World Religions Flashcards
movement from one place to another
the belief that there is only one God
the belief in or worship of more than one god
a religious ceremony consisting of a series of actions done in a specific manner and order
a god or goddess in a polytheistic religion
the Creator or Supreme Being in a monotheistic religion
In Judaism, the name of God
In Islam, the name of God
In Judaism, the law of God as given to Moses.
The first 5 books of the Bible
Collection of sacred texts in Christianity. Consists of Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and New Testament (teachings of Jesus and his earliest followers)
Sacred text of Islam. Muslims believe it is the teaching of God as given to Muhammad.
a person who acts as a messenger for God
a savior who many Jews believe has been promised to them by God
means “anointed one”
Christians believe Jesus is the messiah
an account of the life and teachings of Jesus;
four of them are included in the New Testament of the Christian bible
a person who helps spread the religious teachings of another
a simple story that explains a moral or religious lesson
Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead
often seen as the “father” of Judaism
made a covenant or promise with God
led his family from Mesopotamia to a new home in Canaan
led Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt
received 10 commandments from God on Mt. Sinai
King of the Kingdom of Israel
United the 12 tribes of Israel
Established Jerusalem as capital city
Son of David - King of Israel
built temple in Jerusalem
Holy Trinity
Christian belief that there is 1 God expressed in three - Father (God), Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit
Christian belief that God can save people from sin and grant eternal life.
Christians believe that salvation comes through Jesus.
The sacrament, or sacred ritual, that marks a person’s entrance into the Christian community/faith.
Involves water - either sprinkled on the head or the person is immersed in water
Holy Communion
Christian sacrament, or sacred ritual, in which bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Jesus’s last supper with his disciples.
Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus
Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus
Yom Kippur
Most important holiday in Judaism
Jewish people reflect on the past year and instances they have not acted in accordance with God’s laws
Involves a period of fasting that lasts about 25 hours
Jewish holiday remembering the Exodus - Moses leading the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt.
City in modern day Saudi Arabia
Holiest or most important city in Islam
Birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad
At the time of Muhammad’s birth it was an important center of trade.
City in modern day Saudi Arabia
City that welcomed the prophet Muhammad after he left Mecca.
Formerly called Yathrib - was renamed Medina which means “city of the Prophet”
Important event in Islam that took place in 622
Muhammad and his followers leave Mecca where they were unwelcome and find a new home in Yathrib(Medina). Marks the beginning of the first Muslim community and is year 0 on the Muslim calendar.
Founder of Islam. Muslims believe he was a prophet of God.
Muslims believe he received visions from God and then recited them to the people.
Lived from 570-632
One of the 5 Pillars of Islam - Faith
Belief that there is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet.
One of the 5 Pillars of Islam - Prayer
Muslims pray 5 times each day
Always face Mecca when they pray
Call to prayer is given by a muezzin
One of the 5 Pillars of Islam - Almsgiving
Muslims are expected to share their wealth with the poor, sick, and needy.
One of the 5 Pillars of Islam - Fasting
To fast means to go without food or water
Muslims fast during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan
One of the 5 Pillars of Islam - Pilgrimage
All Muslims are expected to make a pilgrimage or journey to Mecca once in their lives.
Sacred text in Hinduism
Provide basis for beliefs and practices in Hinduism
Date back to at least 1500 BCE
Were passed down orally until they were written down around 300 BCE
In Hinduism, universal spirit or world soul
Hindus believe everything is a part of Brahman
All Hindu gods are an expression of Brahman
In Hinduism, dharma is a person’s duty or path in life
A person’s goal in life is to achieve their dharma
the belief in Hinduism that good and evil deeds in this life will determine the nature of your next life
In Hinduism, the soul. Hindus believe the soul is eternal and when a person dies, the soul/atman is reborn in another body.
The ultimate goal is for the soul (atman) to reunite with the universal power (Brahman)
In Hinduism, this is the escape from the cycle of reincarnation.
Moksha means a person’s eternal soul (atman) has united with the universal power (Brahman)