World Religions Flashcards
Expirential Dimension
Encounter with the sacred (visions, revelations) the emotional dimension. Often connected with rites of passage.
Mythical Dimension
Stories that provide answers (Bible, Qur’an), the narrative dimension
Ritual Dimension
What believers “do” in practice of their faith, (Mass, Muslim Daily Prayer) transform ordinary into extraordinary
Doctrinal Dimension
Belief systems, official formal teachings of a faith, give order and focus (Trinity, Five Pillars of Islam)
Ethical Dimension
Belief guide lines (10 Commandments, Buddhist 8-fold path) the “behavior dimension” doctrine influences ethics
Social Dimension
Formal organization, human group of believiers in practice (Islamic Mosque, Coptic Christian Church)
Material Dimension
The physical dimension, ordinary places that manifest the sacred, the “symbols” of a faith (chalice, Jerusalem, etc.)
The Dreaming
The mythic (and ritual) period of the Ancestors where they created various forms of life and geographic formations, organized life into tribes. The spiritual essence of the Ancestors live on in their creation. Participating maintains its order, ritual approach gives access to sacred power at sites.
Supernatural beings who emerged and roamed the Earth during the Dreaming. Creates various life forms, organized the first humans, and created language, social customs, and rules.
Symbol of the relationship of the connection between each Aborigine as a living representation of an Ancestor. Natural entity that has special significance for the religious life of that individual or group.
System of social ordering that dictates that specific objects and activities owing to their sacred nature are set aside for specific people/groups and are strictly forbidden to others
Ritual and social and experiential. Main initiation ritual, men cut arms an let it drip and cake on the initiative. Blood is a connection between Ancestors and living
Artistic medium, incredible longevity. Dust from stone, like pastels. Ritual, a prscribed order of events that convey meaning
Plains tradition, hunters of bison, shared many traditions with other Native cultures. Means ally, friend
Wakan Tanka
Lakotan name for the supreme reality, means most sacred, Great Spirit. Refers to 16 sperate deities, 4x4 (sacred directions)
(Spider) one of the supernatural beings involved in activites such as creation. Was a Lakota trickster figure. Mediator between supernatural and human worlds. Taught people customs
Sweat lodge, a way of purification
Wiwanyak Wachip
Sun dance, celebration of the new year, prepares tribe for annual bison hunt
Vision quest, crying for a vision
Axis Mundi
Middle of everything, center of the universe, cardinal directions are sacred
Lakota Emergence Story
Lakota people emerge from wind cave, the banished spirits Inktomi (trickster spider) and Anoq-Ita (devil faced women) trick some Lakota to emerge early. Creator turns the early emergers into buffalo to to protecrt them. When the rest emerge they are told to follow the buffalo.
Understanding of the universe
Created the universe and the ancient city of Teotihuacan is the origin of the cosmos
Topiltzan Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatl’s earthly devotee ruling as a priest-king. Perfect model for authority
5th sun
What the Aztecs believed the present age to be and would be destroyed as the last sun. Spacial world had four quadrants extending from the center of the universe. Human sacrifice believed to post-pone the end
Aztecs view of human condition
A sort of axis mundi, saw humans to have 2 divine forces connecting the earthly realm to the divine realm.
Similarities between Australian aboriginal, Lakota, and Aztec
Human body is sacred, sacred locations, believing in the center of the universe, emergence stories
Rig Veda
Hinduisms oldest sacred text. Mythical Dimension
The ultimate goal of Hinduism, releasement from the cycle of reincarnation
Doctrinal belief that describes Hindu cosmology “that all is one”
In Hinduism, the one reality that pervades the universe. Makes up everything and is beyond the reach of human perception and thought
Philosphical texts of Hinduism contemplating the reality of the self and its connection to all reality, such as rivers to an ocean or branches to a tree
The eternal self, the small part of Brahman that resides in the individual and is reincarnated in Hinduism
Dharma (Hinduism)
Ethical dimension, standard for determining “rightness” of an action.
The wheel of rebirth of the earthly realm
Hinduism’s most popular sacred texts, teaches of various ways to god. In it Krishna teaches the warrior, reincarnation and duty not connected to a deity nor acts as divine judgement
Ethical dimension, moral law of cause and effect
Jnana Marga
(Hinduism) One of the 3 great paths to moksha, based on human tendency to learn, shortest but steepest. Knowledge over ignorance, nature of reality. Expirential dimension. Awareness of the truth, requires reflection and meditation. Features three schools of philosophy
A philosphical school of Jnana Marga, faithful to the idea of monism
Taught by Vedanta, the world is a cosmic allusion brought by divine creative power.
A philosophical school of Jnana Marga, contrary to the ideas of monism. 2 realities, samsara is when they are mixed
A philosophical school of Jnana Marga, similar to Sankhya. Emphasizes physical and psychological practice in 8 steps
A trance-like state in which consciousness is lost and the mind absorbed into the ultimate reality through the practice of yoga. Final step/goal of yoga.
Karma Marga
Path of works, ethical duty.
Non-violence (abstain from meat also)
Path of, way
Bhakti Marga
Path of devotion. Focuses on emotional attachment, unconditional love of creation moves focuses the mind and senses on Brahman and Atman. Spiritual energy channeled through worship and offerings. Ritual and material dimensions
Puja (pooja)
Hinduism, name for the ritual act of prayer of the gods and goddesses which includes adorning images of the deity with flowers, food, light, and oil.
Darsan (Hinduism)
Seeing and being seen by the gods/goddesses during devotional prayer
Three major gods of Hinduism, Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu
Human form of a god
Human desire of pleasure (balanced by dharma) (Hinduism)
Human desire of material success (Hinduism)
Means enlightened one. Siddhartha Gautama and others who have gained enlightenment
One on his way to becoming a Buddha, but doesn’t obtain Nirvana to guide others. Provides divine assistance and has mythical qualities
Siddhartha Gautama
Founder of Buddhism, sought a way to heal human condition and suffering, had an enlightened answer
4 passing sights
Gautama saw age, disease, death, and a religous ascetic and realized the impurity of the world, but found hope and sought a solution
The Great Going Forth
The event of Gautama rejecting sensual/worldly pleasures for finding a cure. Spiritual triumph over physical pleasure
The Middle Way
Buddhist doctrine believing that ahealthy spritual life requires a healthy physical life. Complete contentment in body, spirit, and mind.
The warrior class. Gautama belonged to this one