World Cities Case Studies Flashcards
What is an example of a world city?
New York
How is NY a world city?
- Used as HQ for many prominent TNCs
- Major financial decisions
- Technological influence: JFK
What are 3 case studies of urbanisation?
China, Mumbai, New Delhi
What is the urbanisation rate in China?
2.6% increase
Why is urbanisation in China encouraged?
- Modernises/strenghtens the economy
- Tackles poverty
- Reduces gap between West and East
How does urbanisation in China strengthen the economy?
- Reliable factory work with stable income
- Will attract business
How does urbanisation in China tackle poverty?
Higher wages in urban than rural
Why does the government encourage urbanisation in China in regards to West/East imbalances?
- Western regions are backwards
- 400 new cities and 10,000 new towns goal
- Encourage investment in Western side too
What are 3 problems with urbanisation in China?
1) Huge rise in air pollution
2) Loss of working age people in rural areas
3) Two-tiered cities, divide between rich and poor
What problems could Chinese two-tier cities ultimately result in?
Civil unrest, with poorer people rebelling against conditions
What is an example of a Chinese city facing rapid urbanisation?
Why has Shanghai urbanised so rapidly?
- Major 1842 prosperity boost
- Over half the Fortune 500 companies now based in S
What is a second case study of Urbanisation?
Mumbai, India
What is some background information regarding Mumbai’s population?
1) 19th century, became main Indian port of British empire. Britain’s main supplier of cotton
2) Since 1947 Indian independence, country financial centre
Why was Mumbai India’s financial centre?
- Manufacturing industries developed around port area
There was a huge volume of migrants into Mumbai in the 1970s. What did these mean?
- Expansion into new areas
- Planning of urban agglomerations, including Navi-Mumbai
What is the main cause of growth in Mumbai since 1961?
Natural increase
20th century saw large scale immigration to Mumbai. What were some push factors?
Rural inequality
Ineffective government
Lack of infrastructure
Lack of implementation of a rural support system
20th century saw large scale immigration to Mumbai. What were some pull?
49% work in product related industries
What is one issue in Mumbai regarding housing?
Growth of illegal housing - 16 million still live in illegal housing and 1 million are homeless. Mainly set up around the park due to more public service jobs
How is the issue of illegal housing in Mumbai being tackled?
Some housing is being legalised and some is being redeveloped
What is an issue in Mumbai regarding employment?
Growth of informal sector, 80% of population work in this sector e.g. rag picking, 35,000 rag pickers
How is the issue of the growing informal sector being tackled?
Allow the informal jobs and supply housing so they can pay rent, which will fund water supplies and other amenities
What is an issue in Mumbai regarding the environment?
-Huge amount of waste stored in landfill sites
How is the environmental damage being tackled in Mumbai?
- Burning landfill to keep amount down
- Building debris must be crushed and used as aggregate
- GPS trackers fitted to vehicles disposing of biomedical waste to ensure it is done so appropriately
What is an issue in Mumbai regarding public transport?
- Overcrowded public transport and congested roads
- Unsafe PT with 3000 deaths on PT
- Loss of business due to traffic
How is Mumbai’s traffic issue being overcome?
- Plans to build monorail with 4 separate lines. Raised stands so reduces road congestions and powered by electric. 146km of track with 1/4 being underground
What are 3 examples of schemes to regenerate cities/CBDs?
- BIDs
- Urban Regeneration Corporations
- City Challenge Schemes
What are 3 examples of schemes to regenerate the inner city?
- Partnership schemes (English Partnership)
- Property Lead Schemes (UDC)
- Gentrification
What are 3 economic causes of Sheffields urban decline?
1) Meadowhall poached CC visitors
2) Global oil crisis in 1974 which inc manu costs
3) Private firms unwilling to invest in city after bad rep from miners strikes in 84/5
What are 3 pieces of evidence for Sheffields urban decline?
1) Rising unemployment levels, inc of 11.5% in 10 years
2) 1/3rd of Sheffs housing in need of renewal
3) Widespread social deprivation
4) Loss of manufacturing jobs in 1971, reduced to 24% from 50% by 1984
Sheffield UDC: How much commercial space was created?
- 5 million sq feet including Meadowhall
Sheffield UDC: How much investment was attracted?
£680 million
Sheffield UDC; How many new jobs were created?
Sheffield UDC; What was done to the local landscape?
Improved 9 miles of local roads and regenerated the local landscape
Sheffield UDC; What were some unsuccesses of the UDC?
- City airport built but closed due to competition from Robin Hood airport
- Widespread social deprivation continued
- Nothing done for housing, no repairs or developments
What is a case study of counter-urbanisation?
Bastion Hill, Shropshire
What is counter-urbanisation?
The movement of people away from larger urban areas to smaller settlements and rural areas
What is some background information regarding Bayston hill?
- Agricultural village 4.8km south of Shrewsbury
- 20th century, ribbon development along Lyth Hill road was seen, which leads directly onto an A road connecting to Shrewsbury
Why did counter-urbanisation occur in Bayston Hill? 2 reasons
1) Close proximity to S and good commuting links while maintaining classic village feel
2) 1520 house development on estates, mainly 3 bed semis
How did counter-U affect the character of the village?
1) Modern materials that contrast original buildings
2) Now 2 primary schools, a shop parade, library, church
3) Extension of memorial hall where 37% of all activities are held
What new developments have been seen in Bayston hill?
1) 3 Chinese takeaways and chip shops
2) Recreation area for younger generation
3) 4th pub added plus accountancy firm, architects practice, dentists etc