Worky Words Flashcards
What is
Dysesthesia ?
an unpleasant, abnormal sense of touch, often presents as pain but may also present as an inappropriate, but not discomforting, sensation. Is caused by lesions of the nervous system, peripheral or central, and involving sensations, whether spontaneous or evoked, such as burning, wetness, itching, electric shock, and pins and needles. It can also include sensations in any bodily tissue, most often including the mouth, scalp, skin, or legs.
What is
also known as wry neck, is a dystonic condition defined by an abnormal, asymmetrical head or neck position, which may be due to a variety of causes
What is
is pain when swallowing, which may be felt in the mouth or throat and can occur with or without difficulty swallowing.
What does PVD stand for in relation to ophthalmology?
Posterior Vitreous Detachment
What is
refers to a type ofeye misalignment (strabismus), in which either one or both of the eyes turn outward
What is arthrogryposis ?
the development of multiple joint contractures affecting two or more areas of the body prior to birth. A contracture occurs when a joint becomes permanently fixed in a bent or straightened position, which can impact the function and range of motion of the joint
What is a Lumen?
- The opening of a tubular organ or part.
- The bore of a tube
What are
Anticholinergics / antispasmodics
They prevent impulses from the PNS from reaching smooth muscle and causing contractions, cramps or spasms.
They act on the neurotransmitter actylcholine.
What is
The physical feeling of needing to have a bowel movement, even if you just had one and know your colon is empty.
Paroxysmal is
a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease):
Splanchnic circulation
consists of the blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen, and pancreas.
Acute decompensated heart failure
Collapse of both lungs
What is ?
Less Phlebitic Syndrome
Chronic venous insufficiency is impaired venous return, sometimes causing lower extremity discomfort, edema, and skin changes.
Explain an A1C blood test
Comminuted means
To reduce to minute particles, pulverize.
antenatally means
Before birth
remit means
To lay aside, desist, to let slacken.
What is Pellucid
Admitting the passage of light; transparent or translucent.synonym:clear.
Similar:Transparently clear in style or meaning.”pellucid prose.”