Worksheet 3 Flashcards
What does the VCLT apply to?
Treaties entered into after 1980s
What is done when the vclt is inapplicable?
Turn to customary international law
What are the three fundamental principles of the law of treaties?
- The principle of free consent: state must freely consent to be bound by the treaty
- The principle of good faith: states have to send people with clear intentions to negotiate the treaty
- Pacta sunt servanda
Which two principles go hand in hand?
The principle of good Faith & pacta sunt survanda
What is the statute behind the principle of free consent?
VCLT article 34: a treaty does not create either obligation or rights for a third state without consent
What is the meaning of pacta sunt servanda?
Agreements must be kept
What is the statute behind pacta sunt servanda and the principle of good Faith
Article 26: every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith
What is the definition of the reservations of treaties?
Article 2(1)(d) VCLT defines a reservation as a unilateral statement however phrased or named, made by a state, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty, whereby it purposes to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to that state
What characteristics must a reservation to a multilateral treaty have?
- Must be in writing
- Certain, to the extent possible, the reason why it is being made
- Must be communicated to the other contracting parties and entities who are entitled to become a party to the treaty, so they can, within 12 months, accept the reservation or reject it, by formulating an objection
Can reservations be withdrawn?
Yes but withdrawal must be formulated in writing and communicated to the contracting parties
Article 19 VCLT distinguishes between permissible and non-permissible reservations. What are permissible reservations?
Permissible reservations are those which are expressly permitted by the relevant treaty and which are compatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.
Article 19 VCLT distinguishes between permissible and non-permissible reservations. What are non-permissible reservations?
Non-permissible reservations are reservations prohibited by the relevant treaty as well as treaties which are not included in the list of reservations expressly allowed under the relevant treaty and reservations which are incompatible with the object and purpose of the relevant treaty
How does entry into force work?
The conditions for entry into force are normally specified by the treaty otherwise a treaty is presumed to enter into force as soon as all the negotiating states have expressed their consent to be bound by it
What is the statute behind a depository?
VCLT article 76 (1)
What is a depository?
The custodian of the treaty and performs administrative tasks relating to it