World Power - USA Flashcards
Using PEE paragraphs, explain in detail what the Exceutive branch of the US government does
Point - One branch of the US government is the Executive branch
Explain - The Executive branch is led by the US President, the president is elected every 4 years, their job is to recommend laws to the USA and be the countries spokesperson
Example - In 2021 US President Joe Biden called for troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan
Using PEE paragraphs, explain in detail what the Legislative branch of the US government does
Point - One branch of the government is Legislative
Explain - The Legislative branches job is to pass laws , and to approve budgets etc it is made up of two houses ; the senate and the house of representatives
Example - For Example , after the 2018 election , the democrats won the majority in the house of representatives , and they are led by Nancy Pelosi
Using PEE paragraphs, explain a way in which US citizens can participate in politics (Voting)
Point - One way in which US citizens can participate in politics is by voting
Explain - US Citizens have the right to vote in many elections , to support representatives who align more with their political beliefs into government
Example - In 2020, US Citizens voted on who they wanted their senator and governor for their state to be , as well as the ability to vote for their President
Using PEE paragraphs, explain a way in which US citizens can participate in politics (Joining Political Party)
Point - One way Americans can participate in politics is by joining a political party
Explain - The two main political parties are Republicans and Democrats , joining a political party allows people to vote for who they want to be the primary candidate for elections
Example - For Example , Democrats are more likely to support more liberal views such as higher taxes and gun control, whereas Republicans are more likely to support more conservative views such as lower taxes and gun ownership
Using PEE paragraphs, explain a way in which US citizens can participate in politics (Joining an interest group)
Point - One way Americans can participate in politics is joining an interest group
Explain - Interest groups are groups of likeminded people who campaign on a certain issue. They do this by having campaigns online and protesting
Example - For Example, a powerful interest group in the USA is the NRA, or National Rifle Association. The NRA campaigns to protect the rights of gun owners
Using PEE paragraphs, explain why certain groups of people might participate in US Politics less than others (Language Barrier)
Point - One reason why many Americans do not participate in politics is due to a language barrier
Explain - For many people , such as Hispanic Americans , they don’t speak english or english is not their first language , as they may have grown up in a Spanish speaking household or have recently immigrated. This makes it harder to participate in politics
Example - For Example , voter registration forms in the USA may be confusing to non english speakers and can be very confusing , making many people lose their ability to vote
Using PEE paragraphs, explain why certain groups of people might participate in US Politics less than others (Lack of Positive Role Models)
Point - One reason why certain groups of people may not participate in politics is due to lack of positive role models
Explain - Groups such as African Americans are traditionally underrepresented in politics and media, even with President Barack Obama being Black. This can lead to many people who are part of ethnic minorities being discouraged from pursuing a job in politics
Example - For Example, although 17% of the American population is Hispanic, only 4 out of the 100 senators are Hispanic Americans
Example -
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail, why some groups of people are more likely to participate in politics than others (Male majority)
Point - One group that is more likely to participate in politics is men
Explain - Men dominate political positions in the USA, with the majority of positions being held by men, this results in men being more confident in politics as a career path. This also creates the idea of US Politics being an ‘Old Boys Club’
Example - For Example, there has not been a Women as president , as well as this , 74% of the senate are male
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail, why some groups of people are more likely to participate in politics than others (People who are educated)
Point - One group that is more likely to participate in US Politics, are people with an Education
Explain - Americans who have a college / university degree are far more likely to vote than those who didn’t graduate high school. This is because they are more likely to understand the voting process and be more politically informed than groups of less educated people
Example - For Example, in 2012 elections , 75% of adults in the US with an advanced degree voted, this is far higher than the national average
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail groups who are underrepresented politically in the US (Women)
Point - One group that is underrepresented in US Politics are women
Explain - The number of politicians at local, federal and state level are generally not representative of the female population of the USA. This is because of reasons such as discrimination and sexism
Example - For Example, despite Hilary Clinton becoming close to being elected president, there has never been a female president in the countries history
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail groups who are underrepresented politically in the US (Hispanic Americans)
Point - One group underrepresented in American politics is Hispanic Americans
Explain - The number of Hispanics in local, state and federal politics is generally not representative of the Hispanic population of the US. This is due to various reasons such as higher poverty rates , discrimination and in many cases a language barrier.
