Worldview Flashcards
Worldview definition
An encompassing picture of reality created by members of a society (creation stories, myths)
- Learned, shared, patterned, adaptive (can be modified/reconstructed as humans adapt), symbolic
- Creation stories are different in cultures but they all contain similar elements (ex: the sun)
Metaphor def.
A form of thought and language that asserts a meaningful link between two expressions from different semantic domains.
Metonymy def.
The culturally defined relationship of the parts a semantic domain to the domain as a whole and of the whole to its parts (if someone tells you a joke that is beyond your cultural context, you won’t understand it)
Symbol def.
Something that stands for something else, (Health wheel for the indigenous and lab coat/stethoscope for modern doctors)
- People devise symbols to remind themselves of their significant insights and the connections between those insights
Summarizing Symbols
Represent a whole semantic domain and invite us to consider the various elements within it
Elaborating Symbols
Represent only one element of a domain and invite us to place that element in its wider semantic context.
5 Element Theory
Everything could be classified into groups of 5 based off 5 elements: Wood, Metal, Earth, Fire and Water.
- 3rd Century Chinese Scientific Thought
- Logical, could be used to explain the past and think about the future
5 Metaphors
Technological, Organic, Computer, Key, Societal. (TOCKS)
Key Metaphors
Metaphors that serve as the foundation of a worldview
Societal Metaphor
A world-view metaphor whose model for the world is the social order (changeable)
Organic Metaphor
A worldview metaphor that applies the image of the body to social structures and institutions
Technological Metaphor
A world-view metaphor that employs objects made by human beings as metaphorical predicates (gears, pulleys, human bodies as technology)
Computer Metaphor
A technological metaphor that employs computers as metaphorical predicates (processing units, hardware design - brain).
Worldviews as instruments of power
- Imposition of metaphors
- Control of knowledge resources (& the distribution of it)
- Religion as a tool for social control (in the court of law, swearing on the bible when taking an oath)
- Link between knowledge and power
Church does not = State. Religion is separate from politics