Wright - Acne, Fungal, Viral Infections Flashcards
What are the 4 key factors in acne pathogenesis?
- Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
- Abnormal follicular desquamation: dead skin cell buildup at opening
- Propionibacterium acnes colonization
- Inflammation
What is this?
- Microcomedo:
1. Non-inflammatory comedones: blackhead (open) and whitehead (closed)
2. Inflammatory lesions: papules, pustules, nodules, cysts
How do you assess acne patient?
No consensus, but combine lesion counting with global assessment of severity
What are the topical and systemic acne treatments?
- Topical:
1. OTC: benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid -> for very mild acne (sal acid less effective)
2. Prescription: antimicrobials, retinoids, combos - Systemic:
1. ABs, oral contraceptives, isotretinoin (acutane)
Benzoyl peroxide
- MOA: kills P. acnes
1. Mild comedolytic
2. Mild anti-inflammatory - Limits development of P. acnes AB resistance
- Combine with retinoid to increase efficacy
- No resistance reported
- Generally recognized as safe (GRASE) by FDA: AEs include irritation, bleaching, allergic contact dermatitis (1:500; variety of formulations)
What topical ABs are used to treat acne?
Clindamycin, erythromycin: antibac, anti-inflam
1. AEs: irritation, colitis (colon inflammation) reported with clindamycin (not a high risk) - NOT recommended as monotherapy: slow onset, resistance, and NOT comedolytic
1. Add topical benzoyl peroxide (BP), or use combo product: usually pretty easy to get, and covered by insurance - Really need to target comedone plug above all else
Topical retinoids
- Adapalene, Tretinoin, Tazarotene (pregnancy X)
- MOA: normalize follicular desquamation (comedolytic), anti-inflammatory, and enhance penetration of other compounds
- Indications: FIRST-LINE tx for all types of acne
1. Preferred for maintenance therapy - Side Effects: local irritation
- Can also help with wrinkles
What are the pros and cons of retinoid combo products?
- Some combo products w/AB or BP
- Pros: once a day (compliance)
- Cons: fixed retinoid (low concentration) and $$$$
When are systemic ABs given for acne?
- Mod-severe inflammatory (most not FDA approved for acne -> only Minocycline)
1. On these for several months - MOA: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory -> do NOT have comedolytic effects
- Goal is maintenance w/topical
- Preferred oral ABs (pts >=8): Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline
1. Less commonly Erythromycin/Bactrim
What are the AE’s with the systemic ABs?
- Generally well-tolerated: recommend taking with food (not dairy products bc can affect absorption)
- Severe AEs (uncommon):
1. Tetracycline: GI upset, teeth staining (<8 yr)
2. Doxycycline: photosensitivity, esophagitis (drink water)
3. Minocycline: dyspigmentation, lupus-like rxn, pseudomotor cerebri, SJS, DHS (drug hypersensitivity syndrome)
4. Erythromycin: GI sensitivity
Oral contraceptives for acne
- Females w/mod-severe inflam/mixed acne, esp. if flare with periods
- Anti-androgen effects suppress sebum production
What are the indications for Isotretinoin?
- Used to be called acutane (oral)
- Severe
- Scarring
- Refractory
- Very rarely start w/this -> most severe cases only
What is the MOA of the oral retinoids?
- Target all 4 factors of acne pathogenesis:
1. DEC size/activity of sebaceous glands -> reduces sebum production by >90%
2. Normalize follicular keratinization, preventing new comedones
3. Inhibit P. acnes
4. Anti-inflammatory
What are the common AEs of the oral retinoids? Serious AEs?
- Common: dry lips, skin, and eyes, nosebleeds, mild headaches, muscle aches, backaches
- Serious: TERATOGENIC -> iPledge
1. Depression, suicidal ideation (no causal relationship established)
2. Skeletal changes: more concerning for younger pts (fractures, hyperostosis, epiphyseal closure)
3. IBD: data conflicting (UC > CD)
What is the simple treatment algorithm for acne?
- Mild comedonal: topical retinoid
- Mild inflammatory/mixed: topical retinoid + topical antimicrobial
- Moderate inflammatory/mixed: topical retinoid + topical antimicrobial + oral antimicrobial
- Severe inflammatory:
1. Minimal scarring: topical retinoid + topical antimicrobial + oral antimicrobial
2. Scarring or multiple treatment failures: Isotretinoin
What is this? How would you treat it?
- Mild-mod comedonal acne
- Topical retinoid
What is this? How would you treat it?
- Mild mixed acne
- Topical retinoid + topical AB
What is this? How would you treat it?
- Moderate mixed acne
- Topical retinoid + topical AB + oral AB
What is this? How would you treat it?
- Severe mixed acne
- Minimal scarring: topical retinoid + topical AB + oral AB
- More severe scarring: Isotretinoid (have to come in monthly for 6 to 9 months)
What basic skin care should people with acne do?
