Wright Text Flashcards
Academic Language proficiency
Refers to the level of language proficiency students need to successfully comprehend and perform grade-level academic tasks. The level of proficiency needed varies widely depending on the language demands and nature of the tasks.
Refers to modifications in the testing environment or testing procedures, or modifications to the test instrument itself, that are intended to make up for the student’s lack of proficiency in the language of the test.
Additive Bilingualism
A situation in which a second language is eventually added to a student’s native language without replacing it.
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
The amount of progress a school or school district must make each year towards reaching target objectives under the federal NCLB act of 2001.
Affective filter
Refers to affective factors, such as fear, anxiety, that can block comprehensible input and thus prevent second language acquisition. Lowering the affective filter allows learners to receive more comprehensible input and thus enables them to acquire more of the second language.
Analytic Scoring
A form of assessment that focuses on several aspects of a student’s performance, normally guided by a rubric that includes separate analytic scales.
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)
Targets set by each state, as required by the federal NCLB act of 2001, that indicate the percentage of students at each grade level expected to pass each state test. The AMAOs increase toward the goal of 100% of students passing each test by 2014.
The process of collecting and analyzing a wide variety of data from students that provides evidence of their learning and growth over an extended period.
In testing, refers to the unfair advantages or disadvantages that may be given to certain students that can impact their performance.
Bilingual Education Act or Title VII
Added in 1968 as Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Before NCLB, it provided federal support for bilingual and other programs for ELL students and their families on a competitive grant basis.
Bilingual Immersion Programs
For language minority students who are English dominant and native English speakers who desire to become bilingual. 2 years 90%-100% second language, after that 50% both languages.
Words that are similar in two languages because they come from the same root.
Comprehensible Input
Oral or written language that is slightly above an ELL’s current level of proficiency in the second language and thus provides linguistic input that leads to second language acquisition.
Comprehensible Output
Oral or written language produced by an ELL speaker that is comprehensible to the individual or individuals with whom s/he is communicating.
Concepts of Print
Refers to such reading-related issues as understanding the difference between letters/words/spaces, reading left to right, etc.
Concurrent translation
Line by line exact translation into native language, not good because it takes away the need to learn the second language.
Content-based Instruction (CBI)
An approach to second language instruction in which content-area subjects and topics are used as the basis of instruction.
Cooperative learning
A process in which small groups of students collaborate and interact to accomplish a specific task or activity.
Developmental bilingual education (DBE)
A form of bilingual education for ELL students, who initially receive about 90% of content-area instruction in their L1, and 10% through sheltered instruction.
Dual Language Programs
A variety of bilingual program models for ELL and English-proficient students designed to help them become bilingual and biliterate. Also called two way immersion.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The main body of federal education policy and law and source for education funding to state and local educational agencies. Passed in 1965.
Emergent, Early, Early fluency, and fluency levels of literacy development
The stages/levels beginning readers go through during their literacy development
Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 (EEOA)
Federal law: “No state shall deny educational opportunities to an individual on account of his/her race, color, sex, or national origin.” Mandates that educational agencies take appropriate actions to help ELL students overcome language barriers that impede equal participation in school.
Fluent English Proficient (FEP)
The official designation for former ELL students who have attained sufficient English proficiency to meet their state’s criteria for redesignation.
14th Amendment
Ratified in 1868 “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the US; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Several lawsuits regarding ELL education have been argued under this law.
Guided reading
Literacy instruction for small homogenous groups of students are matched to texts at their appropriate instructional level, and the teacher provides support as students attempt to read the texts on their own.
Heritage language programs
For language minority students to develop of maintain their heritage language. I.E. bilingual programs for ELLs, foreign language classes, community-based after school/weekend.
Holistic Scoring
A form of assessment in which a student’s performance is given a single score that represents an overall judgment of the performance as a whole.
Independent reading
Reading students are able to do on their own with little or no support
Independent writing
Writing students are able to do on their own with little or no support.
Interactive writing
Writing instruction for ELL students who are at the beginning stage of writing, in which the teacher and the students compose a short sentence or paragraph. The teacher helps the students construct the sentence or sentences in enlarged text by guiding individual students as they come up to add individual letters or words, and helping them to make relevant sound-symbol correspondences.
Invented spelling, developmental spelling, transitional spelling, or temporary spelling
Temporary stage emergent writers may go through as they rely on their knowledge of sound-symbol correspondences to write words as they sound them out.
Notebooks in which students write regularly to practice and develop their writing skills.
language experience approach
students dictate stories based on their own experiences and teachers transcribe the students’ dictations into texts and then use these texts for reading instruction
language majority students
students who are native speakers of the standard language variety spoken by the dominant group of a given society
language minority students
students who are not native speakers of the dominant language
Lau Remedies
regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights following the U.S. Supreme Court Decision Lau v. Nichols (1974), outlining requirements for school districts and schools to address the needs of ELL students.
the vocabulary of a language
limited English proficient (LEP)
label for students who have not yet attained proficiency in English. Official legal designation in federal and state legislation.