World Religion Flashcards
Is hinduism the oldest workd religion
In ranking, out of all the main world religions how popular is Hinduism
3 most popular 750 million followers
When did it start
4000 years ago
What is the ranking of the oldest religions
- Hinduism
- Judaism
3.Buddhism - Christianity
- Islam
- Sikhism
Who were the founders oc the world religions
Buddhism: Siddartha Gutama
Christianity: Jesus
Himduism: unknown
Islam: Mouhhamaed
Judaism: Abraham
Sikhism: Guru Nanak
Who is Brahman
Brahman is hindu’s God. All gods and goddeses are a form of Brahman
What is a main goal of a hindu
To reach spiritual enlightenment
What is Moksha
To become one with Brahman- spiritual enlightenment
What is the name of the hindu temple
Hindus holy book
Which to peolple made judaism
Abraham and Moses
Who is Siddartha Gautama
Rhe founder of Buddhism. The buddha
Siddhartha was born a prince what did an elder say would happen to Siddhartha when he was older
He would be a great keader or king
What does the king do to Sidhartha
He doesnt let him outside the palace to see the suffering of the world
What were the 4 sights siddhartha saw when he was out
He saw and old person, someone who was sick, someone who was dead and a holy man
What did he do after he saw the 4 sights
He left and went to find the truth of life with some other people
Where does he reach enlightenment
Under a Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya
Who was muhammad
The founder of islam
What is a nature miricle
Something that happens to nature e.g calming of the storm
What is a healing miracle
When Jesus heals someone e.g the paralysed man
Before a miracle what did Jesus want to see
An act of faith
What is blastphemy
It is insulting God
Bullet points how did the paralysed man story go
. He was in Capernaum
. A paralysed man approached him and asked if he could heal him
. Jesus agreed and the man was lowered through a ceiling to Jesus
. Jesus said “ My son, your sins are forgiven.”
. The man stood up and was grateful.
What is the sabbath
The holy day of rest form friday night to saturday night
Bullet pionts healing on the sabbath
. The pharisees were angry with Jesus but he talked about a story about king David.
. He then went to the synagogue and healed a paralysed mans hand.
. He had also pucked corn earlier that day
Who was lazurus
Jesus’ friend that died
Bullet points of the healing of Lazurus
. Lazurus was ill and his sisters wanted Jesus to come but he waited
. Lazarus died and Jesus went to him to heal and pray for him
. Jesus said to Lazurus’ sister. “I am rhe russerection and the life. Those who believe in me will live
. He went into the tomb and sqid “Lazurus get up” and he came.
What does Jesus do at Cana
He turns water into wine and it is his first miracle
Wagt are the two miracles at sea
Calming of the storm
Walking on water
What happens in the calming of the storm
They are on a boat.
A storm arises and the boat may sink and they may drown
A disciple wakes Jesus and says do you care if we drown.
Jesus awakes and calms tne storm by saying. “Quiet be still” and the storm stops
Walking on water key points
Jesus goes to papray in the mountains and the disciples go to a boat after a few nights they see a figure on the water.
Its jesus and he is walking on it
Peter doesnt believe and asks if he can walk on it.
Jesus lets him but when he loses faith he begins to drown.
Feeding of the 5000 key points
They have many followers but the have no food
They find a boy with some bread and fish.
Jesus blesses it and there is enough for everyone
They are left with 12 baskets leftovers
What is the message of the Good samaritain
Love thy neighbour as yourself
It teaches us that everyone is your neighbour and if they are in need you must help
The prodical son meaning
To forgive and learn from your mistakes
What happens on the sower parablwe
1.So seeds fell along the grass snd the birds ate it
2.Some seeds fell on rocky ground and sprouted bet soon died out
3.Some fell bu the bushes and weeds and were choked by the plants
4.Some fell in good soil and continued to grow
- Represents people that dont indersyand the message and it gets talen away
- People that listen to the message but dont let it sink in
3.people that hear the messagebut are chocked by things like money
4.represent tje people ghat listened to it and understood.
Mustard seed parable
Mustard seed= catholic church small begginings
Trunk= the chirch spreading
Birds= people who find shelter in the church
The parable of the sheep and gowts
Sheep= righteous people
Goats= unrightoeus people
How does jesus get the donkey to ride into Jerusalem
He tells disciples to go to the nearest town and take the mule there if anyone asks you say the master needs it and you will give it back apstraight away.
What did people do
They waved pslm leaves and praised him
People put their cloaks on the floor for jesus to ride on
After rhe entrance into Jerusalem where did Jesus go
To the temple then back to bethany
What dhould the temple be used for
To pray and speak with god
What was the temple actually being used for
For merchants and they were scamming people
What dis Jesus do
He trashed the temple and let the animals go and destroyed the merchats stools