World religions Flashcards
Modern Judaism
- Ethnicity and religion become very important (blood line), no evangelizing, ties to ethnicity.
- Judaism is a religion of Deed not Creed: it’s about what you do (laws and customs) This determines where you fall as a Jew (Orthodox, conservative, reform).
Judaism afterlife
- Orthodox believes there is a heaven (“The place to come”)
- Reformed does not believe in an afterlife
- Conservative may or may not believe in an afterlife.
* If you are born Jewish you are automatically on path to afterlife, as long as you don’t do anything really bad.
Who is God to the jews
- Orthodox: God is transcendent (above the line), he is personal and relates to people.
- Reform: Atheist (no God).
- Conservative: He is a spirit that will help think correctly and live ethically
Jewish practices
Circumcision, bar mitzvah, shiva, Muzzafuzza (reminder)
- 570 A.D: Muhammad was born, 632 A.D Muhammad dies
- He marries a rich widow. He is in high economic status , so he very significant. He then tries to spread islam, but many people get mad at him so he flees to medina. He the builds an army and conquers mecca and it becomes Muslim. It grows rapidly after that.
Cube that houses gods/ idols of all the tribes in the Arabian peninsula.
two main branches of Islam
Sunni (80%) - Goal: convert or die, Next elected: who best follows koran, Civil and religious leaders are fine
Shi’ite - Blood line, Mary church and state, Goal: Islamic state
5 doctrines of Islam
God: God is Allah: no one is like him, no one is equal, saying that someone is equal is a great sin without forgiveness. He is holy, just, and powerful. He is not merciful or loving He is distant and would never become man
-Angels: Angels are very important: Gabriel - Angels - Jinn, Every one has two angels, one to keep track of good and one to keep track of bad
-Prophets: There have been many prophets: Prophets in Israel wrote the Torah and the Psalms. Jesus was a prophet, and his stories developed the gospels.
The ultimate prophet was Muhammad: the final understanding of Allah, he is the greatest prophet. He receives the koran which is the only uncorrupt scripture.
- Revelation: The Gospels and the Torah were given by Allah, but were corrupted by Jews and Christians.
- Judgement: Judgment day, Your book of good, and book of bads are weighed. Good deeds fill the good book.
Islam doctrines
- The creed: There is no God but Allah and Allah is his prophet
- Prayer: pray 5 times a day, Once a week you must go to the mosque and pray with each other.
- Fasting: Ramadan -during daylight no eating, drinking, smoking, sex: reminder to submit to him.
- Almsgiving: giving to the poor and needy, 1/40 of what you have.
- Pilgrimage: All muslims who are able should go to Mecca during hajj. Worship at Kaba. Reminder to submit to Allah.
Hinduism History
-Hinduism is a very old religion and is interwoven with the country of India
-In the 1500s hinduism was polytheistic (many gods) and ritualistic (lots of rituals to appease those gods.
(800-300) Hinduism changed forever, Upanishads (scriptures) - no longer polytheistic. These scriptures speak of Brahman - one deity.
-The priests were wealthy and oppressed the Hindus so they rebel which changes the religion. It becomes much more about internal meditation. (the people took ownership of their faith.
The Hindu God, Formless and impersonal, “it” links everything in the universe together
Because Brahman is so impersonal there is reincarnation so that people on earth can connect with Brahman.
Priest that Show how to do rituals - Vedas (scriptures), Lead the people.
3 big categories of Brahman
Brahma: Creator
Vishnu: Preserver
Siva: destroyer
These sometimes appear as things on earth (avatars) - can be people or animals. (Jesus is an avatar that leads to Brahman).
categories of hinduism
Non-dualist: Only one reality and that s Brahman everything else is and illusion.
Qualified non-dualist: reality is all Brahman
Dualist- Brahman is real and the physical world is real, they are different.