Wound Care Flashcards
Partial thickness wound caused by the scraping away or rubbing of skin
Arterial ulcer
An open wound on the lower legs and feet caused by poor arterial blood flow
A closed wound caused by a blow to the body
The separation of wound layers
Swelling in tissues caused by an accumulation of fluid
Separation of the wound accompanied by protrusion of abdominal organs
Resistance that skin encounters when it rubs against another surface such as clothing, bedding, or another fold of skin
Conditions where tissue dies and then decays
Tissues may be black and have a foul smell
Collection of blood under the skin
Excessive loss of blood within a short period
Open wound with torn tissue and jagged edges
Purulent drainage
Thick drainage from a wound that is yellow, green, brown may indicate infection
Tearing of skin tissue caused by the skin sticks to a surface
Venous ulcer
Open wounds on the lower legs and feet caused by poor blood return through the veins
Serious drainage
Clear and watery
Sanguineous drainage
Serosanguineous drainage
Thin and watery but blood tinged
Stage 1 ulcer
Red skin not broken down yet
Stage 2 ulcer
Cracks, blisters, and peels, a shallow crater forms
Stage 3 ulcer
Open areas involving underlying tissue
Stage 4 ulcer
Muscle and bone are exposed
Stage X ulcer
Not known what’s underneath necrotic tissue