Example - For Example, although 17% of the US population is Hispanic, only 4 out of the 100 senators are Hispanic
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail the economic influence of the US on other countries (Tourists)
Point - One way that the US has an economic influence is because of spending of US tourists
Explain - The US is a very wealthy country , this means it’s citizens are able to travel the world more and this benefits the countries they visit. As so many Americans can trace their lineage back to Scotland or like Scottish sports such as golf, countries like Scotland will do whatever they can to encourage US tourists to visit their country and spend money
Example - For Example, tourists from the USA spend around £500 million each year in Scotland which boosts the economy
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail the economic influence of the US on other countries (Trade)
Point - One way the USA has economic influence is because countries benefit from trade with America
Explain - The wealth of the US and massive population means it’s a very attractive place to sell products to , and so countries such as Scotland rely on the US to buy goods and services from Scotland , this supports jobs and businesses
Example - For Example, over £4.5 billion worth of goods and services are sold to the USA every year from Scottish businesses
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail the military influence of the US on other countries (Military Bases)
Point - One reason why the USA has military influence on other countries is due to the massive amounts of military bases they have around the world
Explain - These bases ensure a rapid response from any perceived threat , for example from Russia.
Example - For example , in 2021 Joe Biden increased the US Military presence in and around Russia , as a response to Russias aggression towards Ukraine
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail the military influence of the US on other countries (Alliances)
Point - Another way the US can have military influence on other countries is by being a part of military alliances
Explain - The USA are a main member of many military alliances such as NATO, providing a lot of finance and military technology for the group. NATO is a group made of America and 30 European countries
Example - For Example, Donald Trump whilst President called for other member countries of NATO to increase their military spending
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail a social issue that exists in the USA (Health Care)
Point - Some people experience issues in the USA due to lack of healthcare
Explain - Health inequality is a big issue in the USA, it exists because healthcare in the USA is managed by private companies. Americans need to pay for their healthcare , this means that poorer Americans lack access to healthcare. As Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely to live in poverty , they in turn are also more likely to experience health problems
Example - For Example, 30 million Americans do not have health care insurance, and around 50% of these Americans are part of ethnic minorities
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail a social issue that exists in the USA (Inequalities in School)
Point - Many Americans experience issues due to inequalities in school
Explain - There are wide inequalities within the public school system. This is because pupils in a school reflect the economic status of those that live in the area. Schools in more affluent areas have resources to motivate the pupils to have better exam results
Example - For Example, because ethnic minority groups tend to live in poorer areas the dropout rates for Black Americans is 9% and for Hispanics is 18%. This is much higher than the 5% dropout rate for White Americans
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail an economic issue that exists in the USA (Unemployment)
Point - An economic issue in the US is that some people suffer from unemployment
Explain - Many Americans are unemployed and the amount of financial support that they receive from the US government is very limited, and they are living in poverty. In particular, Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely to be unemployed than White Americans. This can be a result of Black and Hispanic Americans being less likely to be college educated, due to education inequality.
Example - For Example, in 2017, the unemployment rate for Black Americans was only 8% and for White Americans was only 5%
Using PEE Paragraphs, Explain in detail an economic issue that exists in the USA (Low incomes)
Point - One economic issue in the USA is many families struggle with low income and live in poverty
Explain - Many Americans earn wages that result in them living in poverty, and struggling to pay for essentials. Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely to live in poverty. This can be a result of things such as discrimination and a language barrier
Example - For Example, in 2016 the average wage for Asian Americans were $51,300 much higher than the average income of a Hispanic American, $30,400