Wrinkle Flashcards
ACTOR 3: It was a dark and stormy night.
ACTOR 5: In her attic bedroom Margaret Murry, wrapped in an old patchwork quilt, sat at the foot of her bed, wide awake.
MEG: It isn’t just the weather. It’s the weather on top of everything else. My life is falling apart— (A shutter bangs loudly.) —and now the house is going to fall apart too. Which is perfect.
ACTOR 5: As the wind rattled the windows, Meg Murry composed a letter in her head.
CHARLES WALLACE: It’s true. I don’t talk much when other people are around.
ACTOR 5: “And the girl—well… Those children just aren’t normal.”
MOTHER: How could she know about the tesseract?
ACTOR 5: The next day, the skies cleared, but all through school Meg’s mind stormed with questions. Who was Mrs. Whatsit—
MEG: —and why did she come to our house in the middle of the night?
ACTOR 5: What was a tesseract—
~back and forth questions~
MEG: —and what does it have to do with my mother?
ACTOR 5: Meg was so distracted her teacher sent her to the principal’s office, but Principal Jenkins only made things worse. (As Principal:) “Meg, what’s trou bling you? Are you unhappy at home? I know it must be hard to lose your— well, to have your father be gone all this time. But you need to move on now.”
CALVIN: Hold up! Hey! (To MEG:) Do you know what he’s talking about? MEG: Almost never.
~Scene change~
ACTOR 5: At the Murry’s house, Calvin ate five bowls of stew, three helpings of Jello and seven cookies.
MRS. WHO: She’s the youngest, you know, forever wanting attention.
ACTOR 5: Then a little ball of light appeared out of nowhere, and from inside the light came a sharp, strange voice.
(Tesser 1 round 1) — And then the moon went out. — Out like a light. — And the wind stopped — blowing and the leaves stopped
—rustling and the clock stopped
(Tesser 1, round 2) —ticking and the ground —fell away no —ground no —light no
—sound no
(Tesser 1, round 3.1) —night as the —universe cracked open and ~~~ANSWER 1~~~ MEG: What’s happening?! —all alone total —darkness no ~~~ANSWER 2~~~
—Meg fell through the crack
— world all
ALL: nothing
MEG: Charles! Calvin! ACTORS 2, 3, and 5: A—couldn’t move couldn’t B—feel C—nothing to feel nothing to D—feel with MEG: I’ve lost my body! I’m a—
—little drop of nothing in
ALL—an ocean of nothingness.
MEG: Why do they call it the breathing flower?
MRS. WHO: They don’t. I just made that up.
ACTOR 5: When they were on her back, a tremor went through Mrs. Whatsit’s great wings and then she lifted off the ground.
After hilltop star vision:
CALVIN: What just happened?
ACTOR 5: Without a word, Mrs. Whatsit beckoned them onto her back, raised her wings, and lifted away from the mountainside. She flew them down, down, down, in silence. When they finally got back to the field…
—Alone all alone in the
—night empty
—heart empty
—blacker darkness
—needles burning
—ice piercing
—dark crushing
~~~ 1 ~~~
MEG: I can’t do this! It’s killing me!!
—and then
~Preparing to enter Camazotz suburb~
MEG: Just a sec.
(She goes to CHARLES WALLACE. She puts her hands on his shoulders, then hugs him. Then she pulls CALVIN into a three-way hug. CHARLES WALLACE pulls away but MEG continues to hug CALVIN.)
MEG: Okay. Let’s go.
ACTOR 5: It didn’t take them long to reach the houses at the bottom of the hill, and the closer they got, the more Calvin and Meg began to understand what Charles Wallace had been talking about.
MEG: And look, they’re bouncing in exactly the same rhythm, up, down, up, down, like a machine.
ACTOR 5: Then all the doors of all the houses opened and out came women, like a row of paper dolls. They stood on their porches and clapped three times. The children all stopped their activities immediately, turned and walked into the houses, and the doors closed quietly behind them.
~Upon releasing father~
MEG: Daddy!
FATHER: Oh my lord! Meg!
MEG: (Throwing herself into his arms:) I can’t believe we found you!
FATHER: What are you doing here? Where’s your mother?
MEG: She isn’t here.
FATHER: You mean you’re alone?
MEG: No, Charles Wallace is here too, but IT has taken control of him, Daddy, and it’s all my fault.
FATHER: What are you talking about, Meg? Where is he? (Seeing CALVIN.) That can’t be Charles.
CALVIN: I’m really glad to meet you, sir. Meg has told me all about— CHARLES WALLACE: Hiya, Pop.
FATHER: Charles? Charles Wallace, is that you?
CHARLES WALLACE: Stop that. We don’t like it.
FATHER: Charles Wallace, do you remember me? I know you were very young when I left but—