World History Flashcards
What was the first country to industrialize?
Industrial Revolution
The change from making products at home, by hand, to making them in factories, by machines
James Watt
Invented the steam engine that powered factories; let to an increase of demand for coal
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin
Henry Bessemer
Invented a new process for making steel
Edward Jenner
Smallpox vaccine
Louis Pasteur
Discovered bacteria
Marie Curie
Experimented with radioactivity to discover the elements radium and polonium
Population growth
increases standards of living
improved transportation
increased education
Economic system with private ownership of land and business; fueled the industrial revolution
French phrase meaning “leave alone” Theory that the government should leave businesses alone and society would benefit
Adam Smith
Economist who wrote “The Wealth of Nations”
create an ideal society where communities are owned by the people
system where the means of production are publicly owned
common ownership of the mean of production and a planned economy