World War 1: Chapter 11 Flashcards
Readying troop for the war
Schlieffen Plan
A hold of action against Russia combined with a quick drive through Belgium to Paris after France had fallen Germans would defeat Russia.
A situation when neither side of the war gains an advantage
Sussex Pledge
The German government promised that the U-Boats would warn ships before attacking.
When countries are at war
War material supplied by a neutral to a belligerent nation could be saved
Brutal crimes of war against the defenseless civilians
Selective Service Act
This act required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.
A heavy guard of destroyers escorted the merchant to an from the Atlantic in groups
A truce that ended the war
Liberty Bonds
The government raised money by raising taxes and by selling them
Great Migration
The large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of Southern blocks to cities in the North
Day Light Savings Time
A way to take advantage of the longer days of summer. * would give a famer an extra hour of working
A process of repairing, healing, and restoring injured people.
Name and Explain 4 Main Causes Of WW1
- Imperialism: European powers rushed to beat each other to the remaining uncolonized areas
- Militarism: aggressively building a nation’s armed forces in preparations for war.
- Nationalism: The great powers were acting in their own national interest, the longing of an ethnic minority for the independence of then led to violence
Name and Explain 4 Main Causes Of WW1
- Imperialism: European powers rushed to beat each other to the remaining uncolonized areas
- Militarism: aggressively building a nation’s armed forces in preparations for war.
- Nationalism: The great powers were acting in their own national interest, and the longing of an ethnic minority for the independence of then led to violence
- System Of Alliances: A complicated system of alliances developed during the late 1800ś in Europe
The Assassination of Archduke Fernand
On the day of the visit, Gsvrilo Prinlp, a member of a Serbian nationalist group shot a killed the Archduke and his wife. This happened on June 28, 1914, when they visited the capital of Bosnia. Gavrilo believed that Bosnia should be part of its country for ethnic reasons (both) Slavic people and financial reasons.
Who were the Central Powers?
Germany, Austria - Hungary & the Ottoman Empire.
Who were the Allied Powers?
France, Britain, & Russia
What were the new weapons used in WWI?
Tanks, Airplanes, U-Boats, machine guns, & poison gas
What was the Lusitania?
In order to prevent Germany from getting their materials the British blockaded the North Sea and sunk ships without warning. So without warning the Lusitania was shot and sunk killing 1,200. (128 Americans)
The 3 main reasons the U.S. entered the war?
- British propaganda about German atrocities
- Zimmerman Telegram, a note from German to Mexico saying that if Mexico fights with them they will get back their land
- Germany continued submarine warfare violating the Sussex Pledge
Who was Vladimir Lenin?
The Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin over the provisional government they set up a communist state and sought peace with central powers
Who was John Pershing?
General John Pershing led the American Expedition Force
Who was in charge of the Food Administration?
Herbert Hoover
Wilson 14 point speech
President Wilson presented his 14 points program for long-term peace to congress in 1918. 6 provisions:
- No Select Treaties
- Freedom of Seas
- Remove all Economic Barriers & Tariffs
- Reduction of National Arms
- Self Determination
- League of Nations