Worship Flashcards
What book do Anglican’s use?
Book of common prayer
Anglican church service?
- hymns sung along with canticles, stand to sing these
- stand for reading of creed or gospel
- prayer
- don’t believe in transubstantiation - Jesus’ death = single event = not to be repeated
What book do RCC use?
Book of missal
RCC church service?
- book of missal
- transubstantiation
- at each eucharist service, Jesus’ sacrifice truly recreated at altar
Quaker church service?
- lasts an hour
- silence and stillness, reflect and think and listen
- no songs, no set prayers, no readings or talks
- silence = closer to god
- no ministers, anyone can contribute to meeting
- anyone can speak, pray aloud, if someone does = listen in silence
- Bibles available to read from and advice and queries booklet
- ends when they shake hands
Greek Orthodox service?
- Eucharist = Divine Liturgy
- one hour and a half: 2 major sections
- both parts involve procession
- first: LITURGY OF THR WORD hymns, prayers, reading from bible set for day
- second: LITURGY OF FAITHFUL baptised members only, nicene creed said by all, Lord’s prayer, bread and wine
- Father called to turn bread and wine into blood and flesh
- bread given to congregation
- Non-Orthodox invited to eat
Methodist church service?
- publish own hymn book
- Eucharist = service of the table or communion
- open communion = all welcome, Christ’s table
- led by minster
- wine = grape juice because no alcohol abuse
- wafers instead of bread
- communion celebrated once a month
what is a a Sacrament?
a ritual through which the grace of god is received
an outward or visible sign of an inward, spiritual grave given to christians
what are the seven sacraments?
1) Baptism
2) Eucharist (Holy Communion)
3) Confirmation
4) Reconciliation
5) Marriage
6) Holy Order
7) Anointing of the stick
what does baptism symbolise?
a person’s admission into christian church
importance of Eucharist?
- reminds them of sacrifice
- closer to miners of congregation, sense of community
- connection over the centuries with Jesus
- reflecting on faith
importance of baptism?
- opened up to be full member of christian community
- usually need to be baptised to take part in eucharist
- isn’t just symbolic removal of sin, caused real transformation by washing away sin
which denominations don’t practice baptism?
Quakers and Salvation army
can relieve God’s grace inwards, no need for outward ceremony
what sacraments do Protestant churches recognise?
what do they call them?
Call them Sacraments of the Gospel
- Baptism
- Eucharist
only two with direct link to Jesus
what do orthodox churches call them?
what do baptists call them?
Holy Mysteries
concept of prayer
a way in which christians believe they can communicate with God
what are the benefits of set prayers (liturgical prayers)?
- help express thankfulness, and requests to God
- may be hard for some to find words they want to express, set prayers help with this
- more meaning and depth of regularly used
benefits of informal prayers?
- spontaneous = freedom to relate to God in unique and individual way EXTEMPORE PRAYER
- intimate way of engaging in conversation with God
- praying as congregation = unites them = like first group of christians
what is adoration?
- talk of God’s character and adore
- keep own lives in perspective
- recognition of his might and lower and care for each - help them grow in sense of security and safe keeping
what is thanksgiving?
- God had plan for their good even in hard situations
- able to thank God
- grateful christians
- recognise God in all aspects of their loves
thank for recovering from illness, good times with friends and fam
what is confession?
- say anything they’ve done wrong to him, things didn’t do, things could’ve done
- seek his forgiveness
- consider how they need to change so don’t do anymore wrong
- commitments to change having asked for forgiveness = repentance
what is grace?
- thanking before eating
- Jesus gave thanks in account of feeding the 5000
- Paul have thanks before eating bread during sea journey = Acts
- all they received, especially food due to God’s goodness to them
- Methodist church - close service with Grace
- everything from god comes as a result of his grace, not earned by behaviour
what is supplication and intercession?
- supplication = asking for help
- seek God’s help in challenging situations
- pray for God’s will and people’s needs to be met
- NOT a wish lost
- intercession = involve praying on behalf of others, hope that God will help them
what is praying in the spirit?
- inspired prayer lead by God’s HS within believer
- praying in tongues
- private prayer usually
- outward prayer in more charismatic form
- unique language, doesn’t make sense in human language = closer to spirit
what is meditational prayer?
- focuses in silence upon God
- Bible passage to help concentrate
- Jesus spent night alone in prayer, follow example
- contemplation brings them closer to God, stillness hoo to hear him speak
- reveal himself directly
concept of pilgrimage
part of person’s spiritual journey, physical journey that takes a person to a place of religious significance
what is the purpose of a pilgrimage?
- allows believed to step out of daily life, set aside signifiante time devoted to Hod
- spiritually benefit, beings them closer to god, no distractions
- physically challenging, reliance on God increased
- real sense of awe and wonder of fresh revelation of God
why are rites of passage important?
as they are a way of receiving God’s grace, a celebration of a stage in life’s journey
religious and social significant
some are sacraments
what is dedication?
parents in a non-conformist church (Baptist church), may chose to have service for newborn
gives thanks to god for birth of bay
parents and congregation - promise to bring baby up in Christian faith until they choose
prayers said for baby and parents