Wrist and hand Flashcards
Articulations inthe wrist and hand
Radius and ulna
Carpal bones
What does the wrist and hand patterns require
High dexterity
Joints in the wrist
Inferior radioulnar
wrist flexor muscles
Flex dig sup
Flex dig prof
Flex carp uln
Flex carp rad
Palmaris longus
Flexor poll longus
Wrist extension
Ext dig
Ext carp rad long/brev
Ext carp uln
Ext indices
Ext dig mini
Ext poll long/brev
Ulna deviators
Ext carp- uln
Flex carp uln
Radial deviators
Abd poll long
Ext poll long/brev
Ext carp - rad long/brev
Flex carp rad
Flexor carpi radialis
O and I
O - medial condyle of humerus
I - base of second and third metacarpal
Palmaris longus
O and I
O - medial epicondlye of humerus
I - fascai of palm (palmnar apneurosis) of four fingers
Flexor carpi ulnaris
O and I
O - medial epicondyle of humerus; olecranon and posterior surface of ulna
I - pisiform and hamate bone and base of 5th metatacarpal
Flexor digitorum superficialis
origin and insertion
O - medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna; shaft of radius
I- by four tendons into middle phalanges of four fingers
Flexor pollucis longus
O and I
O - anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane
I - distal phalanx of thumb
Flexor digitorum profundus
O and I
O - coronoid process, anteromedial surface of ulna, and interosseous membrane
I - by four tendons into distal phalanges of second to fifth fingers.
Extensor carpi radialis
O and I
O - lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
I - Base of second metacarpal
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
O and I
O - lateral epicondyle of humerus
I - base of thrid metacarpal
Extensor digitorum
O and I
O - lateral epicondyle of humerus
I - by four tendons into extensor expansions and distal phalanges of 2nd to 5 th fingers
Extensor carpi ulnaris
O and I
O - lateral epicondyle of humerus and posterior border of ulna
I - base of fifth metacarpal
Abductor pollucis longus
O and I
O - posterior surface of radius and ulna; interosseous membrane
I - Base of first metacarpal and trapezium
Extensor pollucis brevis and longus
O - dorsal shaft and radius and ulna; interosseous membrane
I- base of proximal (brevis) and distal (longus) phalanx of thumb
Extensor indicis
O - posterior surface of distal ulna; interosseous membrane
I - extensor expansion of index finger; joins tendon of extensor digitorum
Nerves in the wrist
Ulnar nerve
Dorsal digital -
superficial branch of the radial nerve
dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve
Thumb joint - 1st carpometacarpal joint
Articulation between 1st metacarpal and trapezium, both surfaces being reciprocally concavo-convex
Synovial saddle joint
Abduction, adduction, extension, flexion, opposition, reposition
Carapl tunnel
Attahced to scaphoid and trapezium
Pisiform and hook of hamate
Arch is concave on palmar side
Covered by the flexor retinaculum
9 tendons - flex dig prof, sup and flex poll long
Median nerve
normal range
Flexion and extension - 85
Radial dev - 15
Ulna dev - 45
Pronation - 85
Supination - 90
Finger flexors
Superficialis and profundus
Fingers extensors
Extensor digitorum