Wrist and Hand Flashcards
The Wrist and Hand
- The wrist and hand are vulnerable to injury because it is the move active and detailed parts of the upper extremity
- There can be large functional difficulties because of their role in ADL’s and they do not respond well to trauma
- There are 28 bones with numerous articulations and 19 intrinsic and 20 extrinsic musacles of the wrist and hand which provide a wide variability of movement
- The joints of the forearm, wrist and hand do not act in isolation but as functional groups
Anatomy of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
- The distal radioulnar joint is a uniaxial, pivot joint that has 1° of freedom
- The radius moves over the ulna, but the ulna is not stationary. The radius moves back and laterally during pronation and forward and medially during supination in relation to the ulna
- Resting position: 10° of supination
- Closed packed position: 5° of supination
- Capsular pattern: Full range of motion, pain at extremes of rotation
Anatomy of the Radiocarpal Joint (wrist)
- The radiocarpal joint is a biaxial, ellipsoid joint
- The radius articulates with the scaphoid and lunate. The distal radius is not straight but is angled towards the ulna (15°-20°)
- The lunate and triquetrum also articulate with the triangular cartilaginous disc (triangular cartilaginous complex-TFCC) which sits between the ulna and the lunate and triquetrum
- The TFCC is made up of the ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral ligament, the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon and its sheath, the ulnar capsule, the anterior and posterior radioulnar ligaments, the ulnomeniscal homolog (an organ corresponding to another organ) and the triangular fibrocartilaginous disc
- The TFCC helps to stabilize the distal radioulnar joint and adds stability to the ulnocarpal articulations
- The TFCC is tight on pronation and prevents posterior displacement of the ulna while the posterior part is tight on supination and prevents anterior displacement of the ulna
- Forced ulnar deviation increases the load on the TFCC
- With the triangular disc in place and a neutral ulna, the radius bears 60% of the load and the ulna through the triangular disc bears 40%
- If the disc is removed, the radius transmits 95% of the axial load and the ulna transmits 5%
- The triangular cartilaginous disc acts as a cushion for the wrist joint and as a major stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint
- The most common mechanism of injury to the TFCC is forced extension and pronation
- The distal end of the radius is concave and the proximal row of carpals in convex but the curvatures are not equal
- The joint has 2° of freedom
- The stability of the carpals is primarily maintained by a complex configuration of ligaments and bones
- The ligaments stabilizing the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum are the most important
- The radioscapholunate ligament, the scapholunate and the lunotriquetral ligaments are the most important intrinsic ligaments and are the ligaments most commonly disrupted
- They are most likely to be injured with a pronated fall on an outstretched hand injury
- Resting position: Neutral with slight ulnar deviation
- Closed packed position: Extension with radial deviation
- Capsular pattern: Flexion and extension equally limited
Anatomy of the Intercarpal Joints
- The intercarpal joints include the joints between the individual bones of the proximal row of carpal bones and the joints between the individual bones of the distal row of carpal bones
- They are bound together by small intercarpal ligaments (dorsal, palmar and interosseous) which allow only a slight amount of gliding movement between the bones
- Resting position;
Neutral or slight flexion with ulnar deviation - Closed packed position:
Extension with ulnar deviation - Capsular pattern: Flexion and extension equally limited
Anatomy of the Midcarpal Joints
- The midcarpal joints form a compound articulation between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones with the exception of the pisiform bone
- On the medial side, the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum articulate with the capitate and hamate, forming a compound sellar joint
- On the lateral side, the scaphoid articulates with the trapezoid and trapezium, forming another sellar joint
- The articulations are bound together by dorsal and palmar ligaments, however there are no interosseous ligaments between the proximal and distal rows of bones
- The distal row of carpals (hamate, capitate, trapezoid and trapezium) are bound together by strong interosseous ligaments that limit motion between them and the metacarpals
- Resting position: Neutral or slight flexion with ulnar deviation
- Closed packed position: Extension with ulnar deviation
- Capsular pattern: Flexion and extension equally limited
Proximal Transverse Arch
The proximal transverse arch that forms the carpal tunnel is formed by the distal row of carpal bones
The capitate bone acts as a central keystone structure
Anatomy of the Carpometacarpal Joint
- At the thumb, the carpometacarpal joint is a sellar joint with 3° of freedom, whereas the 2nd-5th carpometacarpal joints are plane joints
- The bones of these joints are held together by dorsal and palmar ligaments
- The thumb articulation has a strong lateral ligament extending from the lateral side of the trapezium to the radial side of the base of the first metacarpal and the medial four articulations have an interosseous ligament similar to that found in the carpal articulation
- Resting position:
+ Thumb: midway between abduction and adduction and midway between flexion and extension
+ Fingers: midway between flexion and extension
- Closed packed position:
+ Thumb: full opposition
+ Fingers: full flexion
- Capsular pattern:
+Thumb: abduction, extension
+ Fingers: equal limitation in all directions
Anatomy of the Intermetacarpal Joints
The intermetacarpal joints have only a small amount of gliding movement between them and do not include the thumb articulation
They are bound together by palmar, dorsal and interosseous ligaments
Anatomy of the Metacarpophalangeal Joints
