Worship Flashcards
Describe the Importance of Prayer in Judaism
-Through prayer, Jewish people believe they can communicate with God, forming a bridge between humans and God. Prayers can be said anywhere, individually or collectively.
-It is so important, that a whole area of the Talmud is based on prayer called the Berakhot. Prayers are also found in the siddur. “Prayer is to the soul what food is to the body.”- Rabbi Halevi.
-Prayer is a part of daily life. Observant Jews may pray before performing mitzvot, going to bed and seeing unusual things such as rainbows.
-Some believe it is important to understand the prayer so will recite them in English. Others believe it is important to use Hebrew as it connects Jewish people worldwide and is considered a Holy language.
Describe the Importance of the Amidah in Jewish Worship
-The Amidah is a prayer at the core of every Jewish service and is so important, it is often called ‘The Prayer’.
-Amidah means standing as the prayer is said standing to signify being in God’s presence.
-The prayer is said silently alone as to not be distracted by others and then said aloud by the Rabbi and Cantor.
-At the start, three steps are taken forwards and three steps backwards to symbolise entering God’s kingdom. The same is done at the end to show retreating from God’s presence.
-The prayer is made up of 18 blessings which forms three types of prayer to communicate with God: praise, request and thanksgiving.
Describe the Importance of the Shema in Jewish Worship
-The Shema is said twice a day, in the morning and at night showing its importance.
-It is a reminder of who God is: “The Lord is One.”
-The Shema is one of the first things that Jewish parents teach to their children.
-Before the Shema, another prayer is often said which is focussed on love.
-Jewish people keep the Shema in tefillins and mezuzahs, as commanded in the prayer.
Describe the Importance of the Modeh Ani in Jewish Worship
-The Modeh Ani is a morning prayer. Orthodox Jews will say it upon waking a sign of thanksgiving.
-Jews will say it every day to thank God for the gift of a new day, “I am thankful… for you have mercifully returned my soul within me.”
-The Modeh Ani does not directly use the name of God as Jews believe it is disrespectful to use God’s name before they wash their hands and body.
Describe the Importance of Items Worn for Prayer
-The items that Jewish people wear for prayer serve as aids to remind them of their relationship with God and the importance of prayer. They also help Jews to focus on prayer.
-Jewish people believe they have been commanded to wear these items so by doing so, are fulfilling God’s commands.
-The items worn for prayer date back to Moses so wearing them is a way of honouring traditions and a sign of the covenant.
-By wearing tallit and tefillin, Jews believe they are dressing for what is important- that is the worship of God.
Describe the Importance of the Tallit for Worship in Judaism
-The tallit is a four cornered garment with 613 fringes (tzitzit), which represent the mitzvot.
-By wearing the tallit, Jews are obeying the instruction to do so found in the Book of Numbers.
-“Make fringes on the corners of garments… when you see it you will remember the commandments of God.”
-There are two types of tallit: tallit gadol (large) and tallit katan (small). Tallit gadol is worn during prayer and worship and is often called the prayer shawl.
-Tallit katan is worn all day under everyday clothing, but not next to the skin, as a reminder of God’s laws they need to keep.
Describe the Importance of the Tefillin for Worship in Judaism
-The tefillin are made up of black leather boxes each containing part of the Shema. Tefillin Shel Rosh is bound to the heart and Tefillin Shel Yad is bound to the upper arms.
-As they pray, Jews will place their arm over their chest; facing their heart to show the word of God entering their heart and mind.
-By wearing the tefillin, Jews are obeying the instruction to do so found in the Deuteronomy, “Tie them as symbols to your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” A prayer is said specifically for when the tefillin is in place
-They are also a reminder that the wearer must serve God through developing good thoughts and through acts of compassion.
Describe the Importance of the Kippah for Worship in Judaism
-The kippah is a head covering, the size and design of which will differ between groups.
