World Of 1st century Flashcards
Becoming the people of Israel
- Jews believed that God chose the people and land of Israel.
- covenant in Genesis promised Jews the land of Israel and many descendants.
- Through covenants, unique and divine nature of both the people and land were established.
The kingdom of Israel
Land of Canaan, 12 tribes of Israel were ruled by Judges.
1020-928BCE - David was king and the David of kingship was known as the golden era in Jewish history.
David established Jerusalem as capital and Solomon built the first temple.
586 BCE Jerusalem fell to Babylonians and Temple was destroyed- Jews went into exile.
The Greek empire (333-160 BCE)
During next 400 years- Jews lived peacefully by Persian and Greek rulers
175 BCE Antiochus IV came to power and forced hellenisation on Jews - Torah scrolls burnt, Jews forbidden to keep Sabbath, anyone who disobeyed was killed.
Led to the Maccabean revolt - 167 BCE - Jews succeeded and period of self- rule followed.
How was Palestine governed?
During Roman occupation- Palestine was semi-independent, Romans appointed Jewish leaders and allowed some autonomy.
Country being ruled was quite complex and it varied.
Who were the key people in the life and work of Jesus?
Pompey- appointed Hyracoidea II as High Priest and was seen as leader of Jews.
Herod - Galilee - fled to Rome and governed Judah.
Supreme power in Roman Empire was the emperor.
Galilee at the time of Jesus
- Galilee - under rule of Herod Antipas
- Jews maintained there Jewish way of life.
- Gosels refer to Jesus attending synagogues and keeping pilgrim festivals.
Judea at the time of Jesus
- Judea - governed by Romans through a prefect.
- Prefect lived in Caesara and didn’t interfere with daily Jewish life.
- Towns/ Villages run by elders
- Only prefect could sentence someone to death.
- Originated during time of Hellenisation.
- Aim was to preserve adherence to the Law.
- Dominant in the synagogues.
- Believed that written Law needed to be applied to new situations.
- Believed in afterlife, angels, demons and predestination.
They were influential n religious rather than political affairs.
- Emerged same time as pharisees.
- Wanted to preserve Jewish faith but for them, it meant a faith centred around the temple.
- Only believed in written law and rejected all beliefs about life after death.
- Small but influential group - priests and wealthy families.
- High Priest and many members of Sanhedrin were Sadducees.
- Had more political power than Pharisees.
- Controlled the temple - opposed armed conflict.
- Founder was Judas.
- Beliefs were closely aligned to those of pharisees - strongly believed in Kingship of God - wouldn’t accept earthly rulers.
- More of a political movement.
- Wanted to end Roman rule = offence to God.
- Pious ones
- Important group = about 4000
- lived in communities separated from rest of society.
- Discovered because of Dead sea scrolls at Qumran = Essene community.
- Male community was celibate.
- Community was found by ‘teacher of righteousness’ and called themselves ‘Sons of light’ awaiting a final battle with power of darkness.
- Hoped for a priestly Messiah who would restore purity of the Temple.
- lived in region of Samaria.
- Not accepted as true Jews as they intermarried with Babylonians.
- They didn’t recognise the temple in Jerusalem - had own temple = revealed to Jacob by God.
- Only accepted written Law - Moses was regarded as only prophet.
Pharisees + Sadducee’s united = dislike of Samaritans
The ordinary people
- vast majority = religious life centred on synagogues and temples.
- Law required Jews to be present at the Temple once a year.
What is Hellenism?
Term used to describe the influence of Greek way of life and beliefs on the people in their empire w=or who they interacted with.
Describe the impact of Hellenism on Jewish life and beliefs
- Greek culture spread to all the countries in the empire.
- Some Jews realised if you wanted power = you have to adapt to Greek way of life = Hellenists.