World War I Flashcards
A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country
Alliance System
Triple entente, triple alliance, and the balkans
Triple Entente
France, Great Britain, Russia
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
The Balkans
Bulgaria and Serbia
Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause
Shell Shock
A mental disorder caused by exposure to the distressing experiences of trench warfare
Schlieffen Plan
Germany’s plan to avoid fighting a war on two fronts against France then an attack on Russia (Belgium slowed them down)
German submarines used in World War 1
Policy of supporting neither side in a war
Trench Warfare
A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield.
Fighting from ditches was protected by barbed wire
A situation in which neither side can win a decisive victory
American boat that was sunk in 1915 by the German U-boats; made America consider entering WWI. Forced Germany to undergo Sussex Pledge
Balance of Power
Distribution of military and economic power in which nations of the world have roughly equal power
A policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war
Sussex Pledge
German pledge to warn neutral ships and passenger vessels before attacking
The use of troops or ships to prevent commercial traffic from entering or leaving a city or region
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
Allied Powers
Great Britain, France, Russia
Zimmerman Telegraph
Telegraph that revealed Germany’s attempt to ally with Mexico to draw the U.S. into the War
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
treaty between Russia and Germany that would end Russia’s involvement in WWI in 1917
Western Front
Region of northern France where much fighting took place
Eastern Front
A stretch of battlefield along the German and Russian border
Drafting of civilians to serve in the military
Poison Gas
New and deadly weapon of World War I that caused vomiting, blindness, and suffocation
British invention which smashed through barbed wire, cleared paths through “no man’s land”. Helped end the war
Machine Gun
Invented by Richard Gatling,
a firearm that fires bullets really quickly; dominated the battlefields during WWI
14 Points
Woodrow Wilson’s plan to keep the peace after WWI
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that ended WW I. It blamed Germany for WWI and handed down harsh punishment
The Big Four
United States (Wilson), France (Clemenceau), Britain (Lloyd George), and Italy (Orlando)
War Guilt Clause
Clause in the Treaty of Versailles that blamed Germany for starting World War I
Germany had to pay $33 billion as payment for war damages
Self Determination
Fourteen points would let Eastern Europe choose their own form of government
League of Nations
A group of countries with the goal of settling disputes through negotiation, rather than war
An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a cease fire
November 11, 1918
The day that Germany signed Armistice ending WWI
Woodrow Wilson
President of the United States during WWI. He wanted peace & democracy
Vittorio Orlando
Italian prime minister at Versailles Peace Conference who wanted to punish Germany
Georges Clemenceau
French statesman who wanted to crush Germany and forget about the Fourteen Points
David Lloyd George
British prime minister who wanted to mediate at peace conference between Clemenceau and Wilson
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Austria-Hungarian heir assassinated by a Serbian nationalist; the spark of WWI
No Mans Land
The area between opposing trenches. Most fighting took place in this area
Theatres of War
key geographical areas where major battles take place during wars
Gallipoli Campaign
(1915) Failed attempt by the Allies in World War I to take control of the Dardanelles
Murder of a public figure by surprise attack
Trench Foot
Infection of the foot caused by wet, cold, and unsanitary conditions. (Trenches)
Wilhelm II
Kaiser of Germany during WWI