World Bank Flashcards
Organisations in WBG?
WB Headed by?
President. Conventionally American
WB Owned by?
Members - Subscribe basic share capital
Votes of members?
Proportional to share holding.
Weighted voting - meaning contri to WB financial resource
Condition for joining WB?
Have to be member of IMF first
World Bank consist of?
While WBG consist all
World Bank focus?
Developing countries - human development
what is IBRD?
Multilateral body for post war constriction after international ratification of Bretton woods agt
What loans IBRD and IDA offer?
Loans at soft rates + grants to poorest countries
Purpose for which IBRD and IDA give loans
Specific projects with wider policy changes
IBRD focus?
Middle income and credit worthy poor countries
IDA focus?
poorest countries
What is IDA?
Estb 1960 to help poorest in response to 80% poorest countries receiving interest free loans.
Repayment - 25-40 years, 5-10 grace years period
To countries at high risk of debt distress
Funded by - member countries + fund from borrowers repayment, IBRD
Donor meet /3 year.
Eligibility - Relative poverty defined as PCI
What is IFC focus?
Focus pvt sector in developing countries - pvt sector arm of WBG
eco dev by investing in profit commercial project
No uniform rate of interest - negotiated case basis
Source of IFC funds?
Mostly debt obligations - from international financial markets with 7-12 years maturity
India and IFC?
Largest exposure. Areas - nvest in climate for pvt sector
financial inclusion
What is MIGA?
Promote FDI in developing countries
Isnuring investor against non commercial pol risks
India member of MIGA?
It advise govt on investment attraction
Global trade Finance Programme
guarantee to cover payment risk for emerging market banks
India one of founding members
What is ICSID?
Faciliate reconciliation and arbitration of investment disputes
B/w Member countries and indiv investors
India and ICSID?
India not member
India constitution on borrowing
Not allow states directly borrow from WB. SG -> CG -> WB
IMF v/s WB
IMF - single institution. WBG - 5
IMF - intl monetary system. WBG - promote eco dev
IMF - xchg rate and monetary stability. WBG - encourage pvt
IMF - Assist BoP bailout by short term lending. WBG - financial resource, intl bond market
IMF - resource from quota subscription. WBG - insurance and arbitration wings
What is BW 2.0
Originally BW. needed for post war reconstruction.
redefined and refocused
Merit based apt needed
expand IMF role and be lender of last resort
Make SDR more central too Intl monetary system