- Condyloid joints
- The collateral ligaments of these joints are tight on flexion and relaxed on extension
- The articulations are also bound by palmar ligaments and deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
- The dorsal extensor hood reinforces the dorsal aspect of the metacarpophalangeal joints while volar and palmar plates reinforce the palmar aspect
- The dorsal or extensor hood reinforces the dorsal aspect of the metacarpophalangeal joints while volar or palmar plates reinforce the palmar aspect
- The flexor tendons and finger annular pulleys are key anatomical structures for the grasping function of the hand
- The pulleys orient the force of the flexor tendons and covert linear translation into rotation at the interphalangeal joints and prevent bowstringing
- Each joint has 2 ° of freedom while the first MCP joint has 3° of freedom, thus facilitating the movement of the CMC joint of the thumb
- The distal transverse arch passes through the MCP joints and has greater mobility than the proximal transverse arch, allowing the hand to form or fit around different objects
- The 2nd and 3rd MCP joints form the stable portion of the arch while the 4th and 5th MCP joints form the mobile portion
- The longitudinal arch follows the more rigid portion of the hand running from the carpals to the CMC joints, providing longitudinal stability to the hand
- The 2nd and 3rd MCP joints are the keystone to both the distal transverse arch and the distal longitudinal arch
- Resting position: Slight flexion
- Closed packed position:
+ Thumb: full opposition
+ Fingers: full flexion
- Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension
Anatomy of the Interphalangeal Joints
- The interphalangeal joints are uniaxial hinge joints with 1° of freedom
- The bones of these joints are bound together by a fibrous capsule and by the palmar and collateral ligaments
- During flexion, there is some rotation in these joints so that the pulp of the fingers face more fully the pulp of the thumb
- Resting position: Slight flexion
- Closed packed position: Full extension
- Capsular pattern: Flexion, extension
Patient History
- Age?
- What is the client’s occupation?
- What was the mechanism of injury?
- A FOOSH may lead to a lunate dislocation, Colles fracture, scaphoid fracture, injury to the TFCC
- Extension may cause dislocation of the fingers
- A rotational force applied to the wrist or near it may lead to a Galeazzi fracture, which is a fracture of the radius and dislocation of the distal end of the ulna
- Racquet sports, golf, baseball and tennis can lead to a fracture of the hook of hamate
- What tasks is the client able or unable to perform?
- For functionally at the wrist, a client should have 40° flexion, 40° extension, 15° radial deviation, 20° ulnar deviation
- When did the injury or onset occur and how long has the client been incapacitated?
- Which hand is the clients dominant hand?
- Has the client injured the forearm, wrist or hand in the past?
- Which part of the forearm, wrist or hand is injured?
+ If the flexor tendons are injured, they respond much more slowly to treatment than do extensor tendons
- Does pain or abnormal sensation predominate?
- Where is it painful?
- The dominant hand tends to be larger than the non dominant hand
- The presence of Heberden or Bouchard nodes should be recorded. Heberden nodes appear on the dorsal surface of the distal IP joints and are associated with OA. Bouchard nodes are on the dorsal surface of the PIP joints and often associated with gastrectasis and OA
- Skin colour changes can give an indication of the state of the vascular system to the hand
+ Hyperemia may be the result of infection
+Dry and shiny skin may indicate systemic disease
- Any ulcerations may indicate neurological or circulatory problems
- Any rotational or angulated deformities of the fingers or wrist may be indicative of previous fracture
- The nails beds are normally parallel to one another. The fingers when extended are slightly rotated towards the thumb to aid pinch
- Ulnar drift may be seen in RA, owing to the shape of the MCP joints and the pull of the long tendons
- Fingernails should be examined
Spoon-shaped nails are often the result of fungal infection, anemia, iron deficiency, long term diabetes, local injury, developmental abnormality, chemical irritants or psoriasis - Clubbed nails may result from hypertrophy of the underlying soft tissue or respiratory or cardiac problems
Ape Hand
Common Hand Deformities
- Wasting of the thenar eminence of the hand
- Occurs as a result of a median nerve palsy and the thumb falls back in line with the fingers as a result of the pull of the extensor muscles
- The client is unable to oppose or flex the thumb
Bishop’s Hand
Common Hand Deformities
Hypothnar Eminence
- Also known as Benediction Hand Deformity or Duchene’s Sign
- Wasting of the hypothenar muscles of the hand, the interossei muscle and the two lumbrical muscles occurs because of the ulnar nerve palsy
- There is hyperextension of the MCP joint and flexion of the IP joints
- If the wrist flexes with MCP extension when the extrinsic extensors contract, it is a positive sign called the Andre-Thomas sign
Boutonniere Deformity
Common Hand Deformities
- Extension of the MCP and DIP joints and flexion of the PIP joint (primary deformity) are seen with this deformity
- The result of a rupture of the central tendinous slip of the extensor hood and is most common after trauma or in RA
Claw Fingers
Common Hand Deformities
- This deformity results from the loss of intrinsic muscle action and the overaction of the extrinsic extensor muscles on the proximal phalanx of the fingers
- The MCP joints are hyperextended and the PIP and DIP joints are flexed
- If intrinsic function is lost, the hand is called an intrinsic minus hand
- Normal cupping of the hand is lost, both longitudinal and transverse arches of the hand disappear and there is intrinsic muscle wasting
- The deformity is most often caused by a combined median and ulnar nerve palsy
Dinner Fork Deformity
Common Hand Deformities
This deformity is seen with a malunion distal tradition fracture (Colles fracture) with the distal radial fragment angulated posteriorly