World English Summary Flashcards
Expeditions to the New World when?
in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
who landed in Newfoundland (1497)
Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot sailing for England)
The Mayflower landed where and when?
at Plymouth Rock in 1620.
with the Mayfair came the:
- Mainly from the east of England: non-rhotic –r
Joachimsthal (Joachim’s valley) was a:
German speaking area in the Czech Republic
what happened in Joachimsthal (Joachim’s valley)?
The mines in this area produced a very high grade of silver. The silver was used to make coins. The coins became known as “Joachimsthaler”, which was shortened to “Thaler” (th = t). The Dutch borrowed the term for a unit of currency and “Dutchisized” it into “dollar”. They brought this name for a unit of currency to New Amsterdam.
American Declaration of Independence year:
why did the american declaration of independence happen?
- They wanted to dissociate themselves from the British in every way, including linguistically.
Benjamin Franklin (printer, publisher, statesman) used the spellings :
honor, theater, and plow.
who - Advocated good articulation of every letter and syllable:?
noah webster
American English, although it has dialects, is considered to be:
more uniform than British English
- The US has a huge land mass but only three main accents:
- Virginia colony 1607 – Southern
- Puritan colonies 1620 - Northern
- Pennsylvania Quakers 1681 (and others) – Midland
- Three circles of global English (based on Kachru):
Inner (L1 speakers where English is a majority language: UK, US, Australia, Canada,…)
- “Norm-producing” models
- Outer (English as L2 in multilingual setting: it is established and has some kind of special status:
India, Singapore, Kenya, Philippines,….)
- “Norm-developing”
- Expanding (English has no special status: China, Russia, Japan,…)
- “Norm-dependent”
A “new” English:
South Asian English (SAE)
South Asian English ranks:
- Ranks third in number of speakers after American and British
Pronunciation of SAE:
- Syllable timed (like French)
- Distinctive /r/