World War 1 - Treaty of Versailles Flashcards
When was the treaty of Versailles
June 1919
What treaty took place to end World war 1
The Treaty of Versailles
What nations took part at the Treaty of Versailles
America, France, Britain
Who was president of America during the Treaty of Versailles period ?
President Thomas Woodrow Wilson
How many aims did Woodrow Wilson have at the treaty of Versailles ? Give 5
There were 14 points
- No more secret treaties
- Free navigation of sea in peace time and war time
- Removal of economic trade barriers
- Reduction of Armaments for all countries
- German troops to leave Russia
What were the aims of George Clemenceau at the treaty of Versailles? Give 5
- Permanent disarmament and disbandment of Germany’s army, Air Force, and Navy
- A high level of reparations
- The return of Alsace-Lorraine to France
- A significant portion of Germany’s colonies
- The Rhineland area to become independent/ demilitarised
Who was president of France during the Treaty of Versailles period
Premier George Clemenceau
Who were the Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
Name 3 important losses of land
- The Saar was administered by the League of Nations for 15 years
- Alsace Lorraine was returned to France
- The Rhineland became a demilitarised zone
Give 3 military losses for Germany in the treaty of Versailles
- The navy was allowed no more than 6 battleships
- Germany’s army was reduced to 100,000 men
- Germany lost it’s Air Force
What is the name of the clause issued on Germany and what does it state ?
War Guilt Clause 231 stated that Germany had to take full responsibility for starting the war and had to pay reparations for the damage
What were the Financial terms of the treaty of Versailles
- Germany had to pay £6600 million pounds sterling in cash
- Fixed amounts of coal had to go to France from the Saar
- A fixed number of cattle had to go to Belgium
Why was Germany dissatisfied with the peace treaty
- Germany was forced to accept War Guilt Clause 231
- Germany was not invited to the conference to appeal the terms
- Germany’s arm was reduced to 100,000 men which is too small for a country Germany’s size
- They had lost important industrial areas such as The Saar
- They had to pay £6,600 million pounds sterling in cash
Why was David Lloyd George pleased with the treaty
- Germany’s army was reduced so it had no war making potential
- Germany took full responsibility for the war which was known as War Guilt Clause 231
Why was David Lloyd George disappointed with the treaty
Britain was distributed little amount of land. Britain only received Tanganyika even though Britain had sustained great damage to it’s land
Why was Thomas Woodrow Wilson disappointed with the treaty
The reduction of armaments for all countries because Germany had severe reduction and incapability to manufacture weapons leaving the nation with extremely weak defences and vulnerable to attack while France and Britain gained Germany’s weapons
Why was Thomas Woodrow Wilson pleased with the treaty
- Alsace Lorraine was returned to France
- An establishment of a general association of nations was formed ( League of Nations )
- A removal of economic trade barriers for example Poland could use Danzig as a port for external trade
- There were no more secret treaties, for example A union between Germany and Austria was never allowed again
Why was George Clemenceau pleased with the treaty
All his demands were met. Permanent disarmament and disbandment of Germany’s army took place as it was reduced to 100,000 men and 6 battle ships, high level of reparations of £6,600 million pounds sterling in cash, Alsace Lorraine was returned to France, the Rhineland became a demilitarised zone, The Saar was administered by the League of Nations for 15 of which all profits were received by France.
What parts of the treaty of Versailles were fair
- Although the terms were harsh they were not out of the ordinary because in 1871 Germany forced France to accept similar terms after losing Alsace Lorraine.
- In 1918 Germany had made Russia sign the treaty of Brest Litovsk that went far beyond what was asked of Germany in the treaty of Versailles. And Germany was unfair on Russia but expected to be treated fairly
- The terms of the treaty were much milder because France and Britain wanted to break up Germany so that it could never be a military threat again
- Germany’s allies Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire suffered a far worse fate, being completely dismembered
State 3 aspects of the treaty of Versailles that were unfair
- The Germans were given all the fault for starting the war even though it was the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand that triggered the war
- Germany had to face disarmament and disbandment of its military yet all other countries were increasing in military
- Germany were expected to pay reparations of £6,600 million pounds sterling in cash while France takes their main source of income in the Saar
- Germany was not even invited to the peace conference to appeal the decision
Who were the Allies
Britain, France, Italy, America, and Russia
What were the aims of David Lloyd George at the treaty of Versailles ? Give 4
- Britain was as concerned as France that Germany’s war making potential be reduced
- A sizeable amount of Germany’s colonies
- Germany to pay the full cost of the war
- In Britain’s interest to maintain a balance of power in Europe
Who was president of Britain during the Treaty of Versailles period
President David Lloyd George