- Gentle cleansing 1-2 times a day with mild, fragrance-free cleanser
- Oil-free moisturizer with SPF 30+ bid and prn
- Avoid OTC acne washes and topicals because too irritating/drying
What are some common acne myths? Are they true?
- Acne is NOT caused by poor hygiene or dirt
- Diet controversial:
1. High glycemic index diet may lead to hyperinsulinemia and stimulate androgen synthesis (relationship to METABOLIC SYNDROME; particular subset of acne pts)
2. Milk, particularly teenage boys who drink a lot of milk
What are some important aspects of acne pt education?
- Discourage picking bc can lead to permanent scarring
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
- Explain how to use medicines (pee-sized amount)
- Potential side effects
- Consistent use for 6-8 weeks minimum
When should you refer pts with acne?
- Severe Acne (cysts, nodules, scars)
- No response or poor response to treatment after 12 weeks
- If systemic antibiotics needed >1 year
- Isotretinoin being considered: females will NEED OCP (oral contraceptives)
- Acne associated with a systemic disease
What is rosacea? Causes?
- Relapsing and remitting facial erythema in pts over 30 years old (4 types); usually women with fair skin
- Causes:
1. Inflammation
2. Demodex folliculorum
3. Vascular abnormalities: tend to be prone to flushing
4. Genetics
5. Triggers: sunlight, exercise, hot/cold, stress, foods, alcohol
What are the clinical manifestations of rosacea? Types?
- Redness, flushing, pimples
- Four types:
1. Erythematotelangiectatic
2. Papulopustular
3. Phymatous: permanent swelling in the nose
4. Ocular
What is the tx for rosacea?
- Topical: usually a combo if severe
1. Metronidazole (cream or gel)
2. Azelaic acid
3. Sodium sulfacetamide with sulfur - Systemic: if more moderate to severe disease
1. Oral tetracyclines - Other: IPL (intense pulse light therapy), laser, sx
What is this? Suspected triggers?
- Periorifical dermatitis: women 20-45 yrs and prepubertal children (aka, periorbital dermatitis)
- Suspected triggers:
1. Steroids, topical
2. OCP (oral contraceptives)
3. Menstruation, pregnancy
4. Fluorinated toothpaste
5. Stress
6. Candida, demodex mites
What are the clinical manifestations of periorifical dermatitis?
Rash or “pimples” around mouth
1. Nose, eyes, labia
2. Papules, pustules, vesicles - May be kind of eczematous
- Granulomatous variant: longstanding in youth (top image)
What is the treatment for periorifical dermatitis?
- Discontinue all topical steroids
- Mild: topical antibiotics
- Severe: oral antibiotics
- May need topical non-steroidal anti-inflam (like Tacrolimus)
What causes folliculitis? How do you tell which one it is?
- Very common in hair-bearing areas
- Can usually determine cause via where it is occurring and PMH
Most common causes are bacterial:
1. Staph aureus
2. Streptococcus
3. Pseudomonas - Other Causes:
1. Fungal: pityrosporum orbiculare (yeast, fungus hybrid)
2. Mites: demodex folliculorum
3. Mechanical (i.e., on buttocks)
4. Eosinophilic folliculitis: HIV, transplant pts
What is this? How would you treat it?
- Clinical manifestations of folliculitis -> follicular based papules/pustules on hair-bearing areas
- Caused often based on where it is occurring and past medical history (PMH)
- TREATMENT: AB soaps/washes
1. Topical ABs: ok to use these by themselves in this context
2. Topical antifungals
What is hydradenitis suppurativa?
Apocrine gland bearing areas: axillary, inguinal, inframammary folds
1. Prevalence is 1-4%; mostly WOMEN - Risk factors: obesity, cigarette smoking, and family history
What are the clinical manifestations of hidradenitis suppurativa? Txs?
- Clinical manifestations: recurrent, persistent painful abscesses
1. Sinus tracts: chronic drainage
2. Scars
3. Also get comedones, a key to confirming the dx - Treatment:
1. Mild: topical and/or oral antibiotics
2. Moderate to severe: intra-lesional steroids, TNF-α inhibitors, surgery
What are the HSV types?
- dsDNA
HSV-1: peri-oral, lips, oral cavity
1. Abs in 85% of adults; can get initial outbreak when little, and not recurrences after that - HSV-2: genital -> Abs in 20-25% of adults (can also infect the mouth)
What are the 3 infection states of HSV? What will pt hx look like for each?
Primary: direct contact (vesicles) -> 3-7 days after exposure
1. Pain, burning, tingling, fever, malaise, LAD -
Latent: via sensory nerves to ganglion
1. Tends to be milder -
Recurrent: viral shedding
1. Fever, sun exposure, stress
What are the clinical manifestations of HSV?