-It is debated when the kippah should be worn. Some wear it for worship and in the synagogue only whereas some Orthodox Jews will wear it all the time when awake.
-The kippah is seen as a sign of respect to God as the highest part of the head is covered. It is also seen as a sign of Jewish identity.
Describe Jewish Beliefs About Whether Women Should Wear Items for Prayer
-Maimonides said women could wear tzitzit if they wanted but they were not allowed to recite a blessing. The Mishnah also says that women do not need to wear tefillin.
-In the Torah, references to wearing tallit does not say it only applies to males.
-By wearing tallit and tefillin, women are drawing attention to themselves and that goes against Jewish teaching.
-Both men and women are biblically forbidden to wear clothes normally associated with the other gender. For example, men cannot wear skirts. Tefillin and tallit are for men.
-In the Talmud, King Saul’s daughter Mikhal wore tefillin and the sages did not protest.
Describe the Importance of the Bimah in the Synagogue
-The bimah is a raised platform from which the Torah scrolls are read. In an Orthodox synagogue, it is often in the centre, but in a Reform synagogue, it is at the front with the Ark.
-The bimah has a central focus for the reading of the Torah scrolls and the sermons preached. This shows that the Torah should be central to life.
-It is also a reminder of the altar in the Temple.
Describe the Importance of the Aron Hakadesh (Ark) in the Synagogue
-The Ark is the most important place in the synagogue, where the Torah scrolls are kept. The opening of the ark signifies important times e.g. it is open during the ten days of return.
-During different prayers, the doors and curtain of the ark may be opened or closed. When the doors are open, the congregation stands.
-The ark is sometimes raised above steps as a reminder that God is above His people. Jews must ‘go up’ to the Torah as it is higher than humanity.
-The ark faces Jerusalem and is meant to represent the Holy of Holies in the Temple. Sometimes two stone tablets are kept above the ark as a reminder of the link between the ark and the ten commandments.
Describe the Importance of the Prayer Hall in the Synagogue
-The prayer hall has no set shape but is usually rectangular with seating facing the bimah. Women will sit in a separate gallery in Orthodox synagogues.
-The prayer hall is sometimes called ‘little sanctuary’ as it links to the holy place in the Temple.
-The front of the prayer hall is the focus of worship as it is where the ark is kept. This faces towards Jerusalem.
-The prayer hall will not contain any statues or images so that the second commandment does not get broken.
Decoration is restricted to extracts from scripture or patterns and symbols. A copy of the decalogue will be present as a reminder of the covenant with Moses.
Describe the Importance of the Ner Tamid in the Synagogue
-The ner tamid is often called the eternal light and is placed above the ark. It always burns and should never be put out as a reminder of God’s eternity and presence.
-In Exodus, Jewish people were told to “cause a lamp to burn continuously.” The ner tamid is a symbol of the golden menorah which burned constantly in the Temple.
-The ner tamid is also considered to stand for the light of the Torah, which it is placed over.
Describe the Importance of the Torah Scrolls in the Synagogue
-The torah scrolls are made from animal skins and handwritten by a trained scribe. The scroll is attached to two staves known as the tree of life.
-Each scroll is wrapped when not used and decorated with silver. When in use, they are carried to the bimah to be read.
-A portion of the Torah scroll is used in each Shabbat service. To show its importance, it will be raised to show the congregation.
-It is seen as an honour, or mitzvah, to be called up to read from the Torah.
Describe the Role of the Shema and Amidah in the Shabbat Synagogue Service
-During the Shabbat service at the synagogue, Jewish people will say the Shema as it is the most important prayer in Judaism.
-It is said as a prayer yet is more of a statement of belief that there is only one God.
-The Amidah is also said during the service. It is said standing as a sign of respect to God.
-It is recited silently by the congregation then out loud by the cantor. Everyone will end it by saying ‘Amen’.
-These prayers bring the Jewish community together as they are able to take part in communal prayers.