carpal tunnel?
Median nerve
Flexor pollicus longus
What is Guyon’s canal?
Where the ulnar nerve (and artery) run through before splitting into sensory and motor components
what gives the main branch of the superior palmar arch?
the ulnar artery
what gives the main branch of the deep palmar arch?
the radial artery
What UL nerve lesion is obvious when the patient is asked to make a fist?
median nerve lesion
Which vein is found on the lateral side of the wrist?
Klumple’s palsy will cause paralysis to
the majority of the intrinsic muscles of the hand
decreased active and passive movement in the shoulder points to a
joint problem
decreased active movement only points to a
muscle problem
The painful stage of frozen shoulder tends to last
2-9 months