- Clusters of monomorphous (all look the same) vesicles with an erythematous base
- “Punched out” erosions and crusted papules
- Usually start out with clear contents that become cloudy over time
What do you see here?
- Clusters of monomorphous (all look the same) vesicles with an erythematous base
- “Punched out” erosions and crusted papules
- Usually start out with clear contents that become cloudy over time
How do you confirm HSV diagnosis?
Tzanck smear: look for multinucleated giant cells
1. Viral culture (48 hrs), PCR (faster, more $), direct fluorescent Ab -> really just depends on the institution - Most of the time this is a clinical diagnosis
- Can look like other conditions in children, however (like atopic dermatitis)
What is this?
- Tzanck smear for HSV: note the multinucleated giant cells
What should be in your differential for HSV?
- Impetigo: bacterial infection of skin with strep or staph (top image)
- Aphthous stomatitis (canker sore): tend to be larger and fewer in number (abscesses) -> middle image
- Syphilitic chancre: bottom image
What is the treatment for HSV?
- Mild: topical antiviral -> not as effective as oral
- Moderate to severe: systemic antiviral
- Oral or IV for pts who may be immunosuppressed
What is shingles? What are the triggers?
Reactivation of latent VZV (in dorsal root ganglia; dsDNA)
1. 20-30% lifetime risk (if you had chicken pox as a child) - Incidence/severity INC: after age 60, and in ppl who are immunosuppressed
- Triggers: trauma, stress, fever, radiation, immuno-suppression
What are the clinical manifestations of shingles?
- Prodrome: pain, pruritus, burning
Grouped vesicles over a dermatome: can get some additional lesions outside the dermatome too-
1. Trunk most common - Trigeminal nerve (V1, ophthalmic): 10 to 15%
1. Vesicles at tip/side of nose (Hutchinson’s sign) -> nasociliary branch
1. Eye: blindness -
V2 and/or V3: facial palsy
1. Ear: tinnitus, vertigo, deafness - Rash resolves within 3-5 weeks
Postherpetic neuralgia (esp. common on the face, and in older patients) -> 5-20%
1. Typically over 40 yrs old - Can get permanent scarring
What is this?
- Shingles: VZV
- Patients may think this is a bite at first
How can you confirm a VZV diagnosis?
- Tzanck smear
- Viral culture
- Same as with HSV (which should also be in your differential -> would not be as painful, or along the dermatome)
Treatment and prevention of shingles?
- Oral antiviral w/in 72 hrs and pain med, esp. with facial type
- Vaccine (Zostavax) for people 60 yrs and older
1. Decreases risk of shingles by 51% and neuralgia by 67%
What is molluscum contagiosum?
- Cutaneous infection caused by Pox virus (dsDNA)
- Transmission: skin to skin, autoinoculation, fomites
1. Risk factors: atopic dermatitis, immuno-suppression, bathing/sleeping together
2. Children should not be kept out of school; casual contact should not spread disease -
Resolve spontaneously in months to years, but may leave depressed scar (that improves over time)
1. Discoloration common
What are the clinical manifestations of molluscum contagiosum?
- Small or lg pink to skin-colored 2-10 mm dome-shaped waxy papules
1. +/- central umbilication (can’t rely on this for diagnosis) - May cause “molluscum dermatitis:” pruritis
- Face, upper chest, extremities, other (common in creases: armpits, behind the knees, but really can be anywhere)
- Parents worry about eyelids -> conjunctivitis and keratitis are possible, but not common
What is this?
Molluscum contagiosum
What do you see here?
- Inflamed molluscum
- True infection is rare -> usually signals immune response and imminent resolution
What should be on your differential for molluscum?
- Acne (left): comedones, no umbilication
- Folliculitis (right): papules or pustules, no umbilication
What are the tx options for molluscum?
- Numerous methods, but NO CLEAR EVIDENCE to support any of them
- Active Nonintervention: self-limited
Physical Destruction
1. Curettage: more likely to leave scarring
2. Cryotherapy
3. Cantharidin: liquid that contains a vesicant (causes blister that dries up and falls off) - Local Irritation: topical retinoids, keratolytics
1. Topical: Imiquimod -> very expensive and irritating
2. Systemic: intralesional antigens, cimetidine
What is Cantharidin?
- Chemical vesicant extracted from the blister beetle that is used to treat molluscum and warts
- Research: 90% cleared after avg of 2 applications; side effects -> erythema, blistering, pain
- High rate of parental and physician satisfaction
- Superficial blisters, so NO SCARRING -> some discoloration possible, but it will go away
What are warts? Causes?
- Common viral infection: HPV -> certain types have predilection to infect certain locations
- dsDNA
- >100 types
- Anywhere: hands, feet most common
- Benign, involute -> painful, embarrassing
- Some oncogenic: 16, 18, 31, 33